Thursday, March 29, 2012

Optimus part Seven

Shockwave watched trees rustle as the driller returned to the mountain. Perched in a nearby hundred-year oak he gripped the trunk beneath the branches and leaves. Entirely motionless he remained perfectly balanced. Even such a large tree would break under his weight were he not careful. But he didn’t need to be. Eons of training as a spy and martial artist on Cybertron meant he could balance on a pin if he had to. Once he saw the plume of smoke that signalled the driller’s return underground. He pushed off the tree, snapping it, and transformed, his thrusters setting it ablaze as he rocked off into the sky. He returned to the mountain’s interior in time to greet Megatron as he exited the vehicle.

“My lord.” Shockwave bowed. Bowing meant nothing to him, but he knew it did to others, especially the egocentric Megatron.

“Tell me you got it,” Megatron said, flexing his shoulder. “The signal thing whatever.”

“The Autobot frequency.” Shockwave corrected. “Strika is decrypting it now. I should be finished in exactly forty-two point eight nine three seconds.” His eye flickered as if to “blink.”

“Excellent,” Megatron tapped his finger tips together. “Most excellent. Now we’ll have all their secrets.”

“If I may,” Shockwave said. “This method of hacking the Autobots files seems outlandishly impractical. Why did we need to attack them when I could’ve sampled and decrypted the information myself?” Megatron strolled over and wrapped his arm around Shockwave.

“Because it’s fun, dear Shockwave.” Megatron said. “What’s the point of living if you don’t live?”

“That question is nonsensical.” Shockwave said. “They now know of our formerly secret weapon. They’ll not only anticipate another attack, but will more than likely relocate.“ Megatron shook his head and pulled away. He laughed as he walked over the bunker door.

“Shockwave,” He said. “These Autobots are not a grave concern. Now that we have all their intel we can return to our true purpose on this planet.” The door slid open and Strika almost walked into him.

“Here’s the Autobot files, my lord.” She handed him an electronic reader. He moved past.

“Give it to Shockwave,” He said to her. He disappeared inside the bunker, Strika shrugged and tossed the reader to Shockwave. He caught it with one hand.

“Have fun.” She said and left, leaving Shockwave alone in the cavern. He began to read through the recorded transmissions. There was so much, the Autobots obviously had no idea about using multiple frequencies. Largely trivial things. Absurd searches on the human’s “internet”, communications amongst themselves. Then something substantial. A report from a space probe. Nothing in it, but he scanned more recent taps into the frequency. The most recent was from that same probe. An incoming vessel. Cybertronian. Autobot. Shockwave was not one for unnecessary movements, but he instinctively clutched the reader tighter. He began to move to tell Megatron, but something stopped him. A question of why. Megatron had been growing increasingly unnerving lately. His frivolous command decisions were impairing their effectiveness. This could be a turning point. The Autobots could be receiving reinforcements. This was too important to let Megatron’s incompetence impede their progress. Their was a noise behind him. Drifting down from the darkness was Obsidian.

“What have you got there?” He asked.

“Nothing.” Shockwave lied.

“Shockwave,” Obsidian chuckled. “I’ve known you for a while. Not a long while, but long enough to know you don’t get jumpy over ‘nothing.’” He reached for the reader. Shockwave pulled away.

“Let me see it.” Obsidian insisted. Shockwave said nothing. Obsidian grabbed again, Shockwave dodging. Obsidian turned sharply and grabbed the reader. He scanned it.

“My my…” Obsidian said. He was blown away by a powerful energy blast, the reader was sent flying through the air. Shockwave stood cannon deployed. He pulled a lever, switching the firing mode, then shot a scatter-blast at the reader, shredding it. Obsidian pulled himself from the ground.

“You will not tell Megatron.” Shockwave said. He leaped into the air and landed in front of Obsidian, grabbing the frail robot by the neck. “Or I will kill you.”

“Wait!” Obsidian pleaded. “You must understand I had no intention of doing anything of the sort!” He struggled to free himself from Shockwave’s grip. “Listen, I feel the same way about Megatron. He is no leader, merely a child doing as he pleases. He’s lost sight of the mission!” Shockwave’s grip relaxed enough for Obsidian to pull free. “I know what you’re planning. That ship… the one the Autobots were tracking is most likely a military vessel. It will have weapons, firepower, maybe explosives. Everything you need to destroy the Autobots!” Shockwave nodded slowly. Obsidian dipped his elongated head, then looked up.
“Or Megatron.” He said.

