Thursday, May 3, 2012

Optimus part Seventeen.

Starscream sat in the room, mulling over his options. He had been assigned the task of organizing and activating all the stolen equipement the Decepticons had gained from the Autobot ship, and one of which was a backup transmitter he had managed to get working. On the one hand, the transmitter was reading an incoming vessel which, as the monitors he’d hooked up showed, was responding to a beacon from the ship itself. This meant that’d he’d have to do work that involved walking or flying for a long time and lifting heavy stuff. Spoiled by the simple task of merely looking at things and pushing buttons, Starscream was not enthused by the prospect of manual labour. On the other hand, he was really proud about managing to hook up the backup transmitter, and wanted to show someone. He sat on the box of rations, having broken into the prepared meals and consuming the included desserts, weighing his options. His decision was made for him, however, when Soundwave walked in holding a folded up chessboard. “Do you know where Megatron puts his oversized games when he‘s done-?” Soundwave looked up at Starscream, his back to Soundwave. “What’s that?” “Nothing.” Starscream said as he turned on the box, leaning to block Soundwave’s view of the monitor. “No, it’s something.” Soundwave leaned to look past him, Starscream mirroring his movements. “If it was something, I’d-” Starscream began, but Soundwave cut him off. “It’s a beacon received by the secondary transmitter you hooked up that was broadcast by the Autobot ship and is now being relayed back to the receiver built into the transmitter to signal and incoming vessel…” Soundwave looked down to the crate Starscream sat upon. “…And you ate all the desserts.” “Please don’t tell1” Starscream clasped his hands together. “ It’s so far away, and I’m the only one who can fly! He’s gonna take me and I’m gonna have to carry it back and that’s gonna be hard and… please don’t tell.” “I have to.” Soundwave said. “It’s my job.” “Soundwave, I’m sorry,” Starscream leaned back on his box of rations. “But I can’t let you leave this room.” Soundwave looked at the door, then back to Starscream. “You can’t catch me.” He said. “Don’t do it.” Starscream warned him. Soundwave took a step back, Starscream made an apprehensive noise. A few moments passed. Soundwave heel-turned and made a break for the door. Starscream chased after him. Soundwave rolled through the store room door into vehicle mode. Starscream tried to transform but couldn’t fit in the hallway, so he ran after him. Soundwave careened around a corner, Starscream in hot pursuit, slipping slightly before sprinting after the little tank. Starscream was gaining on Soundwave, and hands outstretched, prepared to grab him. Soundwave thought fast and flipped the large cannon he toted upward then slammed on the brakes. Starscream smashed into him, knocking his head on the gun and falling backwards. Soundwave sped off, leaving Starscream in his dust. Starscream finally came to, and ran after Soundwave, eventually coming upon him, Strika and Megatron in conference. “Ah, Starscream,” Megatron said. “Just the goon I was looking for. Soundwave has dutifully informed me of your locating the incoming vessel called forth by the Autobot beacon. Well done.” “Thanks?” Starscream said. “And now that Soundwave has calculated it’s landing coordinates, you and I now thrust off the greet the new arrival, be he a fellow Decepticon to be welcomed or an Autobot to be vanquished! Come along, now.” Megatron walked towards the exit. Starscream held his protest, knowing it to be futile. Despite not having a mouth, Soundwave still managed to portray an expression akin to a self-satisfied smirk as Starscream begrudgingly shambled after Megatron. ------ Now listen up, gang, ‘cuz I’m only going to say this once:” Optimus stood drill sergeant style in front of the other Autobots and Jetfire, all lined up and at attention. “This mission, should you choose to accept it-” “We have a choice?” Road Rage said with false astonishment. “No you don’t,” Optimus said before continuing. “Is of the up most importance. This incoming vessel could contain a wayward kindred soul in need of acceptance and safe haven from the enemy.” “What if it’s a Decepticon?” Ironhide asked. “Then that would suck. A lot.” Optimus said. “But they don’t call me Optimus for nothing. I’m a glass half-full kinda guy.” “No your not.” Road Rage said. “Ironhide told me they named you ‘Optimus’ as a joke because you were such a party pooper.” “And did I ever tell you how he got the nickname ‘tender fender?’” Ironhide added. “Hey!” Optimus said. He leaned in and sneered. “Nobody cares! Now, be quiet, this is supposed to be a motivational speech.” “I’m motivated to take a nap.” Jetfire said. Ironhide gave him a high five. “Like I was saying…” Optimus straighten himself. “This mission will put you to your limits, test the bonds forged in the fire of battle-” “Can I get a summary of this?” Botanica said. “I thought we were on a time limit?” “Fine!” Optimus tossed his head back and groaned. “We’re all going to stuff ourselves into Jetfire and fly there.” “Sheesh, is that all?” Ironhide said. “We knew that! That’s all we ever do when we need to go someplace.” “And quite frankly I’m a little tired of being the short bus these days.” Jetfire said. “You just want me for my body.” Jetfire moved his hand up and down showcasing his sagging, rusted hide. “Next you know he’ll be patting me like a dog or something. I’m a robot being dammit! I have rights!” “ALRIGHT I GET IT!” Optimus snapped. He rubbed his face, realising his friends had just provoked the reaction they wanted from him. He clutched the bridge of his nose. “Let’s just go already.”

Optimus part Sixteen.

Megatron’s finger hovered tenuously over the small wooden horse, the shadow of his head cast darkness over the board, and the only illumination came from the red glow of his eyes. It was his third go at it. He had a lot riding on this move, and he had to do so carefully. He leaned back slightly, letting the illumination from the single overhead light give him a clear view. He let the slow, soothing melody that played in the room calm his nerves, then made his move. Soundwave watched intently as Megatron picked up the piece and traced it along it’s four square path, before letting go. Soundwave then picked up one of his pieces and gently tipped the horse over, dropping his piece in it’s place. “Curse,” Megatron mumbled. “You’re better at this than Starscream was.” “I’m better at everything than Starscream is,” Soundwave said. “He’s so stupid I wouldn’t be surprised if he tried to eat the pieces.” “The poor lad,” Megatron said, moving another piece. “He never was one for brains. I think space travel gummed up the gears up there.” “No, he’s always been that way,” Soundwave analysed the board. “He was burned himself cleaning his own thrusters. How do you even do that?” “Ha!” Megatron shook, compressors and hydraulics hissing as he settled. “May I ask you a question, my lord?” Soundwave said. “You just did.” Megatron replied. “Ask another. Checkmate, by the way.” Soundwave was surprised by the move, but set it aside. “You enjoy this planet’s culture…” Soundwave began. “It’s music, it’s games, it’s languages… why do you want to destroy it?” Megatron leaned back out of the light, his eyes squinting not so much into a glare, but as a cynical stare, as if Soundwave should know the answer. “Because, my dear Soundwave,” He said. “There are plenty of lifeless rocks out there. Balls of gas and cosmic dirt that nobody would miss. You see, in order for loss to exist, something, well, must be lost.” Megatron leaned forward, interlocking his fingers beneath his chin and resting his elbows on the table upon which the oversized chess board sat. “You see, while it makes no difference in the grand scheme, every life I end, every soul I relinquish is a story untold. And hear, well there’s billions. Billions of stories to be told, billions of stories the universe will be without. Even if it’s just the story of an average human going about their mundane life. It all matters to someone, and as long as it matters to anyone, as long as someone, anywhere, will miss it…” Megatron tipped over Soundwave’s king. “It matters to me.” Soundwave looked up. His face was but a glowing visor and loosely defined mouth plate, it was impossible to read, but Megatron could tell merely through Soundwave’s silence he’d gotten to him. “So then…” Soundwave asked. “Why even indulge in these practises at all?” “Everyone has a hobby.” Megatron said, he picked up Soundwave‘s fallen king and examined it. “I’d just like to know what they’re like.” He placed it back down. There was a noise to his left, and an hitherto unseen door slid open and Strika stood behind it. “He’s awake.” She said. “Finally.” Megatron stood. He turned to Soundwave. “Would you mind putting this away?” Megatron left the room. He and Strika walked out, leaving Soundwave behind. They made their way down a short hallway to the medical bay. Megatron turned without slowing, barely making it through the automatic door. He kept his brisk stride until he stood before a wide operating table, and on it lay Obsidian. He was cracked, dented, wires and hinges were strewn about. Some parts were asymmetric, chief of which his arm, partially elevated by the metal clamp holding it in place. A Spark monitor hummed next to him. His eyes were dark as he lay, but he stirred. “Megatron?” He said weakly. Megatron walked to his side, leaning down next to him. “I am here, Obsidian.” He said. Obsidian turned his head. His eyes flickered, one remained slightly dim. “Why am I…” Obsidian looked around the room, then back to Megatron. “You saved me?” “You sound surprised,” Megatron hopped onto the table, jolting in and shaking Obsidian, before laying down on his side next to the broken robot, his right arm supporting his head. “After all, how could I possibly do without my most competent lieutenant?” Megatron leaned in close to Obsidian, the latter moved uncomfortably in the opposite direction. “How…” Obsidian leaned as far as he could. “Merciful of you…” Obsidian strained to talk. “I am not without mercy, no.” Megatron said. He idly put his left hand up to Obsidian’s chest. Obsidian was confused and a touch frightened by this invasion of his personal space. “I don’t believe in abandoning my kind.” Megatron tapped his fingers in the center of Obsidian’s chest plate. Obsidian was about to point out the error of that statement, but thought better of it. “I believe that no matter how treacherous…” Megatron stabbed Obsidian with his finger. Obsidian let out a pained yelp, the Spark monitor jolted. “Cowardly…” Megatron dug his finger deeper. Obsidian let out a cry. The monitor went from a hum to a buzz. “Or just plain arrogant to assume I wouldn‘t noticed the aforementioned,” Megatron pulled his hand out. Obsidian gasped and the monitor levelled out. “I want my troops to know I’ll always be there for them. In good health,” Megatron got off the table and stood, back facing Obsidian. “And bad.” He spun on his heel, driving his fist straight into Obsidian’s chest. Obsidian screamed in agony, the monitor wailed. Megatron pulled back, his hand wrapped around Obsidian’s spark. Obsidian clawed fruitlessly at Megatron’s arm, he writhed like a dying animal. Megatron pulled more. Amongst the screams and cries Megatron heard Obsidian plead for his life. “Please, Megatron!” He cried. “I’m sorry! Forgive me please!” Obsidian began to black out. He felt cold, and the world slowly disappeared. Megatron let go and pulled his hand out. Obsidian screamed once more before falling back onto the table. He shook wires and bits of metal from his hand. “Oh please,” Megatron said. “Water under the bridge as the humans say.” Megatron patted Obsidian on the head. “Now you just lay back and relax, you need your rest. How else are you going to recover?” Megatron chuckled to himself and walked out. Strika, who’d been standing in the corner, watching the whole time, followed. Obsidian coughed. He leaned back, clutching the open wound in his chest. As he stared at the overhead light he spoke softly to himself. “Megatron…” He whispered. --------- Outside the ship Road Rage picked up sticks and logs that had been strewn about during the battle with Shockwave. Ironhide helped, moving trees that had been knocked down. While far from engaging work, it needed to be done, and it was better than the alternative. Inside the ship Botanica worked under the console. Panels, circuit boards, wires and other bits of the control module were hanging off or placed aside as Botanica lay with her upper half underneath the dashboard. Optimus rooted through conduits on the top. “I feel like I’m going to break something.” Optimus said. “These pieces are so small. Why does everything expensive have to be small and breakable? It’s like playing Twister with my just my hands… and on a really tiny mat… and the other players are tangled wires… on second thought it’s not like Twister-” He received a shock and cursed. “Twister doesn’t make me want to smash it!” Optimus rubbed his hand. “What’s twister?” Botanica said from under the console. “A human game,” Optimus said. “You lay out a big mat with coloured circles and are randomly assigned which limb you have to place on which circle. You’d be really good at it. Which reminds me…” Optimus rubbed the back of his neck. “How’d you get to be… like you are? I mean, I don’t want to be rude…” “Oh, it’s no problem.” Botanica said politely. “I adopted this form while on a planet dominated by sentient plants. Their species taught me the art of moving with the motionless. To move my body as if it were my hand.” She continued without looking up from her work. “I’ve had it so long even replication can’t over-ride it. It’s just who I am.” She shrugged to herself. Above Optimus looked down at her hip mounted guns. As if she felt his gaze she responded. “They also worshipped the climate, because, well, they’re plants, and regarded the raw power and life-giving nature of lightning storms as a sort of renowned power. They managed to harness this power with their very bodies. What I have is a sort of… mini-version.” “Mini?” Optimus laughed. “You turned Shockwave into a slag sculpture, I’d hate to see what these talking trees could do.” Botanica slid out from underneath the console, a blank expression was on her face. “They didn’t believe in direct conflict.” She said. “I feel a small amount of disgrace for having used them to inflict pain upon another.” “Yeah, well,” Optimus shrugged as he leaned on the console. “It was self defence. I don’t think your blossom buddies would mind if you used them to save yourself.” “I suppose you’re right.” Botanica said. She stood. “It’s working, by the way.” “Sweet!” Optimus said. “Then let’s fire this thing up so we can call off the frown clowns.” Botanica thumbed the console switch. It lit up, dials and diodes blinked and glimmered. She returned to the small fold out screen from before. Her narrow fingers danced across it’s touch screen as Optimus watched intently as she delicately selected commands and options. She then selected the beacon transmitter and cancelled it. They both breathed a sigh of relief. However, the screen did not darken. “That’s not right…” She said. “We turned off our beacon, the transmitter should have stopped.” Optimus leaned in for a closer look. “It’s not transmitting…” He said. “It receiving?” “Impossible!” Botanica said. “The beacon was active for, maximum, two days. There’s no way it transmitted long enough to contact another ship. The odds are astronomical.” Optimus rubbed his neck again, he sighed. “Well this’ll be fun.”

