Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Aha, yeah, I'll get right on that...

As many of you (well, one of you) guessed, I'm doing something... Power Rangers-y.

SIT BACK down. It's not as stupid as you think. I'm simply incapable of letting go of my obsessions.


Any-hoo, if you read this blog you'd know that I have a problem with finishing shit I start.

But until I actually start something I really like, or get paid for it, this is all just for fun.

That said, I wrote these up literally minutes ago. Four pages of character outlines, technology and mythology outlines with plot exposition sprinkled along. Now really quick, before I start posting these, I just want to say I have ABSOLUTELY no idea what I'm going to do with this. I just, well, nothing was on tonight. I don't know if I want to make this a poorly drawn comic, a complicated and muggy fanfic, or the most interesting roll of toilet paper ever.

So, without further ado, prepare for a REALLY REALLY REALLY long read!



Theodore Lynch Caesar was born into a wealthy family. He inherited the massive defence organization his family built when his parents were betrayed by Yoke, a trusted employee. They died fighting Yoke on Judgement day. On that day he was only eleven, but had been trained since he was five to take over the organization should his parents die and the world was ever in danger. He’s extremely sheltered. Trained by his father to be a master strategist, and trained by his mother to be an expert technician he designed the Morph-R series based off his mother’s initial line of combat morphing devices that were destroyed in the battle on Judgement day. For twenty years after his parents died he prepared himself to take revenge on Yoke who killed his parents and stole the ancient scale the battle was over. When he did go after Yoke with a team of trained infiltration troops from the organization, he attacked Yoke alone, and made a crucial misjudgement caused Yoke to become empowered with the souls of the guilty. When he was about to kill Theo like he did his parents, he instead chose to transform Theo into his new pet as a joke, only for Theo to bite him and escape, and was rescued by his team. Now a small talking dog, he still commands the organization despite his ridiculous appearance. Eventually he created a new set of Morphing devices simply called Morphers, which allowed him to take on a humanoid form to fight the resurrected spirits Yoke unleashes to destroy Theodore. He wears the red ranger uniform in honour of his father who wore the red stripes of the fleet commander. He’s very secluded, spending most of his time alone even more so considering his form. He has very little in-person contact with anyone except his most trusted advisers and assistants. As time goes on he grows used to being a dog, and reveals to the whole organization of his secret. He’ll also go on to use his inconspicuous form for infiltration, secret meetings and observation.


Yoke was born impoverished, and fought hard all his life to become someone great. He never knew his father and his mother gave him up when he was very young, he doesn‘t even know his last name. Growing up he worked many places in the Japanese town he lived in. Living on the streets, his only friend was a French Bulldog named Toko. He saved all his money so he could get an education, and almost through it away when he became entangled with multiple violent gangs. He fell in love with an officer who arrested him and got him to turn his life around, and she, over time, came to love him. Before they were married, however, she was shot and killed in the line of duty. The grief almost drove him mad, but he hung on because he knew his fiancĂ© would be disappointed if he came so far only to lose himself. He left Japan and moved to America to continue his education and become the man he wanted to, which is what his love would’ve wanted. He eventually joined the organization and worked his way up to head of the intelligence and research division. At some point he discovered an ancient scale believed to be used by religious prophets and leaders to judge the souls of all men. It was told to instow clairvoyance and magnificent power to any it “judged” worthy or deserving, and granted access to the deceased. He would often lead excavation teams and undercover operations to try and find it all over the world, hoping to use it to return his beloved. The Caesars became increasingly suspicious of him and attempted to shut down whatever Yoke was up to. They were too late, and Yoke found the scale, but could not get it to work, refusing to believe the legends were false. When the Caesars tried to take it from him, he attacked them and the three fought, with Yoke killing them both. This temporarily through the organization off for years, and has henceforth been known as judgement day. Yoke then took the scale and what members of the former intelligence would follow him and went into hiding, using funds he had accumulated during his tenure to construct his own corporation/covenant dedicated to the scale and the myths behind it. Twenty years after Judgement day, Yoke came close to unlocking the power of the scale through a blood sacrifice, only for Theodore, son of the Caesars and heir to the organization, return to avenge his parents. The two fought, during which Yoke finished the sermon and needed a blood sacrifice. Theodore was uninterested in the scale, and merely wanted revenge, so just as Yoke bent down to deliver the sacrifice, Theodore shot him in the back. Yoke’s blood touched the base plate of the Scale, and he was resurrected and empowered. Doing so, he used his new power to revive the souls of the guilty as his army. During which, instead of killing him, Yoke transformed Theo into a small dog as a new pet to replace the one he had in Japan. Theo, however, not only retained his memories, but his intelligence and bit Yoke on the hand in order to escape. Yoke is self-centered, cunning, and often times flamboyant after becoming empowered. Truly mad, he rarely acts as such, applying logic to situations and using it as a justification for nearly everything he does, though he does do genuinely irrational and evil things. He heartedly believes that he does nothing wrong, and that he deserves everything he wants, though this only becomes more extreme and sociopathic after he unlocks the scale. As time goes on he essentially becomes a megalomaniac, believing that he can judge and decide the fate of anyone.


