Sunday, May 2, 2010

It's actually half a drawing...

You know those really funky ink-blot pictures that the therapists use to see if you so crazy? Yeah I drew HALF of one of those as a tribute to my favourite crazy-off-his-ass spider from Beast Wars, a Transformers cartoon from the mid-nineties, named Tarantulas. Then I flipped it to make the whole image above. It was a real chore trying to actually make it look like one of those, with the ink pooling, smearing and dripping everywhere, but still look like what it was supposed to be. I also drew it free-hand from memory, with no reference photos of Tarantulas, and I was delighted to see that the few details I missed could be chalked up to artistic license. Take THAT overly-critical and judgemental art genre!

This also makes it the first piece of art up here that's got a tangible form. Albeit, only half.

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