Optimus part Fifteen.

Shockwave grabbed Botanica by the arm and pulled her up before shoving her over to the ship. She crashed against the hull. Jetfire recovered and charged, but with one mighty punch Shockwave sent Jetfire flying back with a crater in his chest. Botanica turned. Shockwave stood before her. He was grievously damaged, not a single part of him wasn’t deformed in some way. She saw where he broke or cut the fused panels and parts of his body to regain motion, and his left arm remained partially melted into a single mass. He must’ve endured great pain transforming. His face, or what he had in place of one, was lopsided, one of his “ears” was bent sideways, the other was melted down to a nub. His eye was misshapen, the lens that tinted it red was missing, leaving it an orange-yellow, but it burned bright regardless. “I have been looking for you, Autobot.” He said, his voice sounded tinny and raspy. “What for?” Botanica could think of nothing else to say. “Revenge.” He answered. She half nodded, supposing it was a stupid question. Shockwave moved his right arm over to his left, and awkwardly, and painfully, pulled panels lose, allowing him to draw his weapon from it. He pointed it at Botanica who thought fast, pushing it aside. She contorted and slithered around him, shoulder-checking him into the ship hull. He swung at her, hitting the side of her head and she went down. Shockwave lined up for another shot, but Botanica quickly rolled away and he vaporized a sizable hole where she used to be. No longer seeking to stun, Shockwave’s cannon was at full power, and he fired it like a madman. He let out and enraged growl, like an animal. It unnerved Botanica almost more than the threat of death. She dived, glided and rolled across the ground, dodging as many shots as possible. One shot clipped the ship, creating a neat dip in it’s roof. “Guess I won’t be flying that ever again.” Botanica groaned before having to evade more blasts. Shockwave, tired of the obstacle, reached to change the setting of his weapon with his weak arm. Botanica saw the opening and stood. She deployed her hip mounted guns and took aim, charging as she did. Shockwave saw this and hurried with his gun. Botanica fired. So did Shockwave. Their energy beams collided in a massive discharge of his weapon’s positrons and Botanica’s energized electrons. They cancelled each other out, leaving both weapons depleted. However unlike Botanica, Shockwave’s weapon was not fuelled directly by his own systems, and he did not just lose the ability to stand. Shockwave panted like a rabid dog from the battle as he trudged over to the energy-depleted Botanica. He grabbed her by the throat with his good arm and held her up, her stalk dangled. Shockwave squeezed, more with the intent to make her head pop off than restrict energy supply. Botanica clawed at him, but without energy it was about as effective as mouse in the claws of a wild cat. Just as the world began to darken, Shockwave’s arm separated at the elbow. Botanica fell, Shockwave merely stood still, and between them was Jetfire, his blade separating the ground between them. “That hurt.” Jetfire said. He backhanded Shockwave, still stunned from the sudden loss of his arm. But it did not last, as Shockwave managed to land on his feet. Jetfire charged, making another swing, but Shockwave ducked and swept Jetfire’s legs from under him. As Jetfire fell Shockwave jumped, intent on landing on Jetfire’s head. But the behemoth was quicker than he appeared and was able to roll to the side. Shockwave roundhouse-kicked at Jetfire, who parried with his left arm and swung his blade with his right. Shockwave leaned back, expertly avoiding the attack, and retaliated with more kicks. Jetfire blocked them all, but was blindsided by a swing from Shockwave’s limp arm. Momentarily dazed Shockwave curled up, dropped to the ground, and pushed Jetfire back and upwards with his legs. Shockwave, determined to not leave without his vengeance satisfied, turned back to Botanica. Her watched as she crawled into her ship, damaged and depleted of energy. Shockwave turned to give chase, but his left leg buckled and he fell. Summoning all his will he limped on, seething with anger. Botanica had crawled all the way to the med bay and pulled herself inside. Shockwave limped inside. “Autobot!” He snarled, limping towards her. Botanica scrambled as fast as she could away from the insane robot. As she pulled herself into the bay she hit the lock and the door slammed shut. Shockwave roared like a rabid beast and bashed against the door. It dented, and Botanica knew she was trapped. She looked around, and saw the stasis pod. She crawled over, her energy levels were beyond red. The door began to dent and spilt as Shockwave relentlessly battered his way in. Botanica quickly crawled into the pod as the inner screen lit up. “Please find something, please find something…” She repeated over the crashing at the door. The pod hissed as it sealed the hatch and began it’s work. Outside the hull an electromagnetic scanner deployed, sending waves through the air, looking for any non-Cybertronian machines. Shockwave snarled and roared like a madman as he bashed the door down through a series of violent shoulder-checks and head butts until finally the door broke inward. As he looked up, his single cracked eye burning, he was struck by something small and fast. He barely flinched, but whatever it was escaped past him, and he took off after it. “You can’t run, Autobot!” He screamed. “I will have my revenge for what you did!” He snarled to himself as he limped after it. As he exited the ship he looked around, knowing she couldn’t have gotten far. From behind him he heard a voice. “Heads up.” Shockwave turned and from atop the ship a likewise teal and green vehicle leaped down, this time with enough force to stun him. It hit the ground behind Shockwave, screeching as his U-turned. The small car split apart in the turn’s momentum, the headlights were sucked inward, the windshield cracked and slid over itself, the doors pulling apart into thin arms, the wheels moved up to the hips and shoulders, the roof flipping open to reveal the head, and Botanica finished by flipping out her newly rebuilt and recharged cannons. She fired, forks of lightning catching Shockwave, but instead of melting him, they pulled him forward, into a backhand swipe from Botanica. Shockwave flew back, scorched, dented, melted, torn apart, down on one knee, but still alive. “I…” He said, his voice so distorted it barely sounded as such. “I was once… the most decorated Decepticon general of all of Cybertron’s history… I have destroyed legions of hundreds, thousands… of soldiers less than you…” He looked up, his eye burned bright white, glowing liquid dripped out. “I was to be part of a revolution!” He screamed. “I am the most powerful Cybertronian alive! What are you!?” “I’m a hybrid.” Botanica said. She began to fire, but Shockwave suddenly leaped forward in a flash, flailing his limp arm and knocking her aside. He furiously kicked and stomped her. Every time Botanica tried to block or move she was hit again. “You are nothing!” He screamed, each word in time with another blow. “I have spent years a broken robot, and finally after eons I am restored, and what happens? I am attacked by a lowly scientist!” He kept kicking, Botanica could no longer even attempt to block. “I am left to die, frozen in a state of perpetual pain! Unable to move, unable to even scream!” He gave one final kick and Botanica landed in a heap. Shockwave growled. Then became unnervingly placid. “Though I suppose I should at least give you thanks for letting me finally enjoy my revenge on Obsidian before you melted me. Otherwise I’d not know the pleasure of what I’m about to-” Shockwave’s words were cut short by a red hot blade sprouting from his chest. “That really hurt.” Jetfire said from behind. Shockwave stuttered, his eye flickered, but he didn’t fall. Instead he turned his head. He turned it all the way around until he was staring Jetfire in the face. His eye grew in intensity until it discharged a laser blast powerful enough to send Jetfire reeling backwards, tripping and falling against the ship. The sword still plunged through his torso, Shockwave turned. He turned back to Botanica, intent on finishing her at least. He pressed his foot against her head and leaned, putting his weight on his one leg. Just as he added force, however, he was knocked aside by an impact to his limp arm. A red blur circled him, a hail of bullets and rockets peppering him. He could barely hear it over the screaming and cursing coming from his attacker. Road Rage stopped and transformed into a back flip in time to avoid a boulder thrown by Ironhide. It smashed and crumbled against Shockwave who reeled from the impact. Before he could even react he was pulled forward by a hook lodged in his chest, directly into Optimus’ fist. Optimus then grabbed Shockwave in a headlock, crushing the Decepticon’ head in his grip and tossing him aside. As Shockwave stumbled Optimus slid towards him and delivered a powerful punch to Shockwave’s midsection. Bits of purple metal and gears shot outward as Shockwave finally fell, the only sign of life being the crackling of Jetfire’s blade, still lodged deep into Shockwave’s back. Optimus wasted no time running to Botanica’s aide, while Ironhide and Road Rage attended to Jetfire, who stubbornly refused help. Optimus carefully slung Botanica’s arm over his back and carefully helped her up. “I’m fine,” She said. “Just got the wind knocked out of me is all.” “Sure thing, tough guy,” Optimus said. “Looks like we got here just in time.” Road Rage said in a cheesy voice before returning to her chipper demeanour. “That fire was bogus.” Ironhide said. “It was a massive bonfire set on top of a grassless hill, it was never a real forest fire.” “But I guess it almost worked.” Road Rage said. “I’ll admit,” Botanica said. “Shockwave came very close to killing me, but then Jetfire intervened.” Botanica looked up appreciatively at Jetfire, Ironhide sarcastically elbowed him. “Way to go, old man!” He said. Road rage nodded and held his arm. Jetfire simply stood there, looking confused as ever. Optimus laughed, then looked at Botanica. “New duds?” He referred to her slightly altered body. “Eve with them I was no match,” She said. “Shockwave’s either got amazing power, amazing determination, or both-” Her speech trailed off as she looked to where Shockwave lay, or rather where he did not. Where there was once a seemingly deceased Shockwave lay only Jetfire’s sword. Botanica blinked and shook her head. “Let’s get in the ship.” The Autobots, sans Jetfire, made their way into the vessel. Jetfire patiently waited outside, sitting next to their mill by the stream which miraculously avoided collateral damage. The Autobots sat in the cockpit, looking out at him. “So about Jetfire…” Optimus said. “Are you still gonna bring him in?” Botanica leaned on the dashboard. She was physically and emotionally drained, and Optimus saw she was no doubt extremely conflicted. She seemed about to break, but then became very calm. “Bring him in?” She turned to Optimus. “Why bring him in when I’ve already disposed of him?” Optimus seemed confused, then understood. Botanica reached over and typed away and a keypad on the dashboard. A screen next to it lit up and information scrolled across. “Now all that’s left to do is mark my mission as complete…” She hit a key and the screen beeped before turning green, then winking off. “…And we won’t have to worry about anyone else coming around looking for him.” Optimus smiled and nodded. Road Rage made little fats paced claps with her hands, Ironhide gave the thumbs up. Botanica leaned back in the chair, a smile on her face. Until she noticed a small blinking light at the corner of the dashboard. She flipped up a small screen next to it that likewise blinked red. “What’s that?” Ironhide said. “It’s the homing beacon.” Botanica said with concern. She typed away. “It must have been activated, well, back when the Decepticons had the ship. “But that’s good!” Road Rage said. “More friends coming, right?” Botanica looked back, a worried expression on her green face. “Well, yes,“ Botanica said. “Unless your ship was recently in the hands of Decepticons who reprogrammed it to squawk on their frequency with the express purpose of alerting more Decepticons of it’s location?” She said, her voice trailing into a squeak. The Autobots all started at the beacon that had not only been active for days, but was broadcasting as far as the next solar system. “Well…” Optimus said. “…Poop.”

