Sunday, March 25, 2012

Optimus part Three

Strika tapped furiously on the computer’s holographic keyboard. Oblong shapes appeared rapidly and were quickly punched out of existence by her careful fingers as she cross-referenced coordinates and probe results. She took a moment to wipe the condensation from her brow as processor overheated. Her mind was racing. It seemed as though they had finally done it. Found what they came to this wretched dirt ball to find. She was still analyzing the information when Megatron stormed in. His abrupt entrance made Strika jump with a start.

“My lord, what has happened?” She asked. Megatron pulled up a chair and sat at the briefing table. Strika was unsure how to approach Megatron in this state, so she did when she could only think to do.

“My lord, I believe we’ve found it.”
Megatron’s eyes widened. He jumped to his feet.

“And you wait until now to tell me?” He shouted. Strika stuttered, trying to explain she’d only just found out, but Megatron stopped her before she could.

“Never mind. Alert Shockwave and Obsidian.” The Decepticons got to work. The base was alive with activity. Equipment from the cave was brought in and locked down. The only one not frantically making preparations was Shockwave, who moved with the same deliberate and precise movements that defined him. Eventually everything was secured and ready. Megatron returned to his chair, only this time the rest came with him. As he sat five more seats rose from the floor in front of Megatron’s seat. Strika, Obsidian and Shockwave occupied three, and holographic stations popped into existence.

“Begin tunnelling.” Megatron ordered. “Let us greet our old friend.” The entire base shuddered and began to rumble. Beneath the mountain a Decepticon mining vehicle drilled down.

“Five-hundred fifty kilometres to target.” Strika said. The machine went deeper.

“Five-hundred kilometres.” She repeated.

“Four-hundred fifty.”

“Three-hundred fifty”
They drilled faster.

“Two-hundred fifty”


“My liege!” Obsidian exclaimed. “If we continue with this speed we won’t stop in time! We shall drill right through it!”

“Keep going!” Megatron roared.

“Seventy-five!” Strika continued, worry in her voice.

“Master!” Obsidian pleaded.

“Do not falter!” Megatron repeated.

“Fifty!” Strika was in panic now.

“I must advise caution.” Shockwave interjected.

“Wait for it!”

“Twenty-five!” Strika turned to Megatron.

“Brace for impact!” Obsidian cried.


“Full-stop!” Megatron ordered. The ship lurched hard. It wasn’t possible to just stop this vehicle. Stopping the drill would crush the body with it’s own momentum, and solid ground is not as easy to push aside as air. The vehicle groaned, the stresses of slowing so quickly was too much. There was a loud thud and crash, and the drilling craft finally stopped. Everyone took a moment to recover. Obsidian brought up a damage report.

“Major structural weakness,” He said. “Engines eighteen and thirty are dead. Drill is ruined. We can reverse but that’s it. And hull breach on the observation deck.”

“Did we make it?” Megatron asked.
“Scanners indicate we passed our target destination.” Shockwave reported. Megatron leaped out of his chair and out the door.

“Where’s he going?” Strika asked. The Decepticons followed. Megatron ran down hallways, down the ramp to the observation deck. He opened the door. The room was filled with dirt and rocks. Megatron wasted no time, and began digging. The others arrived just in time to see him remove enough dirt to expose metal.

“By the Matrix…” Obsidian said. “Is that?” Megatron brushed aside dirt from the metal plate, and on it was etched a small mark. A hieroglyphic symbol, resembling an angular face with a central crest, and flanked by two triangular “jaws.”

“It is…” Megatron said. “A true Decepticon.”

It was pitch black outside. The moon and stars were obscured by clouds, and only occasionally did enough light come through to give visibility. The Autobots drove through the forest with their headlights on, despite Ironhide’s earlier objections it might spoil their cover, but he begrudgingly complied once he ran into a tree for the fifth time. Optimus tracked Strika’s tire tracks all through the forest up to the mountain, and he had a feeling they were close. Sure enough, they made it to a cave, only once they drove inside they realised it abruptly stopped. As the three transformed, Road Rage examined the cave end while Ironhide covered the entrance.

“You don’t think the Decepticons are smart enough to lay a trap, do you?” Ironhide asked, worried.

“Nah, I mean…” Optimus thought. “Well, I dunno. Their boss is here, so maybe he’s smart?”

“If he’s anything like our boss we’ve got nothing to worry about.” Ironhide said under his breathe.

“Excuse me?” Optimus asked flabbergasted.

“I said…” Ironhide thought a moment. “I think we should do something with our surplus of… trout.” Optimus picked up a fist-sized rock and threw it at Ironhide. They squabbled, but Road Rage noticed disturbed ground, and brushed away the lose dirt. It was a metal grating. She was about to examine it when Ironhide and Optimus got physical, and Ironhide tripped. Optimus tried to stop him but the heavy Autobot brought Optimus down, too. They both landed on Road rage, and the trio broke through the fake rock wall. They laid on the ground, in a row.

