Sunday, July 19, 2009

Reviews, Retorts and Reveals...

My name is Nigel. Now that we're on a first name basis, let me clue you in as to just what will be taking place here.

Since I really have no good reason for creating a blog, (seeing as only a very select few would even have interest in it) and having just created a blog I feel obligated to post some sort of introduction into my whimsical machinations, that may or may not transgress here, as fair warning to the faint of heart, I feel obliged to at least give some form of list to what I have in store for my future blogging endeavours:

Reviews: I review all kinds of stuff. I'm a collector, and I review collectibles, movies, games, toys, TV shows, cartoons and other hobbies and means of escape.

Retorts: Because I'm such a huge intarwebs fan boy my views will no doubt contrast with someone at some point. For those who are protective of their E-peen, fear not, for I will only post mild, off-hand remarks and comments at worst, and mostly offer my own opinion on current events and pop-culture, if I feel the need is great enough. The last thing I want is to make this a troll blog.

Reveals: I'm also an aspiring writer, visual artist and animator, but I pride myself on being anything but inexperienced in these fields. I will, on occasion, be posting samples of my writing and animation, as well as sketches, drafts and finished artwork as a sort of public portfolio.

But of course, this is my blog and I may just post whatever I find particularly interesting or worthy of mention to anyone outside my social life. And with those as my closing words, to the possible three individuals who may ever see this blog, I bid good day.