Optimus part Fourteen.

“Those lowlife, two-timing, rust pit runoff pieces of garbage!” Botanica raged. “They took everything! All my samples, my research, my tools, my… pilfered by their commoner hands! I can’t believe it, not even my hilarious motivational posters featuring different adorable species in non-life threatening situations were spared their greed!” Botanica looked around the bare interior of her damaged ship. Outlines where the paint hadn’t faded or dust hadn’t settled told stories of equipement and other items that once decorated it’s science bay. She crossed all four arms pouted. “Now how am I going to get through Mondays?” “They didn’t take everything.” Optimus pointed out. He and Road Rage stood safely behind Ironhide so as to avoid Botanica’s ire. “They left the cockpit untouched, after all.” “And there’s all those gimmicks on the outside that hurt us are still there!” Road Rage added. Botanica steamed. “I should’ve just blown them all up when I had the chance.” The cannons on her hips sparked and crackled with electricity. The Autobots cowered in fear. “Now now…” Optimus attempted to diffuse the ticking bomb in front of them. “Have you checked all the levels? Maybe they just cleared out this one?” “It’s a scientific shuttle!” Botanica snapped. “It only has one level…!” She stopped. “Unless….” Botanica hurried over to the back of the ship, the Autobots scrambling out of her way. “They didn’t get to the medibay because it has a lock! I‘m such a fool!” “Great!” Optimus peeped. He turned to Road Rage and Ironhide. “What is up with her? She’s been all quiet and personable and now she’s like Road Rage at a car wash!” Road Rage empathetically nodded. “Doesn’t help she’s the only one of us with the ability to kill us when we’re sleeping.” Ironhide added. “I think she’s hiding something.” Road Rage murmured. “She didn’t care about her ship before, but now she’s all mad. I think she thinks they think she has something important, and I think she thinks I know I think she does.” Optimus tried and failed to follow her point. “Okay,” He said. “But I think she’s hiding something important.” Ironhide nodded vigorously. From the back Botanica groaned with frustration. The Autobots quietly observed her frustrations. “You should go find out.” Ironhide said to Optimus. “You two get along, I barely know her.” “And I quite literally got the shaft last time,” Road Rage quipped. “So out you go!” She pushed Optimus out towards Botanica. As he shuffled nervously closer Optimus saw the cause of her frustrations was a mere keypad. Botanica stared at it. “So…” Optimus said. “Need any-” “Hush!” Botanica held her hand up, Optimus flinching at the motion. “I can not for the life of me remember the combination. I had it written of a note pinned to the microwave transmitter but, well… I may need to hack it.” Optimus gave a flippant gesture. “No sweat, I can hack anything.” Optimus said. He snuck his hand over to the pad and typed. “One, one, one, one… one, one.” The pad buzzed an angry denial. Optimus sneered. “Okay, smartaft… one, one, one-SMASH!” Optimus punched the pad. Botanica jumped back as the door, surprisingly, opened. Optimus graciously offered Botanica first entry. She obliged, and Optimus waved his friends over. They crowded the small medibay. It consisted of one small table, a bucket of basic tools, a file cabinet, and a stasis pod. The Autobots’ interest instantly shifted to the pod. Botanica, however, seemed more interested in the cabinet, pulling open a drawer and sifting through it’s contents. “You had a stasis pod on board?” Optimus asked. “Why didn’t you tell us?” Botanica poked her head up, but didn’t make eye contact. “I didn’t think it was important.” She said, then went back to searching the drawer. Road Rage pressed her face and hands up to the pod’s glass. “We had a stasis pod,” She said. “But we put a bear in it and the dumb thing wrecked the insides.” This gave Botanica pause. “Why would you put a bear in-” She began, then shook her head. “Actually, I don’t care. Aha!” She pulled out a certain file. Inside was a small card, which she tossed in her hand, a smile across her face. “What’s that?” Ironhide asked. Botanica’s smile faded. She looked unsure now, and looked out of the corner of her eye to each of them. Then she looked at card and sighed. “We will all go to prison forever,” Botanica said. “If you ever speak of this to anyone.” “Prison?” Optimus said. “Yeah, no. I am not going…” He paused. “…to prison.” He turned away. “What’s the matter with you?” Road Rage said, bouncing with excitement. “Don’t you find this interesting?” She shifted her attention to Botanica. “What kind of secrets we talking about, here? Government conspiracies? Military cover-ups?” Road Rage lowered her voice to a sly tone. “Unflattering pictures of Sentinel Prime?” “Yeah, but you know what’s better than all that useless crap?” Optimus said. “Not spending the rest of my life behind laser-gates.” “Too late,” Botanica said. “You’ve seen this, which is bad enough. If you ever breathe a word of this, we’re all going down.” Optimus sighed dramatically, and as he was about to say something Road Rage grabbed him by the antennae and pulled herself up to his eye level. “I. Must. Know.” She said sternly. Optimus pulled her off and shook his head. “Fine,” He said, placing Road Rage on the ground. He looked at Ironhide, who shrugged indifferently. “What’s the big secret?” Botanica inhaled, then began. “I was sent on a mission to recover a sensitive… item that was supposedly lost here eons ago.” She held the car up. “This card contains the item’s last known location on this planet, before it’s transmitter stopped, well, transmitting.” Botanica lowered her voice for emphasis. “This item was created by our enemy long ago during the first global war of Cybertron as the ultimate weapon of destruction. But it… malfunctioned, and fell into our hands. However the Autobots could not contain it, nor could they destroy it, so they sent it away to be hidden here. This item, this super weapon…” Botanica leaned in. The Autobots leaned in as well until all four were huddled together. “…Is a lost Decepticon warrior.” Optimus made a crude noise with his mouth. “Seriously? That’s your big secret? Old news.” He said. “How could you possibly know about it?” Botanica asked. “Because it’s Jetfire.” Ironhide answered. “Yeah,” Road Rage said. “Didn’t we tell you? Jetfire was sleeping in the ground, the Decepticons dug him out and we all became best friends.” “I don’t believe it.” Botanica said. “Hey Jetfire!” Optimus called. Jetfire poked his big head through the door of the shuttle. “What!?” He grumped. “You’re a Decepticon, right?” Optimus asked. “Bah…” Jetfire pulled out and wandered back to what he was doing. “See?” Optimus said, waving his hand towards him. “Well, that’s very unfortunate,” She said, her tone depressed. “Because, well, I came not merely to find this weapon, I came to dispose of it.” The Autobots looked confused, worried, Road Rage spoke first. “What do you mean ‘dispose’?” She asked. “You don’t mean…” “That’s not right,” Ironhide said. “He’s switched sides, you can’t just kill him for what he used to be. “You won’t.” Optimus said, stepping forward. “Not unless you bring an army to go through me, first.” “Don’t worry,” Botanica held up her hands. “I’m not going to.” The Autobots relaxed slightly. “However, this is now a lot more difficult. I have a job to do. I can’t not do it.” She crossed her arms. “I may still have to take him to jail.” “Why don’t you just tell your bosses what happened?” Optimus said. “I mean, he hasn’t done anything wrong.” “That’s the problem,” Botanica said. “He has. Not while you’ve known him, but he was once a Decepticon, and he fought for their cause. He isn’t absolved of that.” Road Rage stepped forward. “But he’s old!” She said. “At his age he hasn’t got many years left! Would you really want to have him live those out in a prison?” “It’s not about what I want,” Botanica said. “It’s about what I’ve been charged to do.” “I think Botanica’s right.” Ironhide said. Optimus and Road Rage shot him astonished looks. “You can’t be serious!” Road Rage said. “Why?” “I think because of his age he should,” Ironhide crossed his arms. “It’s for his own good, and for the good of others.” “How?” Optimus said, mimicking Ironhide’s stance. “I got captured chasing after him,” Ironhide put it plainly. “He ran humans off the road, crashed into buildings, all while rambling like a crazy person. He’s not well, Optimus.” “He’ll get the help he needs.” Botanica added. Optimus spun around, pointing a finger in her face. “Not from there, he won’t!” Optimus shouted. “The only help you get in there is into a coffin.” Botanica put a hand on Optimus’ shoulder. “You’ve been in prison, haven’t you?” She said sympathetically. “No.” Optimus shrugged her off. “But I know what it’s like, and that’s not where you want to spend your last days alive.” Botanica stared up at Optimus, who eased back. She was about to retort, but Ironhide stepped in. “I know how you feel, Optimus.” He said. “But this isn’t about you, it’s about-” Ironhide was cut off by a loud tapping on the hull, followed by Jetfire’s face appearing in the door. “Sorry to butt in, but I have a question.” Jetfire began. “The sky being on fire, is that the good one or bad one?” “What?” Optimus jogged out of the shuttle, the others followed. He looked to the sky from their clearing, there was a tower of smoke illuminated by flames in the distance. The forest was burning. “A forest fire,” Road Rage pointed out. “We have to stop it!” “If it hits our base,” Ironhide said. “We’re quite literally toast.” “It’s a way’s off.” Optimus said. “But not for long. Let’s get going.” Road Rage and Ironhide transformed and took to the path leading south. Optimus turned to Botanica. “We’ll finish this discussion when I get back.” He transformed and drove off. “What discussion?” Jetfire asked. Botanica looked up. “Nothing important.” She said to him. She watched the light from the inferno burn in the distance, and began to wonder. It wasn’t very dry, in fact it rained two nights ago. A fire starting under these conditions would have to be either an absurd chance or deliberately set. Which means the others could be driving straight into a trap. “We have to stop them!” “What?” Jetfire said. “It’s a trap! Somebody’s drawing them to the fire.” Botanica said. “Or rather, away from you.” Botanica heard as incredible heat burned her and a great force sent her straight into the ground. Before Jetfire could react he also was shot down, falling backwards into the stream by the ship. Botanica tried to pull herself out of the hole filled with red hot rocks, but only managed to turn over. Standing behind her was Shockwave, still partially disfigured, but very much alive.

