Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Optimus part Five

Obsidian looked for another target. He spotted a human refuelling station. Perfect. He twitched his arm, his hand retracted, replaced with a multi-barrelled weapon. Glowing blue spikes loaded into each chamber. He fired. The station went up in a magnificent cloud of fire and black smoke. Elsewhere, Strika picked up parked cars like toys, tossing them into buildings. People ran for safety. She felt bump in her leg. A bus had rammed into her. People poured out of it’s doors. She ignored them. The objective wasn’t to cause casualties, just make a lot of noise. She picked up the bus and looked inside. The driver remained, no doubt lingering to see that everyone escaped, he’d inadvertently doomed himself. Strika leaned in.
“Pathetic little thing.” She said, the red glow of her speech synthesizer lit the man’s frightened face. She lifted the bus over her head. She reeled back, then tossed it as hard and as far as she could. She balled her hand into a fist, energy pooled into her palm as she let loose a fiery disk. The blast sliced the bus in half in the air. Just as it did, Strika was knocked to the ground. From behind a building Road Rage leaped into the air, and in one flawless motion, reached inside the bus as it fell, collected the human, and transformed, landing on a rooftop, driver safely inside. Strika’s attacker revealed himself to be Ironhide, who grabbed the titanic Deception by the collar, and tossed her into a power line. Electricity surged through her, leaving her disoriented.

“Take that, cur.” Ironhide said. He stomped his foot into the ground, splitting the asphalt into pieces, he underhand tossed chunks of road at her, knocking her into a line of trees. Road Rage slid down the side of the building, bus driver in hand. She let him go just in time to be struck by a stoplight hurled by Obsidian. The hovering wraith swooped in and grabbed the diminutive Autobot. Ironhide came running, but Obsidian merely turned and threw her into him. However he could not foresee the hook and cable that got lodged in his spinning propeller. Below Optimus held the cable in his hands.

“You’re grounded, Decepticon!” He said with a cocksure grin. However the victory was short-lived, as the cable merely got tangled. Obsidian struggled to remain aloft with only one rotor, and with the line getting increasing wound in the other, he was dragged down, straight into Optimus. The two were sent into a building, the structure collapsing down on them. Road Rage went to help, but the ground exploded beneath her. She was sent flying, skimming across the asphalt and into a parked car. Down the road Strika had recovered and was, in vehicle mode, firing shells down the street. Road Rage side-stepped an artillery blast, running up along a building. Ironhide barrelled down the street next to her in vehicle mode. Strika reversed, crushing cars under her massive tires. Road Rage dived off the building just a shell destroyed it. Strika, too distracted, was vulnerable. Ironhide swerved around cars. As he drove he extended his legs, power-sliding as he transformed, he put all his momentum into one, devastating punch. It collided with the force of an explosion, sending Strika spinning down the street. As she tumbled along, she transformed, grabbing the ground and coming to a stop. She looked up, eyes blazing, and sprinted down the street. Her feet glided over the road, her massive arms tossing aside debris and trashed vehicles. Ironhide stood poised, bracing himself. Closer Strika came. She yelled in rage. Ironhide yelled back. He took off towards her. The two bruisers ran full speed towards one another. The distance between them decreased until they slammed head-on. Smoke, debris and metal went flying. Nearby Obsidian pulled himself out of the rubble. He surveyed the area. No sign of the Autobot. He casually knocked aside bits of rubble, searching for his prey. There was a crash. Optimus burst from the debris, screaming and clawing. He latched onto Obsidian’s back, grabbing him by the neck. Obsidian yelled in pain and spun eccentrically through the air, Optimus flailing about. Optimus pushed off. Obsidian turned as Optimus charged him again. Obsidian fired his weapon, spikes lodged themselves into and pinged off Optimus’ armour. Optimus punched Obsidian with enough force to send the Decepticon hurling through a archway into a park, coming to rest in the shallow end of a small lake. Optimus stood panting, grabbing his sore knuckles. He looked down the street to see Road Rage helping Ironhide out of a crater with Strika lying in the center. He turned his attention back to Obsidian. The Decepticon lay of his back, Optimus loomed over him. Just as Optimus was about to see if he was alive, Obsidian slammed Optimus in the side of the head with a paddleboat. Optimus grabbed his head, screaming in pain. Obsidian pushed off the ground and hovered over the stunned Autobot.

“Don’t think you’ve won.” Obsidian said. “We are many, it has only just begu-” Obsidian was cut off by a rock to the head. Over on the street Ironhide and Road Rage lobbed rocks and pieces of debris at the Decepticon. Obsidian covered his head, braving the onslaught, until a car narrowly missed his face. Satisfied with the beating he’d taken so far, Obsidian wasted no time breaking apart and reforming into a dual-propeller aircraft. He took off, leaving the Autobots shielding their eyes from the dust and grass left in his wake. Ironhide shook his fist at the fleeing enemy, then turned to see Strika had also vacated the area. Optimus walked up to them, rubbing the side of his head.