“Megatron’s destruction is unnecessary.” Shockwave noted. “Overthrowing him can be done without loss of life. There are only four of us, it would be better to make him our servant.”

“But with the ship we won’t need soldiers!” Obsidian said. “We could destroy them all and complete the mission all our own!”

“That would only be possible should the ship be a military vessel.” Shockwave began to have doubts. Obsidian snapped into action.

“Tell me, Shockwave,” He said. “What do you want most of all?” The pause that followed lasted nearly a full minute.

“For the Decepticons to rule once more.” He finally answered.

“And who should rule them?” Obsidian asked. There was no pause this time. Shockwave let go completely.

“Not Megatron.”


“Life is a highway!” Road Rage sang badly. “And I’m gonna ride it all-night-long!” She swayed back and forth in the back of Optimus’ truck bed as he and Ironhide drove down the country road. She bobbed her head to the song coming from her radio, nearly tipping over, bracing herself on the boxes and packed equipment tied to the Autobot leader. Road Rage had discovered the joy of road trip mix tapes, Much to Optimus’ dismay.

“Something-something my way,” Road Rage continued, she grabbed Optimus’ tow hook and held it like a microphone. “Something something nah, nah, nah…” Road Rage didn’t bother to learn the words. She was too busy playing an imaginary guitar. Optimus communicated with Ironhide over their inner comm-link.

“Kill me.” He said. “I’m turning in my badge of living. Why does she get a free ride while I’m stuck carrying everything?”

“Everything!?” Ironhide said. He pulled up behind Optimus, struggling to keep pace with a very large box hooked onto his roof. “And also, would you rather listen to her sing, or swear and yell and shoot at every passing blade of grass?” Optimus thought long and hard about that.

“Okay fine.” He admitted. “I just wish she wasn’t so…” Road Rage hit a high note. “…awful.”

“Oh shut your mouth Mr. karaoke Fridays.” Ironhide said.

“Hey,” Optimus said. “The midnight train going anywhere waits for no one.”

“Don’t stop believing, Optimus.” Ironhide said. “Y’know, I wish Jetfire wasn’t so insecure. I could sure use a space shuttle ride right about now.”

“You’d be sharing his hull with our communications array.” Optimus said. “It’ be even more cramped than our first ride.”

“Oh right,” Ironhide said. “That expensive array we never took out of the box.”

“Oh hush.” Optimus said. He pulled off the paved road onto a narrower dirt road that cut through rolling hills. “We just didn’t have the space for it in the barn, but now…”

“Now we’ll have plenty of space in our brand spanking new mill.” Ironhide quipped sarcastically. Optimus took note of their proximity.

“I could slam on my brakes and sue you, smart guy.” He said. Truth was optimus wasn’t fond of relocating either, especially since it would most assuredly be temporary. They still had to watch the Decepticons and they had no means of concealing their movement or energy signatures short of covering themselves in lead and leaves. They tried that. It didn’t work. The lead was heavy and they couldn’t see through the leaves. All it would take is one Decepticon recognizing one of their vehicles modes while they were out and following them back. They were so low tech it was a wonder the Decepticons hadn’t just shown up to kill them all. They very well could, but something was stopping them. They were either preoccupied or had some… internal affair that needed addressing. Optimus’ thoughts were cut short by a severe and painful pounding on his roof.

“I said we’re here ya big lummox!” Road Rage shouted at him. Optimus stopped and transformed, the strapped boxes sliding off him as he carefully moved his parts out from underneath. He stretched as his components and panels finished moving into place, then he saw it. Just past the hill, behind the trees, the tip of the mill.

“Call Jetfire down.” Optimus said to Road Rage. As she spoke over the comm Optimus walked slowly through the trees and brush. Pushing them aside and watching for scurrying wildlife below his feet he saw it. Next to the river was a very large mill. It was in shambles. The wheel was lodged into the mud, broken off it’s axle. The windows were all shattered, a tree had collapsed part of the house portion, and it was overall a sorry, dilapidated mess, even compared to their old hideout. Optimus frowned and let his shoulders drop. He sighed.

“Home sweet home.”

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