Optimus part Thirteen.

Optimus squatted uncomfortably as he carefully reeled in his towline. After a few awkward moments Road Rage emerged from the hole, Botanica helping her out. “It’s a big facility.” Road Rage untied the line around her waist. “It’s like some sort of big lab only without any equipement.” “Maybe a bunker?” Botanica asked. “Was there any treasure?” Optimus asked. “Just some old papers with squiggly lines across them.” Road Rage said. “Well, one long squiggly line. They were halfway down a paper shredder.” “Well, it was important to hide a fake building over it.” Optimus pondered. His thought was interrupted when he noticed something. “Where’s the short one and the old guy?” Botanica and Road Rage shrugged. There was a rustling in the trees and Jetfire, blackened and with a dejected look, emerged. “What happened?” Botanica moved over to help, but Jetfire waved her off. He looked down solemnly. “They took your friend.” He rubbed the back of his head. “I wandered off and he tried to stop me. They defeated us and…” Optimus stood up and walked over to Jetfire. “It’s okay.” He said. “We‘ll get him back.” ------- “You know, I’m not vindictive or anything.” Ironhide said. “If you let me go I wouldn’t say anything.” He tried again to break his bonds that held his hands behind his back. “Once I was captured. Captured by… pirates, and they were nice, and they let me go, and I didn’t say anything.” Again he tried, to no avail. Ironhide sat bound to a rock in the middle of the Decepticon cave. Only one beam of light poured in from above, and all around him was dark. “Don’t bother.” A voice came from the darkness. Strika moved into the light. “Those binders came from your Autobot spacecraft. They are unbreakable. Used to hold volatile samples, also effect as chains for prisoners.” “You know,” Ironhide said. “With the dark dungeon setting, handcuffs and you all clad in black I’d say this in no way resembles something I saw on the internet.” Strika didn’t say a word, instead she snapped her fingers. Soundwave emerged, pushing a trolley filled with tools. All manner of cutters, prods, saws and spikes. Strika picked up a saw and thumbed the switch. It’s razor blade spun. She twirled it in her hands as she walked around him. “Megatron said I can do whatever I want with you.” She said, moving the saw closer. Ironhide leaned back. “Again, there’s this thing I saw on the internet…” Strika held the saw centimetres away from his eye. “That’s an impressive scar you have there.” Strika pointed out the gash on his right brow. “I wonder, should we try and make both sides match?” “Well, I don’t think-” Ironhide began, but Strika covered his mouth. She pulled back the saw. “But first I think we’ll do some body work.” She trusted the saw into Ironhide’s chest, but was surprised when it bounced off. Puzzled, she more carefully jabbed the blade. Again it ricocheted off. “I tried to tell you…” Ironhide said. Again Strika attacked, this time with all her might, at his chest. The blade made contact and crumpled, jamming the saw and causing it to spark and smoke. Strika tossed it away. She looked at Ironhide, furious, but then calmed. “Never mind.” She regained herself. “I know your Achilles heel…” She reached for an electric prod. “Okay, I don’t want to play anymore.” Ironhide shuffled nervously, trying again to break his chains. Strika activate the prod, electricity surged between it’s tips. Ironhide pulled as hard as he could, and before Strika could do anything, he ripped the rock from the ground, flipping forward and hurling it straight at her face. The rock knocked Strika way, and Ironhide landed upside down. Soundwave jumped from the shadows and prepared to fire his laser. Ironhide flipped again just in time to put the rock between him and the blast. The stone shattered, but Ironhide was undamaged. He turned to Soundwave, who fumbled to vent his weapon for another shot. But Ironhide was too fast, mustered up enough strength for another front flip, he looped the bonds around his hands behind Soundwave’s head, then curled his legs back so his heels lay against Soundwave’s face, and pushed as hard as he could. The bonds, weakened by the laser, snapped, and so did Soundwave’s head. Soundwave stumbled back, severely disoriented. Ironhide panted, tired from the acrobatics, he wasted no time transforming, hitting his high beams and headed to the nearest opening. Strika rolled from the ground, seamlessly adopting her vehicle form and giving pursuit. Gravel and dirt crunched under Ironhide’s heavy duty tires as he sped down the dark tunnel. The roar of Strika’s engine creeping up behind him as he sped. He gave it his all, but Ironhide was too exhausted from the battle. Just as escaped seemed impossible, he saw daylight, and shot out of the tunnel like a bullet. Now he had to navigate the forest. Or he would have, had the ground not exploded beneath him. Ironhide tumbled through the air. Green, blue and brown blurring as he rolled through the dirt and trees. He split apart and reformed in his robotic form in time to avoid falling off a cliff and into the river below. Above thrusters roared, and Starscream fell from the sky. Strika rolled up beside him and transformed. Ironhide was outmatched. “Nowhere to run Autobutt!” Starscream laughed. Strika elbowed him to be quiet. “You’re trapped, now surrender!” Strika demanded. Ironhide weighed his options. “No thanks,” He said. “I think I’ll just go for a swim-” He heel-turned and was about to spelunker, but out of the gorge behind him rose the space ship, Soundwave behind the controls. The forward gun of the ship blasted Ironhide, toasting him and sending him tumbling backwards to Strika’s feet. “That’s for crushing my head, jerk!” Soundwave said over the external speaker. He eased the ship towards his comrades, hovering just above. “Soundwave, you fool!” Strika said. “How dare you bring the ship outside! What if-” Strika was cut of when a space shuttle rammed into the ship’s side, sending it spinning into the trees. “-That happens.” Strika dejectedly waved her hand at the event. The shuttle spun around and popped open, releasing Optimus and Road Rage who landed on the ground, poised for action, Jetfire transforming and joining them. “You’re outnumbered, Strika.” Optimus remained in a battle stance. “Do you really think we can take them?” Road Rage whispered. “Hell no.” Optimus whispered back. “That landing actually really, really hurt…” He groaned. “I don’t think I can feel my legs. “Me neither.” Road Rage squeaked as she registered the pain of falling thirty feet. “But we don’t have to beat them, just distract them.” Optimus whispered to her, then raised his voice for the Decepticons. “Now give us back our friend. Three on two is hardly fair for you guys…” As if in response, Megatron rocketed out of the mountain, landing in front of his troops. “Now, what is fair again?” He said. “I knew that was gonna happen,” Optimus moaned. “But I said it anyway, so stupid…” Behind them a rumbling noise came. The ship had repositioned itself, and the Autobots were completely boxed in. “Now, Autobots, I seemed to recall asking you to, what was it, roll over and die?” Megatron said. “But you needn’t trouble yourselves. I’ll just do it myself. Soundwave! Absolve yourself of the sin of disobeying me and obliterate them!” Megatron yelled to his officer. Inside the ship Soundwave gave the thumbs up and searched the control module for the biggest, most aggressive weapon the scientific vessel had. Unbeknownst to Soundwave, however, Botanica silently glided up behind him. As quiet as she could be Botanica moved to push Soundwave out of the chair while bent over to look for more buttons, muttering to himself. Botanica leaned over the chair. “Soundwave?” Megatron called again, trying to retain a threatening tone. Soundwave snapped upwards, his cannon knocking Botanica aside. She hit the controls and the ship began to spin. Soundwave spun around in shock and attempted to push Botanica away, but she slipped behind him and grabbed his head. He flailed around trying to reach her, knocking the chair back and putting them both on the floor. Botanica recovered quickly enough, as did Soundwave, and they squared of. The ship listed again, tossing Botanica into Soundwave. With no one at the controls the steering apparatus of the ship spun with the motions, out of control. Soundwave pushed the Autobot off and started hitting random buttons. Lights, weapons and other equipement dislodged or activated on the ships hull. Mechanical arms swiped at the combatants below. Strika was knocked into the river, Starscream flattened into the dirt, Jetfire blinded by floodlights, Road Rage sent into the air. Optimus dodge rocket fire and Megatron avoided capture nets. “Soundwave you raging malfunction! What are you doing!?” Megatron screamed as he was caught in a mechanical arm. He gripped the claw holding him and ripped it apart, grabbing the arm and pulled himself towards the ship. Inside Botanica and Soundwave both tried to correct the ship, until Megatron smashed his way through the cockpit glass. He dug his hand into the control console and pulled out a wad of wires and circuits. The ship shuttered, then dipped forward, ploughing into the ground below. As the robots collected themselves, Megatron approached Optimus. He handed the Autobot the wad of technology. “She’s all yours.” And walked away, the Other Decepticons followed. “Sweet.” Optimus said.

Optimus part Twelve.