Morphers are devices created by the Organization to be used by elite commandos known as Rangers. The original Morph-R series was merely a device that activated a retracted exo-suit that had to be worn by the user at the time of activation. Now, they are far more advanced, concealing the suit inside a small three-part storage system worn on the back and wrists. The Morphers, when activated, cover the user in a bodysuit comprised of trillions of micro circuits and nano mechanics so tightly-integrated it resembles more of a bodysuit. The red Morphers and suit were severely altered to accommodate Theodore Caesar’s smaller body. Each suit also has a helmet made of a more rigid composition for protection. Each suit is also colour-coded, but the colours serve no practical purpose aside from identification and decoration. Alterations will be made to the suits to allow them to integrate with the Zeo-interface Operated Robotic Droid Shuttles.

Zeo-interface Operated Robotic Droid Shuttles are the ultimate advancement of modern-day robotics and tactical artificial intelligence. They are essentially giant roving robots outfitted with weapons, tactical protocols and advanced pilot-interface systems that use a Zeo sub-crystal core processor. The physical forms of the robots are based on the skeletal structures and movement patterns of real animals, with decorative and functional design elements that make them look vaguely like mechanized creatures. Originally basic robotic rovers and aerial vehicles, the contact with the Arch sword caused them to be greatly upgraded into semi-sentient half living-being half robots. In this stage they are not only capable of astounding physical feats, but retain all the weaponry of their previous forms and can combine into a titanic humanoid lovingly dubbed the “Megazord” by the original vehicle designer. This form requires all three rangers to pilot it, and is the most powerful technological creation on the planet.


The Scale of Arch Knight is physically, a simple metal and rope scale. However, it’s mystical properties are nearly unfathomable. Believed by many to be the ultimate judger of souls, it is non-sentient and can tap into the domains in which it keeps guilty and innocent souls of the departed. The scale was lost when the Arch Knight, guardian and caretaker of the scale, became unsatisfied with his life and ended it. The scale was, for unknown reasons, unable to judge it’s former caretaker, and afterwards was either stolen or simply forgotten. Centuries later it’s legend was discovered by Yoke, who sought it’s power. It was stolen by him after nearly a decade of searching. The Caesar’s attempted to take it from Yoke after he went behind their backs and wasted their resources to do so. In a fit of rage he attacked the husband and wife, killing them both, leaving Theodore Caesar to inherit the organization. The scale was studied for twenty years before Yoke was finally able to unlock it’s power. However, the scale would not except a master without a blood sacrifice, and when Theodore Caesar shot Yoke causing his blood to touch the scale, Yoke was healed and granted the powers that were once held by the Arch Knight. With his new power Yoke can use the scale to summon the souls of the guilty back to the living plain, taking on freakish mutated forms to serve him.

The Arch Knight was a warrior of myth chosen by the Gods to guard their most valuable treasure, the scale that decided the fates of the dead. It is not known if the Arch Knight was one person or many who bore the title, but according to myth the last knight took his own life after spending eons guarding the Scale. This Arch Knight could not be judged by the scale, which stopped any further souls from being judged. This has left the Knight in a limbo that has tormented him more than eternal solitude ever could. Upon the Scale’s powers being passed on to Yoke, the Knight’s spirit was forced back into the living world, only he cannot be seen or interact with anyone or anything there. He is convinced that this seemingly endless punishment is due to his disgrace at taking his own life, and works to mitigate himself.

The Arch Sword was the weapon of the Arch Knight. Concealed within the main body of the scale, Yoke discovers it and uses it against Theodore in their second encounter. Theo manages to steal it and retreat back to the Organization Headquarters to try and study it. After much research, the Sword begins to radiate and is deemed hazardous. the Sword is being transported to a less vulnerable facility when it is brought into the hanger where the ZORDS’ are kept. It radiates to dangerous levels before it’s waves are focused in the ZORDS vehicles and bestows upon them it’s energy, transforming them into biomechanical behemoths. The sword is later retrieved by the Arch Knight who can interact with it and it alone in his displaced state. It restores him to the living plain, but without the Scale’s power, he rapidly begins to age and succumb to the self-inflicted injuries that killed him in the first placed. Knowing the severity of war against Yoke’s evil, in his dying breathes he passes the sword to Theodore, who uses it to become the Arch Ranger later on.