“The shit I put up with.” He moaned. He surveyed the area. The entire section of the town was in ruin. People screamed for help, sirens blared. Optimus motioned to the trouble, and the Autobots got to work helping. They cleared the roads for emergency vehicles and retrieved trapped and injured people before leaving to avoid the coming news crews. They transformed and rolled for home. Confident they won, the Autobots enjoyed a leisurely drive back to the barn, blissfully unaware they were being watched. From a distance high above. Past the clouds, past the atmosphere, hanging lazily above in the Earth’s gravitational hold, an object watched.

The Autobots arrived back at the barn, greeted by Jetfire sitting in the freshly dug out hole. Optimus transformed.

“Aw, Jetfire…” He said. “What’re you doing in there?” Jetfire leaned back in his ‘”seat” and looked at Optimus.

“What the hell happened to you?” He said, poking Optimus with his cane. Optimus pushed the cane aside exasperatedly. He motioned to Ironhide who transformed and the two began replacing the barn carefully.

“Had a bad day?” Jetfire mused. “I could’ve helped, Y’know. I was quite the devil in my day.”

“Yeah, no.” Optimus said, placing the barn over the hole, Jetfire ducked as it moved over his head. “We’re quite capable, thank you.” Jetfire said nothing. Ironhide, however, looked confused.

“Anybody know where that noise is coming from?” He asked.

“I don’t hear anything.” Jetfire said. “Then again I am deaf in one ear and got grease in the other.” Optimus shushed him and listened. Road Rage heard it, too.

“I know that noise.” Optimus said. Indeed, it sounded hauntingly familiar. Then he realized.

“Everybody down!” He yelled, the Autobots hit the ground, narrowly missing the swoop attack. As they pulled themselves from the dirt they saw their attacker. The Decepticon leader himself.

“Megacon!” Optimus said with disgust.

“Megatron.” He replied, brandishing his weapon.

“Sorry.” Optimus said. Ironhide elbowed him. “I mean, what do you want?” Optimus corrected himself.

“And hello to you, too.” Megatron said. He spotted Road Rage behind the barn, having not noticed her.

“Hello to you, sweetheart.” He said.

“I’m not your sweetheart.” Optimus said. Megatron scowled.

“I wasn’t talking to you.” Megatron growled.

“Ironhide’s not your sweetheart either.” Optimus replied. Megatron didn’t know what to say to that so he shot him. Optimus went flying into the field, landing with a thud.

“Just once I’d like to fall down normal like when I get hit.” Optimus said, spitting grass from his mouth.

“Now then, I’m here for two things,” He said. Megatron swaggered back and forth as he gave his demands.

“First, I want the elderly fellow you have not-quite hidden in that barn.” Megatron pointed to Jetfire who poked his head out of the barn door.

“Second, and most important,” Megatron looked down at the other three. ‘I want you to rollover and die quietly.”

“We don’t do anything quietly!” Road Rage said. She ran towards Megatron, who effortlessly blasted her away. She landed several yards behind Optimus, who was still crouched on the ground.

“Ah, so it’s not just me.” Optimus said. He rolled onto his back and leapt to his feet. Ironhide flanked left and struck. Megatron parried the blow and turned in time to dodge a sneak attack by Road Rage who had flanked right. He rolled her over his back and into Ironhide. Optimus threw his tow hook at Megatron who knocked it aside and grabbed the line, pulling Optimus into a punch. The barn exploded apart and Jetfire pounced Megatron. Megatron grabbed the elderly warrior and slammed him into the ground. Road Rage grabbed Megatron’s back and tried to pull him off. Ironhide tackled his right, and Optimus grabbed his left arm. Megatron slid his arm free and delivered an uppercut to Optimus. Optimus locked his arm again, tighter this time, and the Autobots with Jetfire managed to pin Megatron. Struggling to no end, Megatron was no match for all of them at once. Instead he conceded and let out a distressed call.