Road Rage screamed as she tumbled out of control down the dark shaft, crashing and scraping against the wall until she hit the ground. She landed face first and flipped over onto her back. From above she heard Optimus say something. “Sorry,” His voice echoed. “I thought Botanica said ‘gently throw her down’ not ‘lower down.’” Road Rage got up and silently cursed up the shaft, flipping her arms in crude ways. Finally she calmed down and looked around. It was utterly pitch dark and every move she made caused an echo. She tightened the cable around her waist and turned on her headlights before venturing into the black. Up top Optimus sat with his back to the shaft’s mouth, his tow cable leading down into the hole. Botanica stood by, ready to descend herself, while Ironhide and Jetfire watched. “Y’know,” Ironhide said to Jetfire. “You couldn’t pay me to go down there. Probably filled with owls. People think their harmless, but I know better.” Ironhide turned to look at Jetfire, but the elderly fellow had disappeared. Ironhide searched around, then looked back to Optimus and Botanica. “Hey, guys…” “Not now, Ironhide.” Optimus said. “This is not very comfortable.” Ironhide shrugged and turned around to look for Jetfire. He walked around the barn to see where Jetfire may have gotten to. His attention was drawn to the sound of trees tipping over in the distance. It seems the ex-Decepticon may have simply wandered away. As he followed the damaged foliage he found Jetfire had wandered onto the main road. Indeed he seemed to be suffering another episode as he waved his cane about and shouted at nothing. Ironhide waddled out of the trees to meet him on the road, but hadn’t made it halfway when a passing motorist unwittingly earned the ire of the mentally distressed giant. The human slammed on his brakes and attempted to turn and flee, but Jetfire grabbed the roof of the pickup truck and began accosting it’s driver. Ironhide ran as fast as he could to try and stop Jetfire before he could hurt anyone, but as soon as Jetfire spotted him his demeanour turned belligerent. “You!” Jetfire pointed at Ironhide and shoved the truck away. “Why’d you turn off the collision detector?” Ironhide didn’t understand, but he didn’t want to agitate Jetfire further. “Because…” Ironhide thought. “It was… faulty! Yeah, so we‘re fixing it, back at the base. Why don‘t you come see?” “No, that planet, it wasn’t supposed to be here. They told me…” Jetfire turned melancholy. “I tried my best, I really did.” He fell to his knees, Ironhide approached cautiously. “If I’d just made the connection…. I was so stupid.” “It’s okay,” Ironhide said. “It wasn’t your fault, just come with me…” Ironhide extended his hand. Jetfire looked up, sadness overwhelming him, then in an instant he turned violent. “No!” Jetfire punched Ironhide in the chest hard enough to send him flying backwards. ‘I know what that means! You didn’t expect me to survive! By I’m smarter! Smarter than you all!” Jetfire laughed, then transformed. However rather than fly away, he deployed his landing gear and began to drive down the road. Ironhide pulled himself off the ground and rolled into his transformation and screeching into pursuit. Jetfire wobbled and shuddered as he drove on his tiny wheels. Oncoming cars swerved to avoid him. On of his rear landing gear slipped into the ditch along the roadside. He increased thrust to fix himself, but ended up being launched off the road and into a nearby baseball diamond. He became entangled in the chain link fence, but powered on. He headed straight for the suburbs, but just before he hit the houses Ironhide rammed his nose hard enough to push the skidding craft away from the homes. Jetfire’s right rear gear failed, and his wing dipped down, carving a trench as he skidded past the houses and into the streets. Ironhide continued along side, trying as hard as he could to push the massive vessel into the clearing outside the suburbs, but instead Jetfire steered straight into the intersection before finally stopping. The shuttle began to split apart and move, but Ironhide transformed first, leaping onto his back and effectively holding the craft together. But Jetfire, for all his years, was still larger and Ironhide simply could not hold him for long. Jetfire extended an arm pulled the stout robot off his back before standing up. Ironhide landed on his feet. He tackled the old man and tried to hold him down. “Jetfire!” Ironhide yelled. “Listen, you’re sick, you need to come back with me!” But Jetfire wouldn’t listen, instead he rolled onto his back, pinning Ironhide to the ground and freeing his limbs. As Jetfire stood, Ironhide lay still. Jetfire reached for his cane and wandered off out of view. Ironhide struggled to pull him out of the dent in the asphalt. As he sat up he felt the ground shake. He turned around and heard the heavy crunching of all-terrain wheels. He hurriedly crawled into a wide alley, poking his head out to see what was going on. Strika rolled up, with another vehicle in tow. It was large, grey and had a huge weapon of some kind on it’s bed. Above he heard the roar of jets. Megatron most likely, but Ironhide didn’t know of any other jet Decepticons except the late Shockwave. As all four transformed, it became clear now the Decepticons had seen growth among their ranks. The artillery vehicle became a stout, grey and red robot with a blue visor, while the jet became a bulky black robot with four eyes. They looked dangerous, Ironhide opted to stay concealed and listen in. “Okay, so this time we’re doing this right.” Megatron said. “Starscream, I want you to dig a hole over there and bury yourself.” “What did I do?” Starscream said. “No, numbskull,” Megatron said. “You’re part of the ambush. I saw it on the Discovery channel. Some types of multi-limbed micro-organics will bury themselves or make dens in the ground to surprise prey. Starscream,” Megatron grabbed Starscream’s shoulders. “You are my spider. And you shall spring out on my signal, which is the word ‘bait,’” Starscream nodded, muttering the word to himself. Megatron turned to Soundwave and Strika. “You two shall be stationed behind those trees.” Megatron outlined with his hands the area in question. Behind him Starscream knelt down and began digging with his hands. Megatron looked at him, confused. “What are you doing?” He said. “You told me to dig a hole!” He said. Megatron smacked his face. “Not now, you imbecile.” Megatron groaned. “We’re not springing the trap now, we’re assessing the area.” “Yeah, I don’t know what that means.” Starscream kept digging. “I….” Megatron shrugged. “Keep up the good work. So as I was saying,” he turned to the others. “You two shall be stationed beyond yonder tree line and await my signal.” “What will the signal be, oh mighty lord?” Soundwave bowed. Strika crossed her arms. “The signal,” Megatron pointed up. “Shall be when I pounce them with the Driller. Then while flee, Starscream ambushes their retreat, and you two box them in.” “I thought we were going to use the Shuttle?” Strika said. “Indeed we shall,” Megatron rubbed his hands together. “Soundwave?” “Megatron shall be in command of the captured shuttle remotely.” Soundwave declared. “As Obsidian is still under repairs-” “Repairs?” Starscream said from his hole. “We put him on Shockwave’s lab table and taped his arm back on.” “Quiet in the potato gallery!” Megatron scolded, then turned to Soundwave. “Continue.” “As I was saying, in order to truly box the Autobots in we need four on the ground, so the shuttle will be under Megatron’s control.” Soundwave said. “But wouldn’t that leave the shuttle open to interference, and divide Megatron’s attention?” Strika said. “One of us should fly it, while the others-” “No, Strika,” Megatron said. “You need four sides to make a box. If one of us was in the shuttle there’d be only three sides.” Megatron counted their heads with his hand. “But boxes can-” Strika began, but Megatron silenced her. “Boxes need four sides, otherwise their pyramids!” He said. “Well, no, they’re-” Megatron shushed Strika again. “Who agrees boxes need four sides?” Megatron said. “I do!” Soundwave raised his hand. “It’s true.” Starscream’s muffled voice came from underground. “Indeed.” Jetfire nodded. “See, we all agree.” Megatron said. “Now let’s hurry and mark our positions before-” Megatron stopped, looked to his left, then up. Jetfire scratched his chin. “Of course you really need six sides, but the ground is one, and that’s what I figure the shuttle’s for.” The old robot said. The Decepticons simply stared. Jetfire nodded to with himself. “So what’s going on?” Ironhide chose that moment to pounce, latching onto Megatron’s back and causing hi to flail about madly. Strika and Soundwave moved to assist, but Jetfire swatted them away with his cane. He stomped it against the ground and it broke apart, reforming as his sword, and he swung. Strika back flipped away, but Soundwave was knocked into a truck. Ironhide pounded on Megatron’s head, trying to pull it off. Megatron flailed, tripping and slipping as he tried to transform. Eventually he was able to convert enough to fly away, Ironhide holding tight. Megatron corkscrewed through the air, Ironhide holding on for dear life. Megatron dipped, then flipped over. Ironhide’s chubby hands held tight while his feet scrapped against the ground. They came up on power lines, Megatron righted himself, tossing Ironhide against hi back just in time to be snagged by the power lines as Megatron flew under. Ironhide was tangled immediately. Electricity surged as the lines wrapped around. The inertia ripped the poles from the ground. A messy mass of metal and wood landed in a nearby pool. Electricity surged wildly, sparks exploded out. Megatron pitched upwards, almost in a loop, and climbed. Just as he reached apex, he transformed and shot towards the ground, landing on two feet. He admired the devastation. Elsewhere, Jetfire fought Strika and Soundwave. Soundwave charged Jetfire, but the giant Autobot merely pushed him away. Strika stared Jetfire down. The Decepticon began to trudge forward. Jetfire picked up a chunk of road and chucked it at her. It harmlessly broke against her armour. Soundwave charged again, hoping to catch Jetfire off guard, but again he was pushed away. As Strika continued Jetfire sought something heftier. He picked up a nearby abandoned truck, and with two hands overhand tossed the vehicle. Again Strika shoved it off. Jetfire took a step back as she slowly closed in. Soundwave, determined to succeed, charged Jetfire again, and again was casually knocked back by the massive robot. Jetfire drew his blade, and when Strika was in range, swung with all his might to stop her. She side-stepped and grabbed the blade by it’s handle, launching it out of Jetfire’s hands. Disarmed and out of options, Jetfire cautiously stepped back as she approached. An opportunity presented itself as Soundwave charged yet a fourth time. This time Jetfire grabbed the stout robot’s back mounted cannon, pushing it into the ground. As Soundwave was pole-vaulted forwards, Jetfire grabbed his cannon like a bat and with all his strength swatted Strika with her comrade, sending them both flying. Strika landed face-down in a parking lot, Soundwave landing on top of her. Jetfire picked up his blade and moved in to finish his foes. As he approached, Soundwave’s weapon stuttered loosely on it’s damaged hinge, and sparked. Jetfire stood poised to kill, but before he could impale them both, the cannon tipped forward and fired. A powerful ray beam blasted Jetfire backwards. Charring his entire upper body, Jetfire slipped unconscious. As Strika and Soundwave managed to stand, Megatron returned, arms behind his back. Soundwave examined the fallen titan, then turned to Megatron. “My lord!” He snapped to attention. “We’ve successfully defeated the Autobot threat!” Strika groaned. “Excellent work, Soundwave.” Megatron said. “Truly you’re a skilled as you are eloquent.” Strika groaned louder. “What shall we do with him?” Soundwave asked. “Nothing,” Megatron said. “I now have a much better plan…” He tossed forward the damaged Ironhide. “And now, I have the perfect bait.” There was a rustling behind them. “Attack!” Starscream yelled, jumping out of his hole. Megatron sighed.

Optimus part Eleven.