“I think I found a way in.” Road Rage said. They got up and continued slowly down the. Optimus lead, Ironhide brought up the rear, and Road Rage stayed in the centre. None of them really wanted to go in, but they did. They rounded a corner, and inside was a massive chamber. Lit by spotlights and other devices, it was massive for even Cybertronians. They stopped at the corner and peered around. The Decepticons were there. Strika, the purple one, and Obsidian, whom they’d only seen once. And Megatron was their, directing them. They pulled a large stone slab out of what looked to be some sort of bunker or lab. Optimus opened a small panel on his head and tuned a dial, he then removed two of the three thin antennas on his head and gave one to Road Rage and Ironhide each. They held them up to their ears and listened in. Optimus pointed his head towards Megatron.

“Make sure the cranes are mounted securely.” His voice came through the antenna. “I want no screw-ups.” Megatron shouted to his workers. There were no objections. They began reporting.

“Payload has been secured.” Strika said.

“All generators functioning at ninety percent and up.” Obsidian said.

“Begin extraction!” Megatron commanded. The heavy cranes began to wheeze and groan. Their tethers reaching into a black pit at the edge of the cavern, they began to crank. Slowly, deliberately, something rose from the black. The cranes began to slow, Megatron snapped his fingers at Obsidian, who increased power. They began to smoke, flex, and groan even louder. Megatron took a hesitant step forward. A cable snapped, and one of the cranes buckled and broke backwards, the Decepticons moving out of the way. The Autobots watched from afar as the object came into view. It was large, rocklike. Humanoid. Metal was visible beneath sections of cracked rock. The cranes stopped, and it was suspended over the gap. The cranes moved back on tracks, and the Decepticons closed in. Optimus decided it was the time to strike. He leaped down to the cavern, Road Rage and Ironhide reacting in shock. They hurriedly followed. The three sprinted towards the Decepticons. Shockwave spotted them.

“Incoming.” He said. Megatron spun around, the surprise on his face replaced instantly with anger. He locked his arms together and drew his weapon. Bullets peppered the ground around Optimus, who dived into a roll, landing on all eight wheels, he sped towards Megatron, slamming headlong into the Decepticon leader’s knees. Megatron was knocked off his feet and driven right into one of the cranes, which crumpled. The rock fell to the ground. Road Rage ran up onto a nearby work bench and leaped off, latching onto Strika’s face. The massive Decepticon spun around, trying to pry the Autobot off. Obsidian moved into assist, just as Ironhide tackled Strika, knocking her into him. Road Rage jumped off before they hit the wall, landing next to Ironhide, they stood poised, ready to attack Shockwave, who merely watched. With lighting speed, Shockwave disappeared into the air, he landed without a sound behind them, and grabbed each Autobot by the head. He aimed to crush the life out of them, were it not for Ironhide grabbing Shockwave’s arm with both hands and squeezing until it caved in. Shockwave let go of both of them and clutched his arm. Ironhide dropped to one knee, but Road Rage spun one-hundred eighty degrees, pushed off the ground with one foot, ran up Shockwave’s leg and delivered a powerful right hook to his elongated face. Shockwave quickly recovered and grabbed Road Rage by the leg, and tossed her at Ironhide. Elsewhere, Megatron shook himself out of the rubble, lifting the tow truck that just hit him off, a fist folded out from the side and punched Megatron in the jaw. He let go of the truck, and it fell on him. Optimus did a full reverse, grinding all eight tires on Megatron’s torso, then backing off. He placed his outstretched arm on the ground and pushed off, landing in robot mode, he reached behind his back and retrieved his tow cable. He overhand tossed it and Megatron, and it latched on the canopy adorning the Decepticon’s chest. Optimus pulled, intent on striking Megatron, but instead Megatron tackled Optimus, and the two began brawling. Megatron began relentlessly pounding on Optimus’ chest, but eventually the latter got in a solid hit, dazing Megatron just long enough for Optimus to kick him off and into one of the generators. It sparked and exploded into a cloud of smoke, then fire. Megatron was knocked away, tripping over Optimus and landing on his back. Optimus turned over to strike Megatron again, but both were distracted by what sounded like firecrackers. They watched as the generators blew one after another, surging with power.

“Uh oh…” They said at once. The line of generators ran all to the rock specimen. Megatron quickly got up and ran for the rock, Optimus not far behind, but they were too late, the generators all blew at once, igniting the entire back of the cavern in flame. The other combatants stopped fighting to witness it as well. The blaze was intense, and they could see the outline of the rock disappear into the inferno.

“No!” Megatron yelled. He held out a hand in vain. He turned to Optimus, furious. “Do you know how long we’ve been trying to get to that, only for you to destroy it?“ Optimus looked at him, then to the fire.

“Well?” Megatron said, gripping at the air between them.

“Uh…” Optimus said. “Score one for us?” Megatron yelled in frustration, then turned back to the fire. Optimus began to back away, he nodded to Road Rage and Ironhide, who likewise had been ignored.

