Thursday, January 27, 2011

Wolf at the Full Moon...

I originally wasn't going to post this as it's somethign I'm selling (and I didn't want to use this as a way to pimp my store) but since it's still my art, I wanted to share my latest work that I added to my Etsy shop. I liked doing these ink blot kinda things so much I expanded on the idea. I'm going to try other, non animal ideas later on.

Also, the reason it's a photo of the drawing and not a scan is because the paper is too big to go into my scanner. :(

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Sketchhole...

So, I'm sure nobody is wondering what I've been doing for, like, ever. Mostly failing at getting a job, but I have done something quite interesting!

I'm on Etsy now. That's right! I'm now selling some of my art! It's a big deal for me that I've been building up to since I've been encouraged by friends and family for some time to sell my art, and I finally tossed my hands in the air and said "Why not?" And so I did.

As you can see, I've got three bad pictures of three not-bad (hopefully) sketches up already. Because I chose to draw them on paper larger than my scanner. (whoops)

But don't think this pony has only one trick, oh no, I've barely started. I plan to do more sketches, ranging from not just pets, but to area drawing, landscapes, portraits, and more. I also will be doing up sculptures of varying sizes and motifs. Tell your friends. My Etsy store is the Sketchhole.

Thanks for looking if you did, and if you know anyone who might want a personalised sketch portrait of a beloved family pet, send them thisaway.