“So…” Optimus scratched his head. Botanica stood in front of him, waiting for him to say something. ‘I guess we’ll start with the tour.” Optimus looked over to the mill. “That’s the base.” Botanica observed and nodded. Optimus exhaled. “And that concludes the tour.” “Very rustic.” She commented. “I can see you’re quite adapted to the simpler ways of life.” They watched as Ironhide dozed beneath a tree. Road Rage stacked rocks in a pile near the river. Jetfire stared aimlessly at his surroundings as though he had no idea where he was. “Yup,“ Optimus straighten up. “We’re like the Ingalls.” “What?” Botanica said. “Oh, right. You won’t get that.” Optimus made a flippant gesture with his hand. “We watched a lot of human TV back when we had cable.” “Though in all seriousness, perhaps you could use some…” Botanica searched for the word. “Modernising? Maybe start with, I don‘t know, a fire?” “Fire!” optimus smacked his head and snapped his fingers. “That’s what we forgot!” He turned to the others. “Hey guys!” The other Autobots gave their full attention. “It was fire. We forgot fire.” “Oh…” They said together, nodding. Optimus turned back to Botanica. “So, what else could we do?” He asked. Botanica crossed all four arms and thought. “Not to be rude…” She shrugged. “But maybe you could use some of that equipment I see lying in what appears to be factory-sealed boxes?” She pointed to stacked crates through a hole inside the mill. Optimus nodded understandingly. “Yeah we keep putting that off.” Optimus said sincerely. “We don’t have a generator, so…” Botanica hovered down to the river, hoped over and glided to the foremost crate in the pile. She picked it up and held it up. “You mean like this?” She pointed out. Optimus was red-faced as he jogged over, he plucked the crate from her hand. “Yeah, well…” He coughed. “They make the font so illegible…” Road Rage skipped over with Ironhide waddling up behind. “Since it’s quite possible I could be spending the rest of my mortal existence on this planet,” Botanica said. “I could help you set some of this up?” Optimus was a little stubborn at first, but Ironhide and Road Rage gave exuberant nods of approval. After a brief ponder Optimus agreed and they were underway. After pausing so Road Rage could set up her montage camera they began work. While Botanica handled the technical side of things the other Autobots got to work building a more solid shelter. Using only the lumber from the area the needed they constructed better shelter. Eventually it started shaping up, and within a day’s work, not counting breaks, they had basic shelter and essential systems hooked up. The mill was transformed into a much larger log cabin. Due to sentimentality, Ironhide had held onto the old rusty wheel that once lay propped against the demolished farmhouse adjacent their barn. He pulled it out of a box and leaned it up against the new base. Road Rage and Jetfire cleaned up remain building materials and Botanica finished the system diagnostics on their new, more secure, mainframe. Optimus finished moving the remaining crates out of the elements when he noticed an oddity of the mill. They hadn’t replaced the foundation as it was surprisingly stable, yet every time he walked in a certain corner of the original mill he heard a hollow thump. This wouldn’t be much concern except the mill was made of wood. Surely the simple act of him walking across it would cause the aged floor to cave in. Yet it did not. “Hey Botanica,” Optimus called, squatting down to inspect the floor. Botanica turned from her computer. “Could I get your help for a moment?” “Of course.” She said, pausing the diagnostic scan. She drifted over and bent down to see what it is he wanted. “I think there’s a door here,” Optimus said, then looked at his hands. “But my fingers are too thick to find the seam. Would you mind?” “I can do you one better…” She moved her right arm over the suspected concealed hatch. Her lower forearm split open, a small servo unfolding out, then flipping open to reveal some type of scanner. She held her upper forearm across. It, too, revealed a piece of equipment. A small screen. “Neato.” Optimus commented. Botanica didn’t acknowledge, instead using the device to scan the depth of the ground. She noticed an incongruity. “It see what you mean,” She said, not taking her eyes of her arm. “There is a trapdoor here, now to find…” She ran her left hand’s fingers across the wooden panels, then felt a seam. She gripped and pulled. Indeed there was a jostling sound, and as she pulled the door became visible as it’s seams briefly showed. “Locked.” She commented. Optimus crossed his arms and leaned back on his heels. His left foot slid and as it did hit something. A small wood encased lever, indistinguishable from the piled of logs stacked tightly in the far corner. As he did there was a hiss. Optimus jumped a bit as the door popped open. Botanica nodded. “Nice one.” She said. Optimus composed himself. “I just have a way with old trap doors nobody knew existed.” He smiled and nodded. Botanica looked at the door. It was wood paneling on top but metal on the bottom. Heavy hydraulics held it up. It led down a concrete hole, wide, though not wide enough for them, still wider than any human. “Peculiar…” Botanica mused. “It’s like a bunker…” Optimus commented. “Those nineteenth-century flour makers took no chances.” “I don’t know anything about, well, anything on this planet,” Botanica said. “But it doesn’t take a scientist to know this hatch was built after this structure was. It’s materials are more robust and appear much more recent. Special care was taken to keep it secret, too. The lever was hidden and they went out of there way to make the hatch itself invisible.” “You think there’s treasure down there?” Optimus pondered. Botanica just looked at him. “Well, I mean that’s what I’d do.” Optimus shrugged. “I’d love to know what’s down there.” She said. “Can’t you do that thing you did when we first saw you? The unhinging thing?” Optimus made loose gestures with his hands. “You kidding? I don’t know what’s down there.” She shook her head. “I’ve been on this planet for less than twenty-four hours, not counting the time I spent sleeping while you drove me back here, and you expect me to jump into it’s bowels without so much as reading a catalogue of it’s species?” Optimus chuckled. “I still can’t believe you slept all the way back her.” He said. “I had jetlag.” Botanica shrugged. “Besides I don’t have an alternate form.” “Wait,” Optimus said. “What happened to it?” “You know exploration protocol,” She said. “Adopt a new form upon reaching a planet and discard it once you leave to prevent contamination once you get to another, only without my ship I can’t get a new one.” “Oh, right.” Optimus said. “I forgot that stupid law. Just because one idiot decides to be a tank on the planet made of glass we all have to suffer.” “Tell em about it.” Botanica said. She looked back down. “So about this hole…” “Ah, don’t sweat, I got it covered.” Optimus said. “Road Rage!” He shouted. Road Rage fell form the roof outside and into the mill. “What?” She asked. “Get Ironhide and some rope,” Optimus said. “We found a deep, dark hole in the ground and I need you to check it out.” Road Rage looked apprehensive. “Why don’t you go?” She asked. “Because I can’t fit,” Optimus measured his torso with his hands and compared it to the hole. “Besides, I went in the last hole we found, so it’s your turn.” “Darn.” Road Rage sulked off to get the requirements. Optimus looked back down the hatch. “So,” Botanica asked. “You make a habit of investigating every hole in the ground you find?” “More like a hobby,” Optimus said. “Like I said, there could be treasure down there.” -------- Megatron and Strika gleefully danced around the parked spaceship. For the first time since being on planet Earth it was an indisputable Decepticon victory and they made the most of it. Megatron spun and fell against the ship, hugging it. “At last,” He said. “The edge we need! I’ve wanted a new ship since, well…” “Since you took apart our old ship to make your magnificent driller!” Strika finished. “Indeed!” Megatron patted the ship and pushed off. “Now with it and this we’ll have ample means to-” “Destroy the Autobots?” Strika said. “Yes!” He said. “However I prefer the odds be stacked a little more in my favour. Are they ready?” He asked. “They have been on standby ever since, my liege.” Strika owed. “Then summon them!” Megatron stood tall. “Let us amass our full strength!” Strika nodded and pressed the comm link button on her head. “Your are summoned.” She said. A few moments of silence passed. Moments turned to minutes, minutes turned to an hour. “What is taking them?” Megatron wondered. Not a second after he said that a dull rumbling echoed in the caves. Through one of the upper tunnels a streak of fire came through. It crashed into the ground, bouncing once. Then a second followed suit. The two fireballs dissipated to reveal they were in fact metal spheres. These spheres were absent of detail, reflective silver and encased in a gel layer. There was a flickering of light around the spheres and the gel poured off. Each one then split down the middle, steam hissing out, and unfolded. Out of one leapt a dark robot. He tripped halfway and fell face-first into the dirt. He coughed and spat out the mouthful of rocks. He tried to stand but slipped on the gel and fell backwards on his rear. The second pod opened fully and a second rust and silver coloured robot emerged, stretching. “I had no idea you were claustrophobic.” The silver robot said. “Being in a little metal ball for three years will make anybody claustarobic…” The dark robot wiped dirt from his face. He looked up at Megatron, who merely stood there. “Oh, hi.” “Is that anyway to address your master!” Strika grabbed him by his head and stood him up proper. “Both of you show some respect!” “A thousand pardons.” The silver robot said. He stout, thick and was clad in deep, silvery blue metal with rusty red accents. His head was dark and square with no face, only a blue visor. He carried a large cannon on his back that looked like it would tip him over. “Yeah, sorry I guess.” The dark robot sneered. He was tall, thick, and had massive upper arms. Wings protruded out the sides of his shoulders. His head was round and silver with a dark face. Four pink eyes conveyed an expression halfway between apathetic and sarcastic. The stout robot elbowed him and he straightened up. “Soundwave reporting as ordered.” The stout one saluted. “Starscream also as ordered.” The dark one saluted likewise. “Most excellent.” Megatron clasped his hands behind his back and walked behind them. He bent down to their level and draped his arms over their shoulders. Starscream and Soundwave were a bit uncomfortable as Megatron merely clasped their shoulders before pushing off and walking back in front of them. He extended his arms. “So how have my soldiers been?” “Uh, pretty good I guess…” Starscream said. “I mean, being in orbit was kinda boring and horrible.” “Any assignment is a gift, lord Megatron.” Soundwave bowed, his cannon nearly hitting Megatron in the face. “I have been gifted with aft cramps.” Starscream muttered under his breath. Megatron laughed. Then instantly changed in demeanour. He turned away and stood straight. “Shockwave is dead.” He said, more disappointed than solemn. Soundwave and Starscream were suddenly a little more alert. “Wait, dead?” Starscream asked. “How?” “The Autobot’s new recruit.” Strika said. “She melted hi into slag.” “And therein lies the problem.” Megatron said. “With Obsidian indisposed and Shockwave gone we’re outnumbered, however we are not without the advantage.” Megatron pointed to the ship. “How come I didn’t notice that when we got here?” Starscream scratched his head. “What is your command, lord all mighty?” Soundwave bowed, Megatron leaning to the left to avoid his cannon again, casually pushing it aside with one finger. “Full-scale assault on the city with what we have, draw out the Autobots,” Megatron waved his finger in the air. “And grind them into powder.” Strika rolled her eyes. “I’ll prepare the usual battle score, then?” She said. “Indeed!” Megatron pointed to her. “Ride of the Valkries if you would! Come my Decepticons!” Megatron bounded into the Driller, as he powered it up he looked back to the three loyal soldiers. He tilted his head to the side and smiled, stepping out of the Driller he stood there and held his arms out. “No.” Starscream said, knowing what he wanted. Megatron took heavy, lazy steps towards them, motioning them towards them with his hands. They all shook their heads and began to back away, but before they could Megatron captured them in his embrace. “My lord I am very, very uncomfortable-” Soundwave began, but Megatron shushed him. He leaned his head into in and whispered. “We can do anything,” Megatron assured them. “Anything when we’re together…” He let go and walked back into the Driller. After the hatched closed Starscream turned to his dumbfounded comrades. “What just happened?”