“Okay, so, we’re just gonna go…” Optimus turned, but Megatron grabbed his shoulder.

“Oh no,” Megatron growled. “You’re not-” There was a loud noise. It came from the fire. Mechanical scraping, squeaking. Something moved in the flame. Something huge. It stood up, through the fire they saw red piercing eyes. Whatever it was moved towards them. Everyone took a step back as the hulking thing emerged. It was larger than any of them, even Strika. Tall, black with white armour. Gold trim adorned decorative panels and plates. It was monstrous, but something was off. It’s limbs were spindly, like missing armour plates. It walked with a gimp, and it supported itself on some kind of walking stick. It emerged fully from the fire, backlit against the flames, it stood hunched, menacing yet strangely frail looking. It looked around. Red eyes softly lit behind a visor. It had no mouth, but it’s jaw was lined with sharp spines. Antenna on it’s head twitched.

“Who disturbs my peaceful reprieve from a life of nomadic travel?" It said in a soft voice. Optimus and Megatron looked at each other for answers, then back.

“What?” Megatron said.

“Can you repeat that in less pretentious terms?" Optimus said antagonistically. The giant robot huffed.

“Alright,” It said in a considerably harsher tone. “Who the hell dug me out of my damned hole?!” It said with a thick, lower class accent. It stomped it’s foot, the ground shook. Optimus put up his hands to try and calm the creature, instantly regretting his previous statement.

“Alright just, calm down, buddy.” He said, trying as best he could to sound calm.

“We’re not buddies.” The robot said, pointing it’s walking stick at Optimus’ face. “My name is Jetfire, and I was perfectly happy in my hole. Now I’ll ask you lot again, who dug me out?”

“Him.” Optimus said without hesitation, pointing to Megatron. Megatron flinched, then asserted himself.

“I dug you out, yes.” He said calmly. “I was not searching for you. But since I have found you, you shall join my ranks!” He said, outstretching a hand. Behind him Strika dropped her face into her hand.

“Hey!” Optimus yelled. “Who says you get him, You already have four guys, we should get him to even the teams.” Optimus pointed at Megatron. Megatron cocked an eyebrow at this show of petty jabbering, and grabbed Optimus by the throat. He tossed him away. Optimus slid into a pile of debris.

“But I guess you make a good counter-point…” Optimus said, dazed. Ironhide and Road Rage ran over to him. Megatron shook his head and chuckled.

“Now where was I?” Megatron returned to Jetfire. “Ah, yes, you work for me, now.” Jetfire leaned into Megatron. Even Megatron appeared diminutive as the massive Jetfire stared him down.

“I don’t work for any ‘Decepticons.’” Jetfire said.

“That symbol on your chest says otherwise.” Megatron tapped a finger on the pointed face on Jetfire’s torso.

“You mean this?” Jetfire asked, he grabbed the panel the symbol was embossed on and pulled it off, crumpling it in his hand. “Nobody’s used this symbol is millennia…” He tossed it at Megatron’s feet. “It’s worthless.”

“I’m sorry to hear I could not pursuade you…” Megatron shrugged. “But I am not disappointed. You are small fish compared to what I seek. As such…” Megatron drew his cannon and fired a missile point blank into Jetfire’s face. Smoke enveloped the massive robot. “I’m throwing you back.” Megatron turned to his troops. Strika and Obsidian’s eyes were wide, they pointed behind him. Megatron turned, and Jetfire’s scowling face emerged from the smoke. He knocked Megatron away with one motion. The other Decepticons snapped out of it and opened fire with their ranged weapons. Jetfire shrugged it off and began to advance, but out of the corner of his eye saw the Autobots run towards them. They engaged the Decepticons, punching, kicked and screaming at their foes. Optimus turned back to Jetfire.
“Run, big guy!” He said. “We’ll cover you!” He was knocked out. Road Rage was likewise struck in the head and hit the ground. With no other opponents, the three remaining Decepticons focused their fury on Ironhide, who also fell to the savage beating. Jetfire wasted no time. He ran up as fast as his aging legs could move him and swung with his cane. It split apart and a steel blade unfurled. It heated to bright red and the Decepticons moved back. Jetfire slammed the blade into the ground, and kicked molten rock at the enemy. Their attackers stunned, he got the other Autobots on their feet and the four fled out of the cave. They emerge outside, the Autobots helping Jetfire squeeze his way out. It was daylight.

“Quick, let’s head back to base.” Optimus ordered. He sized up Jetfire, who looked more than a little disoriented. “Can you fly?”

“What?” Jetfire said.

“With a name like ‘Jetfire’ I assume flying is something you do?” Optimus clarified. Jetfire chuckled.

“You best hold on, then!” He wrapped his arms around the Autobots, confused by the gesture, Jetfire compressed his long legs, and with a groan, a creak and a loose bolt falling out, he leaped into the air, broke apart and reformed into a squared, bulbous-tipped flying vehicle. His three main engines ignited, and Jetfire rocked out of the cavern and into the skies.

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