Brock Clinton is your typical butch ‘Duuuude’ type character. Born middle-class, he was the geeky in high school. Top grades, member of all the clubs, teacher’s pet. However, he was picked on all during high school. When he went off to college, he saw the opportunity to shed his stereotypical nerdiness in favour of that of a stereotypical meathead. While he appeared dumb, he secretly studied and tried hard to keep his grades a secret to keep his “cover” safe and remain popular, which deep down is all he really wants. He has a great intellect hidden behind his physique, but almost never shows it for fear of being labelled a nerd or geek. He majored in law and dreamed of becoming a detective on the police force before he was picked to be a ranger. He has a close relationship with his parents, something Theodore envies, though they do not know about his current employment at the organization. He hasn’t told them what he does, but they trust him enough to not pry. As the blue ranger he is the second-in command during field combat.

Mariah Gray grew up your typical valley girl. She comes from a wealthy Greek home and loved to shop and party and everything your typical high-society girl does. However, her life took a turn when she and a friend were mugged one night. After which she took up self-defence classes, and was pursuing the idea of teaching her own because of how skilled her teachers say she‘s become. She is extremely street-savvy and eloquent. She often feels that she is somehow slightly above everyone else for being born into a higher class, and while she tries to be humble and modest, often comes off as condescending. She’s estranged from her parents, moving out of her own accord at the age of seventeen and has very little contact with her other family members. Theodore and her often don’t get along because of this. He thinks everyone should have a strong relationship with their parents, especially since he lost his when he was young, and views her as slightly selfish. Mariah doesn’t see it that way, being deeply regretful of the relationship she has, but refusing to talk about it or do anything about it. Despite their butting of heads, Theodore feels justified in his decision to have her be the Purple ranger.


Stephanie Ambers is Theodore’s assistant and adviser. She is the one person Theodore would ever trust his life to. A childhood friend, Stephanie witnessed over live feed Theo’s transformation into his lowly form at the hands of Yoke, but she treats him with the exact same respect and admiration she always has. As his advisor and assistant, she has the most contact with Theo post-transformation, even more than the other two rangers. She is also extremely skilled hand-to-hand combatant and quite intelligent. Theo actually offered for her to be the blue ranger, but she declined due to the inherent danger. She does, however, accompany Theodore on non-combat operations such as surveillance and meetings.

Dr. Wayne Sommers is the brilliant mind behind the ZORDS series of vehicles. Born before World War II he’s no stranger to war times. Graduated at the top of his class in engineering, science and theory are also his callings. He’s quite social, and jokingly claims he “doesn’t get visitors often enough,” despite having a staff of at least 10 individuals on hand in his department at any given time. He is as loyal as they come, and has known Theo for years, having being brought onto the organization three years after Theo took over. Even after the ZORDS’ were altered by the Arch Sword, he still found ways to improve upon them, working the biomechanical technology gained from them into almost any forthcoming weapons and equipment. He is looking for some way to reverse the effects of Theo’s transformation without his knowing, believing nothing is unexplained, and everything has a practical explanation and solution.


Hydral was “born of the tears produced from the sorrow of Yoke over his lost beloved.” A manifestation of Yoke’s sadness detected by the Scale, and given physical form to alleviate him of some of his pain to make it easier to bond with it’s new master. Hydral sees the glass completely empty and smashed to pieces. A complete pessimist, he’s chosen to be one of three generals of Yoke’s tormented armies. He has absolutely no joy in anything he does, and on the battlefield shows great sorrow for everything he does, no matter how horrific or trivial. Theodore finds this creepy, Mariah finds in pathetic, Brock simply finds it annoying. His being is a total odds with Pyral, and the two rarely acknowledge that the other even exists.

Pyral was “born of the flames produced from the rage of Yoke’s anger following his beloved’s death.” A complete and total homicidal maniac, Pyral is vicious, and nearly unstoppable do to his unending hate.

Cryal was “born of the chilled wind that flows through the hole from Yoke’s frozen heart.” A manifestation of Yoke’s cold bitterness, Cryal is his most ruthless general. Cunning and deceptive, her physical appearance is reminiscent of Yoke’s departed beloved.

Souls of the guilty are foot soldiers for Yoke. Cursed to un-death, and forced to live a half-life, they are shuffling, moaning beings that exists only in the most basic sense of the word. Incredibly weak, they number in the dozens when used in battle, and hundreds when used as an invasion force.

Souls of the innocent are the spirits of good people who have been pulled from their eternal peace and are used by Yoke as enforcers in battle. They are more powerful, intelligent and faster than guilty souls, who are ravaged by eternal unrest. These souls manifest as bizarre creatures, a visual representation of Yoke’s vile corruption. Depending on the strength of the soul they can be large or small, but despite their purity they are dangerous when under Yoke’s corruption. Their true form is only revealed once the corruption is destroyed, and they can return to peace.

Eyes hurt yet? Haha, bet you wish I wasn't like 90% of these other bloggers and used the white text on black thingy.

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