Optimus part Ten.

Shockwave and Obsidian were nearly across the border when the next attack came. It didn’t hit hard like last time, but came slow. Flashes. Senses. Visuals. Sounds. The physical sensation of his feet on the polished floors replaced the feeling of momentum. The gentle breeze through the crack of the window overtook the harsh buffeting of winds through subzero skies. The blizzard ahead wiped out by the flash of light and the upper-class décor of that dreaded room. It began to overwhelm him, there was only one thing to do. He transformed and began freefall. Obsidian saw this and swooped down, matching his speed. Shockwave banged his fists against his head, trying to stop the memory before it happened. But he was too late. He was reliving his death again. Shockwave let out what could be considered a scream of pain, but it was so distorted, so mechanical, even to Obsidian, he thought Shockwave’s spark core had gone nuclear. Shockwave reeled and hit the ground, but didn’t stop screaming and flailing. Finally he composed himself, the shock of impact being just enough to overtake the pain. He reached for his chest compartment and dumped out a case filled with the blue cells. He grabbed one and stabbed it into his neck. The pain faded. He regained composure. Obsidian hovered a few dozen feet above, watching. Shockwave was picking up the cells when his arm seized up. “Impossible.” He sputtered. He began convulsing. Another memory attack so soon? A side effect of the mind-numbing code? Whatever was happening it was too much to bear, he fell back. The memory played in full, unbroken, yet the assailant’s face was still hidden. It replayed over and over like a broken tape, faster and faster. Obsidian transformed and hovered next to seizing Shockwave. “What’s wrong?” Obsidian said with false concern. “H-he-help...” Shockwave stammered. “The co-code c-cells… I-I…” His eye began to blink furiously. Obsidian looked at the blue cylinders and picked one up. He thumbed the indent and a plug emerged from the end. He held Shockwave still and inserted it into a port on his neck. The convulsions stopped. Shockwave went limp, his eye turned off. Obsidian tapped his head. “Have you died on me already?” He asked. Obsidian picked up Shockwave’s wrist and felt for his fuel line. No pulse. “Pity he had to expire so soon.“ Obsidian lamented. “His help would’ve been invaluable.” Obsidian carelessly let shockwave’s arm drop. As he began to leave he noticed the data cylinders Shockwave had used. He gathered them and stored them in his arm panel just in case. As he was about to take off he heard a clicking. Obsidian turned and Shockwave’s eye dully flickered a moment before returning to full light. He sat up, snow sliding off his armour, gathered his surroundings, then looked to Obsidian. “I had another attack?” Shockwave asked. “Indeed,” Obsidian replied. “Perhaps you’d like to let me know exactly what said attacks are?” “No, I would not.” Shockwave said. He looked at the ground. “Where is my medicine?” “I put it back in your chest compartment after administering it.” Obsidian said. Shockwave went to see for himself, but Obsidian stopped him. “We should get moving. We need to be ready to strike the instant the ship crashes. Rest assured I secured your medicine, you won’t even know it’s there.” “You are correct.” Shockwave said. He prepared to take off, then figuring he owed as much gave a thankful nod to obsidian. Obsidian graciously dipped his head and the two took off. As they flew off through the snow a black armoured vehicle pulled up. It stopped just short of the now empty data cylinder and extended a small pneumatic arm to pick it up. The black vehicle then sped off after them. ------ After the incident Shockwave and Obsidian’s flight was uneventful as they reached the estimated landing site. The snowfall had eased and the sun peaked through the white clouds. Indeed this would be the perfect place for an ambush. Lots of cover in the snowdrifts and ice blocks. Shockwave transformed and landed on one knee in the snow. He looked to the skies as Obsidian drifted down beside him. “How long until the ship arrives?” Obsidian asked. “Now.” Shockwave said. Before Obsidian could react a fireball hit not twenty meters from them. The impact and explosion shook the ground, snow and mist raced past them, pushing Obsidian back. Shockwave remained solid as a rock. As the dust and white clouds around them disappeared the ship was revealed. The sun reflected off it’s glossy finish. It was green, turquoise and blue. Not military. “What is this?” Obsidian scoffed. “Some private transport? Those aren’t military colours!” Obsidian was more than enraged, but Shockwave calmed him down and pointed out the mounted guns on it’s hull. It may not be military, but exploration class still held hope of armaments and supplies. They quickly but cautiously approached the craft, steam rose from around as it cooled from entry. They examined it and found the entrance. A sealed bulkhead. They took up flanking positions and awaited the crew to exit. They waited. And waited. Five minutes past. Still they waited. Five more minutes. Obsidian lowered his gun. “What is taking them so long?” Obsidian said. “Perhaps they’re shy,” A voice came from behind them. Obsidian and Shockwave’s heads jerked towards a snow drift, atop which stood Megatron. “Or cowards.” He leapt down to them. “Not an unusual thing around these parts. Afterall, it seems confronting someone face-to-face is easier said than done.” Megatron turned to Obsidian. “Please my liege, understand it was all a plot to expose Shock-” Obsidian was backhanded into the snow by Megatron. “I had expected much of you, Obsidian,” Megatron said. “All your grovelling and ever-so-eager to please-ness.” Megatron turned to Shockwave, who stood straight and motionless. “But you, Shockwave? You always seemed so committed to the mission. We were going to rule Cybertron together. Why?” “Because the mission cannot be completed with you in command. “Shockwave said. “I did what I thought was best.” Megatron shook his head. He slammed his fist into Shockwave’s abdomen. Sparks and bits of metal popped out of his seams. “You thought wrong.” Megatron said. He turned to watch Strika pull up and Transform. He nodded to let her know all was in order, but was blind-sided by Shockwave. The purple robot grabbed Megatron in a headlock and tossed him away from the ship. Megatron rolled to his feet, heel-turned, then dived back towards Shockwave. Megatron tackled him into the ship’s hull, denting it. He grabbed Shockwave’s horns and threw him towards Strika, who roundhouse kicked Shockwave back into the snow. He stood up, Megatron and Strika were amazed at how little he was damaged. Strika charged him, but as she was about to strike him her arm was caught by something. She was pulled down mid-stride. As Megatron turned in the direction of the attack Road Rage dropped down from the ship onto his back. Ironhide bulldozed into Megatron, flattening him. Strika got up, her arm still ensnared by Optimus’ tow cable. “Hope you don’t mind if I cut in!” Optimus snickered to himself. Strika wrapped her arm in the cable line. “That’s only funny if you say it while cutting something,” She extended a blade from her other arm’s shield. “Like this!” Strika pulled Optimus in and swung several times. He narrowly dodged her attacks. He pushed her attacking arm aside and pulled his legs up. He pushed off Strika’s chest and over her arm, unravelling his cable and pulling the hook off. He dropped to the snow and rolled back, and was promptly kicked in the head by Strika. Elsewhere Megatron chased after Road Rage, clawing and swinging at her, kicking up snow and shearing ice as she barely evaded. She side-stepped one blow only to be head-butted by Megatron. He grabbed her in one hand threw here straight down into the snow. Ironhide ran up behind him in a sneak-attack, but was put down by a blast from Shockwave. As Megatron turned to thank him, Shockwave fired again, sending his leader flying into a snow drift. Shockwave turned again and fired another shot into Strika as she was about to finish off the damaged Optimus. The area was still as Shockwave remained the only robot standing. Obsidian finally pulled himself free of the snow and ice that covered him. “Impudent, short-sighted fools.” He sneered at Optimus. “Did you really think three Autobots could take on the four of us?” “Three Autobots, Obsidian?” Optimus smirked. Obsidian felt that sinking feeling as he looked up in time to be flattened into the ground by Jetfire. The hulking robot drew his sword and slashed at Shockwave, sending him twirling through the air, sparks a fluids pouring out. Jetfire stomped on Shockwave, thrust his blade into the Decepticon’s back and kicked him away. “I remember when Decepticons used to mean something more than ‘a bunch of rowdy twits who think they run the bloody Universe because they can fire a damned gun!’” Jetfire spat. “The business cards were a lot shorter.” “Aw, yeah!” Optimus stood up, clutching his side. “Never underestimate the angry old people. For they are the true heroes.” He gave Jetfire the thumbs up. Across the battle ground Road Rage helped Ironhide up, his back still smoking from Shockwave’s blast, but otherwise intact. “Oh my…” A voice came from behind them. The Autobots turned to the ship. It’s hatch was wide open, and standing in the doorway was a tall, thin robot. Her colours reflected her ship, her arms were long and oblong, sprouting into two at the elbow. She had no legs, instead her body rested on a stock that ended in a round disk. Her features were soft, her aqua eyes darted back an fourth as she surveyed the area. “Oh, hi…” Optimus said, coming to his senses he stood straight. “Welcome to Earth! My name is Optimus. Sorry about the mess.” Optimus waved away the disabled robots and smoking craters. “And you would be…?” “Botanica.” She said. Her accent popped. “A pleasure to meet you Optimus-” Obsidian leapt out of the snow behind Jetfire and grabbed Botanica by her throat. He held her hostage-style and pointed his gun to her head. “You will stay back, Autobots!” Obsidian said. “Or I will remove your new comrade’s head!” Optimus held his hand to keep the Autobots back. Obsidian began to back into the ship slowly, but Botanica had other plans. Her body twitched as every joint extended and released. She slipped from his grasp, wrapping around Obsidian and reconstituting behind him. She balled all four of her hands into fists and brought them down hard on his head. Two guns flipped out from her waist and she blasted him, point-blank. He flew into the snow, his body sparking as arcs of electricity danced up and down his limbs. “Not even a full minute on this planet and something tries to kill me.” Botanica brushed off her arms. “Not a record breaker ,but close.” She smiled and waved to the Autobots. Optimus was only slightly dumbfounded, Jetfire and Ironhide exchanged surprised looks. Road Rage clapped slowly. Botanica glided just above the ground over to her new comrades. As they exchanged introductions and praise Shockwave pulled himself from the snow and aimed his cannon at them. “Illogical.” He said, then fired at Botanica. She was hit directly and sent flying into the Autobots. Jetfire turned t defend them but was put down, too. “The mission is too valuable to be compromised. I will not let years of planning and waiting to be undone by children.” He looked to Megatron, who only now was coming back to consciousness. “As for you…” the Autobots watched as Shockwave grabbed Megatron by the throat and held him up. “I used to believe your destruction was unnecessary,” Shockwave began. “I used to believe that I could continue the plan without you, but also without killing you. I see now that as long as you live you will continue to jeopardize the will of the Decepticons.” Shockwave raised his cannon to Megatron’s head. “You must be termin-” He stopped. His body trembled, he lost his grip on Megatron. His cannon transformed back into his arm. “No…” He said. “Not now. N-not when I-I’m s-s-so…” He dropped to one knee. The memories and pain came together, violently. “What in the world…” Optimus said as he watched the display. Obsidian pulled himself out of the imprint the made in the ground. “Intriguing…” He murmured. Shockwave grabbed his head. The scenario played again and again. Each time faster, each time more vivid. Again and again. It was too much. He reached for his chest compartment. Pulled it open. Put his hand inside and… nothing. His medicine was gone. “No…” Shockwave said. He looked to Obsidian, in between memory flashes he saw his face. The Decepticon hovered over. “You… why…?” Shockwave fell onto his back. “Because, Shockwave,” Obsidian said. “There’s only room for one at the top.” He pulled the small case of data cylinders from his arm. Shockwave reached for it in vain. “Not yet.” Obsidian said. He dangled the case on one finger. He tossed it away and turned to Megatron. “First…” Obsidian grabbed the barely awake Megatron. “No!” Shockwave screamed. The memory was moving so fast. Like spokes on a wheel, repeating so fast it was nearly a solid image. The pain was unbearable. He clawed at his own head, as if he could tear the pain out. He began to black out, he felt the end coming. He felt it all. He was there. Again. Everything was as real as the pain he felt. He saw the table, the energon, the window, the robot who shot him in the face. He could almost see their face. See their orange eyes. Their long chin. Dull grey alien face, yellow brow… “Obsidian.” Shockwave said. He stood, turned, and grabbed Obsidian by the arm. He griped so hard he broke it. Obsidian screamed in pain, then Shockwave pulled, tearing the arm from it’s socket. Metal and wires were strewn everywhere. “Now!” Optimus said. The Autobots leaped from the snow drift. All the yelling snapped Megatron out of it. Quickly seeing his adversaries above him, drew his cannon and fired a missile between them. He rolled backwards and out of harm’s way. Shockwave couldn’t care less about anything now. For the first time since his death he was without pain. And he was going to make the most of this. As Obsidian writhed on the ground, clutching his wound, Shockwave felt for the first time truly elated. He grabbed Obsidian by his “tail’ and then by his neck. Holding the injured Decepticon over his head, Shockwave pulled, intent on splitting him apart. But the Autobot attack came. Jetfire sliced Shockwave’s arm. He dropped Obsidian. Shockwave deployed his cannon and fired into Jetfire. As the titan fell back Road Rage leaped over him and onto Shockwave’s arm. Optimus’ tow hook hit Shockwave in the neck, jerking him forward onto his belly. Ironhide leapt onto him, then Optimus, then Jetfire. Dog piled Shockwave let out a roar of pure rage. He pushed them all off, the Autobots went flying into the snow. However, just ahead Botanica stood, cannons deployed and charged, she unleashed a concentrated blast on Shockwave. Electricity overpowered him. As the energy began to melt his armour and fuse his circuits, he could think of only one thing. Killing Obsidian. He extended his cannon, not to fire, but to send the electricity into the damaged warrior. The energy shot out like a stream of fire into Obsidian, frying him. Finally Botanica could keep the blast up no longer and ceased, collapsing. Optimus caught her just before she hit the ground. He looked back. Shockwave stood, red hot, in a pool of water. Obsidian was a meter away, likewise in a puddle of melted ice. The injured Decepticon was still moving, but Shockwave was fused into a statue. As the Autobots regrouped, likewise Megatron and Strika convened on obsidian. “Such a waste.” Megatron lamented. He motioned for Strika to pick him up, and she slung the half-dead husk over her shoulder. “What of him?” She nodded to Shockwave. “Leave him.” Megatron said. “We can‘t do anything for him.” Megatron looked to the Autobots. “As for you.” He said. “I think enough proverbial blood has been shed today.” “Wow,” Optimus said. “Thanks?” “Oh, it is I who should be thanking you…” Megatron and Strika looked at each other and nodded. “ For the ship!” The Decepticons ran into the vessel and before the Autobots could even reach it the craft was off the ground and flying away. “Well, shit.” Botanica said. “All my stuff was in that ship.” The Autobots looked to each other. “So, Botanica,” Optimus said. “You don’t happen to turn into something that flies, do you?” “Sadly no.” She said. “Why?” Optimus nodded to Jetfire, then looked back to her. “Let’s just say you should prepare for a very uncomfortable trip.”