An amazing force blew the robot dog pile apart. Shockwave transformed out of his jet mode and engaged hand-to-hand. Optimus was first to recover. Shockwave grabbed Optimus’ arm as he went to punch, pinning it behind the Autobot’s back and kicking him away into Ironhide. Road Rage dived over her comrades into a roll. Shockwave roundhouse-kicked her away, just as Jetfire drew his blade. He sliced furiously at Shockwave, the Decepticon expertly dodging each blow. Shockwave knocked the sword away, spun around to one knee and transformed his arm into a cannon, blowing the old man across the field. Optimus was up already, however, and was able to catch the huge Decepticon, slowly his flight and breaking his fall. Optimus leaped over him and landed on all wheels. He barrelled down the field, across the gravel path and right into Shockwave. Shockwave held him long enough for Megatron to grab Optimus by his smokestacks and piled rived him backwards into the ground, breaking the Autobot apart and back into robot mode. Optimus rolled back and, panting and broken, charged in again. He swung at Shockwave who dodged and knee-kicked the Autobot. Optimus doubled-over giving Megatron opportunity to strike. Optimus reeled from Megatron’s backhand into Shockwave, who grabbed Optimus in a headlock and threw him to the ground. Optimus got back up again and head-butted Megatron. He then tackled Shockwave, striking the one-eyed mech repeatedly. Megatron grabbed Optimus by the head and punched him hard in the gut. Optimus yelped, then grabbed Megatron’s arm and tossed him into Shockwave. Optimus then tackled both of them, kicking, swinging and even biting. Megatron grew exhausted and Shockwave couldn’t register Optimus’ un-predictable attacks. For a moment it seemed like Optimus would win. He had Megatron pinned atop Shockwave.

“You hurt my friends, wrecked my town,” Optimus said, he spat fluids out the side of his mouth. “And you wrecked my barn.”

“The old one did that!” Megatron pointed out.

“Well I didn’t really see so I don’t care.” Optimus pressed his arm into Megatron’s neck.

“Shockwave!” Megatron pleaded. “Do something!”

“Very well.” Shockwave responded. A dull glow and heat emanated from Megatron’s right side. A blast of energy ripped through the right half of his lower torso, blasting apart Optimus’ shoulder. Optimus fell backwards, Megatron rolling aside, clutching his stomach.

“You fool, Shockwave!” Megatron coughed. “What were you thinking?”

“My limbs were pinned in a position I could not free them from to act in anyway that would not cause you harm.” Shockwave said. “I picked the least destructive means of freeing myself and inflicting damage on our oppressor in one act. Every other option resulted in critical damage to you, myself, or opportunity for enemy attack.” Megatron got to his feet. The other Autobots were recovering from their fight, and Optimus still moved. Megatron, embittered, lay his foot on Optimus’ face, preparing a killing strike. He was about to press down when a rock and clump of dirt hit his face. Across the way Ironhide and Road Rage locked hands. He spun her around ten let go, sending her flying at Megatron. Before she hit, however, Shockwave intercepted, putting himself between Megatron and the enemy, Road Rage bouncing off his back without much detriment to Shockwave.

“I suggest in your condition we leave at once.” Shockwave said, and as he finished disappeared in a jet of smoke as he rocketed of. Megatron turned and ran, haphazardly transforming in his damaged state, he barely managed to take off under a second barrage of dirt and stones. Road Rage and Ironhide continued their assault until the Decepticons were well out of view. As soon as they were gone the two quickly rushed to Optimus’ aid. He struggled to sit up. Large pieces of his left shoulder were missing.

“I’m fine.” He said, wincing as he grabbed the wound. “Check on Jetfire.” Road Rage ran to the fallen giant, sliding to the ground to see his face. She groaned as she tried to lift it to see his face. He was unconscious. Ironhide walked Optimus over to them.

“How is he knocked out?” Ironhide asked. “There’s barely a scratch on him.” Road Rage flipped Jetfire over, held her ear up to his chest to listen for his spark beating. Indeed it was. And there was another noise.
“I think…” She said. “I think he’s snoring.” Optimus kicked Jetfire’s leg. He awoke with a start, squirming on the ground before sitting up. He looked around, almost like he was lost.

“Who are you?” He pointed at them, his speech was slurred and his Earthen accent thicker than before. Optimus dropped his head into his palm. Ironhide nervously chuckled. Road Rage cautiously stepped around him and hid behind her comrades.

“I made it!” He shambled to his feet and looked around. “Now I can find…” His demeanour shifted. He held a hand to his head. “No, this isn’t… why would you do that?” He turned and looked at Optimus, who suddenly felt very small as the hulking robot loomed over him with a furious expression. “You can’t leave me out here! When Primal Prime finds out he’ll…!” Jetfire grabbed Optimus by the shoulders. Optimus flinched from his injury. Jetfire stared into his eyes. “No…” His expression turned solemn. “He knew. He sent me. I had to find…” Jetfire pushed Optimus away. “No…” He said. “No, I’ll bury it. You won’t have it. You won’t have me!” Jetfire let him go. He slowly turned and walked to the field where he sat. The Autobots remained stunned.

“Jetfire?” Optimus asked cautiously. But Jetfire didn’t respond, instead he sat there while the sun went down, and he remained all night.

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