Optimus part Nine.

“Optimus!” Road Rage shouted from inside the mill. “Come here, quick!” Optimus dropped what he was doing and ran up to the mill. He tripped and cursed and fell into the river. After pulling himself out he crouched through a hole in a wall and saw Road Rage huddled over with her video camera. “What was so important I needed to take a mud bath?” He said spitting out muck. “Look!” She said holding the camera’s screen up to his face. “That’s your montage video.” Optimus said. “I don’t get it.” “Wait…” She said. Optimus watched as the video showed their toiling at the barn. That crappy old barn. Then he flinched at the sudden arrival of the Decepticon snake thing. The camera jerked and fell backwards, facing up. Smoke and the occasional glimpse of metal was all that was visible. “I’m glad we were able to record our latest aft-kicking for posterity.” Optimus said. “Just watch for God’s sake…” Road Rage tapped the fast-forward button. The footage of smoke and sky sped up until she hit play. The Decepticon machine filled the view as it leaped over the camera to burrow. She paused it and the image of the machine was frozen crystal clear. And that’s when Optimus saw it. “Wait, is that…?” He pointed at the screen to a dull purple cylinder with lights on it. “An exposed core?” She finished. “Yes, and I’ve been comparing it to our logs.” She cleared her throat as she held up a reader. “Specifically a class seventy-seven gyro-controlled maintenance drive core, used predominantly in shipping equipment, the core saw infamy in it’s wide spread use in now-decommissioned Decepticon exploration transports as backup cores and is a favourite of Decepticon miners.” “Well,” Optimus thought. “They were, and I guess still are, digging in that mountain. That fits with what we know.” He rubbed his chin. “So this thing uses an maintenance core, so it’s not combat-certified, and they didn’t bother armouring it?” “They probably didn’t think we’d be able to stop it.” Road Rage said. “Well, we need to capitalize on this.” Optimus said. “We need to lure this thing out again, kill it for good.” Road Rage wasn’t as enthusiastic. “That thing nearly took me to China….” She said. “But I guess we kinda have to. How‘re we gonna lure it? What do the Decepticons want that we have?” “Y’know what the hardest thing about being in command is, Road Rage?” Optimus said. Road Rage clapped her hands together and pointed at him. “The hours!” She said, then pretended to play the drums. “I wasn’t making a joke.” Optimus said. “No, the hardest thing is telling your underlings that they’ll have to play bait for a giant worm drill thing.” “That’s oddly specific.” Road Rage said. “But yeah, I guess that is hard.” Optimus stared at her. She stared back. “Stop that.” She said. He kept staring. Road Rage threw her arms up. “Oh hell no!” She crawled out of the mill. “Aw come on!” Optimus said. “You’re the only one fast enough to evade it!” “What about you? You’re fast-ish.” She said. “I’m also the size of a tow-truck. We need someone small and scrappy to get this thing into position for the rest of us to attack.” Optimus put his hands together. “Please? For humanity! For future generations” Road Rage sighed and reached behind her back and pulled out a piece of paper with a target on it and stuck it to her head. “Then it is so.” Optimus stood tall. “Ironhide!” He shouted. Ironhide poked his head out through the trees. “We attack at dawn!” Optimus pointed to the sun. “’’Kay.” Ironhide said. ------- Shockwave predicted planetfall within a three mile radius. The ship would crash down in the snowy northern region, a fair distance away from their base by Shockwave’s standards. He got the feeling Obsidian felt different by the amount of profanity he muttered after Shockwave told them they’d be heading to the north end of Nunavut. Still, if the mission was to succeed they needed an edge. A game changer. They needed something Megatron didn’t know about. Something he couldn’t predict. And so they left the base at night, While Megatron and Strika were is stasis pods for recharge. Preparing to take off, Shockwave heard a noise from the bushes. “Something wrong?“ obsidian whispered, noticing Shockwave. He scanned the tree line and saw a possum scurry away. “Nothing.” Shockwave said in a low tone. The two transformed and silently took off. From the bushes another possum ran out. Then another. Strika fell out of the bush, many possums gripped her face. She shook and the furry things escaped into the brush. Megatron jumped out of a tree. “I told you one day those life-sized fully detailed replicas of you and me would come in handy!” Megatron gloated. “Now we can finally see what those two treacherous schemers are scheming about. “Do possums lay eggs?” Strika said with a bit of concern. “I think a few got into my auditory receptacles.” “Do not be a fool,” Megatron waved her complaint off. “Everyone knows possums reproduce through budding, just like all reptiles.” He nonchalantly pulled a small device from behind the canopy on his chest. “We should begin pursuit now, while they’re within scanner range. I shall pursue from the air, you follow on the ground. Alert… them…” Megatron’s eyes shifted back and forth. “To follow my signal and await my command to arrive!” Before Strika could say anything, Megatron was gone. She sighed, then transformed and drove away, stopping for a moment. She heard a rustling, then dismissed it for the possums and continued on. Moments later Optimus dived from the bushes, possums covering him head to toe. Screaming and flailing he dislodged most of their numbers and the remaining possums retreated. Road Rage and Ironhide emerged from the bushes a minute later. “I don’t get why they didn’t attack us.” Ironhide said. “I guess we were too well hidden, or they didn’t care.” Optimus said getting up from the ground. “I meant why the possums didn’t go for me and Road Rage, but yeah that too I guess.” Ironhide replied. “Well,” Road Rage said. “Guess the attack’s off. We gave ‘em our best shot but what can ya do?” She began to walk off but Optimus grabbed her head and spun her back around. “Oh no no no…” Optimus said. “You heard Megatron, there’s dissention among their ranks!“ Optimus said, he cusped his hands and slouched over for emphasis. “This is the perfect time to attack! Instead of fighting four, we only fight two groups of two!” “Your mathematical wizardry astounds us,” Ironhide said. “But why not let the Decepticons just fight-” Ironhide was cut off by Optimus. “Autobots, let‘s-” He began, but then noticed something was missing. “Hey, where’s Jetfire?” Ironhide shrugged, Road Rage turned back into the bushes. “Jetfire!” She called. There was a rumbling in the ground and rustling in the trees. Jetfire’s head poked above the branches. “Sorry,” He said. “I never did take that nap I wanted.” He pushed aside the foliage and into the clearing in front of the cave. “Anyway,“ Optimus said “Autobots, let’s roll.” Ironhide and Road Rage transformed. “Jetfire, you follow in the sky. Make sure Megatron doesn’t spot you.” He and Jetfire both transformed and the four took off in pursuit.