Thursday, May 3, 2012

Optimus part Ten.

Shockwave and Obsidian were nearly across the border when the next attack came. It didn’t hit hard like last time, but came slow. Flashes. Senses. Visuals. Sounds. The physical sensation of his feet on the polished floors replaced the feeling of momentum. The gentle breeze through the crack of the window overtook the harsh buffeting of winds through subzero skies. The blizzard ahead wiped out by the flash of light and the upper-class décor of that dreaded room. It began to overwhelm him, there was only one thing to do. He transformed and began freefall. Obsidian saw this and swooped down, matching his speed. Shockwave banged his fists against his head, trying to stop the memory before it happened. But he was too late. He was reliving his death again. Shockwave let out what could be considered a scream of pain, but it was so distorted, so mechanical, even to Obsidian, he thought Shockwave’s spark core had gone nuclear. Shockwave reeled and hit the ground, but didn’t stop screaming and flailing. Finally he composed himself, the shock of impact being just enough to overtake the pain. He reached for his chest compartment and dumped out a case filled with the blue cells. He grabbed one and stabbed it into his neck. The pain faded. He regained composure. Obsidian hovered a few dozen feet above, watching. Shockwave was picking up the cells when his arm seized up. “Impossible.” He sputtered. He began convulsing. Another memory attack so soon? A side effect of the mind-numbing code? Whatever was happening it was too much to bear, he fell back. The memory played in full, unbroken, yet the assailant’s face was still hidden. It replayed over and over like a broken tape, faster and faster. Obsidian transformed and hovered next to seizing Shockwave. “What’s wrong?” Obsidian said with false concern. “H-he-help...” Shockwave stammered. “The co-code c-cells… I-I…” His eye began to blink furiously. Obsidian looked at the blue cylinders and picked one up. He thumbed the indent and a plug emerged from the end. He held Shockwave still and inserted it into a port on his neck. The convulsions stopped. Shockwave went limp, his eye turned off. Obsidian tapped his head. “Have you died on me already?” He asked. Obsidian picked up Shockwave’s wrist and felt for his fuel line. No pulse. “Pity he had to expire so soon.“ Obsidian lamented. “His help would’ve been invaluable.” Obsidian carelessly let shockwave’s arm drop. As he began to leave he noticed the data cylinders Shockwave had used. He gathered them and stored them in his arm panel just in case. As he was about to take off he heard a clicking. Obsidian turned and Shockwave’s eye dully flickered a moment before returning to full light. He sat up, snow sliding off his armour, gathered his surroundings, then looked to Obsidian. “I had another attack?” Shockwave asked. “Indeed,” Obsidian replied. “Perhaps you’d like to let me know exactly what said attacks are?” “No, I would not.” Shockwave said. He looked at the ground. “Where is my medicine?” “I put it back in your chest compartment after administering it.” Obsidian said. Shockwave went to see for himself, but Obsidian stopped him. “We should get moving. We need to be ready to strike the instant the ship crashes. Rest assured I secured your medicine, you won’t even know it’s there.” “You are correct.” Shockwave said. He prepared to take off, then figuring he owed as much gave a thankful nod to obsidian. Obsidian graciously dipped his head and the two took off. As they flew off through the snow a black armoured vehicle pulled up. It stopped just short of the now empty data cylinder and extended a small pneumatic arm to pick it up. The black vehicle then sped off after them. ------ After the incident Shockwave and Obsidian’s flight was uneventful as they reached the estimated landing site. The snowfall had eased and the sun peaked through the white clouds. Indeed this would be the perfect place for an ambush. Lots of cover in the snowdrifts and ice blocks. Shockwave transformed and landed on one knee in the snow. He looked to the skies as Obsidian drifted down beside him. “How long until the ship arrives?” Obsidian asked. “Now.” Shockwave said. Before Obsidian could react a fireball hit not twenty meters from them. The impact and explosion shook the ground, snow and mist raced past them, pushing Obsidian back. Shockwave remained solid as a rock. As the dust and white clouds around them disappeared the ship was revealed. The sun reflected off it’s glossy finish. It was green, turquoise and blue. Not military. “What is this?” Obsidian scoffed. “Some private transport? Those aren’t military colours!” Obsidian was more than enraged, but Shockwave calmed him down and pointed out the mounted guns on it’s hull. It may not be military, but exploration class still held hope of armaments and supplies. They quickly but cautiously approached the craft, steam rose from around as it cooled from entry. They examined it and found the entrance. A sealed bulkhead. They took up flanking positions and awaited the crew to exit. They waited. And waited. Five minutes past. Still they waited. Five more minutes. Obsidian lowered his gun. “What is taking them so long?” Obsidian said. “Perhaps they’re shy,” A voice came from behind them. Obsidian and Shockwave’s heads jerked towards a snow drift, atop which stood Megatron. “Or cowards.” He leapt down to them. “Not an unusual thing around these parts. Afterall, it seems confronting someone face-to-face is easier said than done.” Megatron turned to Obsidian. “Please my liege, understand it was all a plot to expose Shock-” Obsidian was backhanded into the snow by Megatron. “I had expected much of you, Obsidian,” Megatron said. “All your grovelling and ever-so-eager to please-ness.” Megatron turned to Shockwave, who stood straight and motionless. “But you, Shockwave? You always seemed so committed to the mission. We were going to rule Cybertron together. Why?” “Because the mission cannot be completed with you in command. “Shockwave said. “I did what I thought was best.” Megatron shook his head. He slammed his fist into Shockwave’s abdomen. Sparks and bits of metal popped out of his seams. “You thought wrong.” Megatron said. He turned to watch Strika pull up and Transform. He nodded to let her know all was in order, but was blind-sided by Shockwave. The purple robot grabbed Megatron in a headlock and tossed him away from the ship. Megatron rolled to his feet, heel-turned, then dived back towards Shockwave. Megatron tackled him into the ship’s hull, denting it. He grabbed Shockwave’s horns and threw him towards Strika, who roundhouse kicked Shockwave back into the snow. He stood up, Megatron and Strika were amazed at how little he was damaged. Strika charged him, but as she was about to strike him her arm was caught by something. She was pulled down mid-stride. As Megatron turned in the direction of the attack Road Rage dropped down from the ship onto his back. Ironhide bulldozed into Megatron, flattening him. Strika got up, her arm still ensnared by Optimus’ tow cable. “Hope you don’t mind if I cut in!” Optimus snickered to himself. Strika wrapped her arm in the cable line. “That’s only funny if you say it while cutting something,” She extended a blade from her other arm’s shield. “Like this!” Strika pulled Optimus in and swung several times. He narrowly dodged her attacks. He pushed her attacking arm aside and pulled his legs up. He pushed off Strika’s chest and over her arm, unravelling his cable and pulling the hook off. He dropped to the snow and rolled back, and was promptly kicked in the head by Strika. Elsewhere Megatron chased after Road Rage, clawing and swinging at her, kicking up snow and shearing ice as she barely evaded. She side-stepped one blow only to be head-butted by Megatron. He grabbed her in one hand threw here straight down into the snow. Ironhide ran up behind him in a sneak-attack, but was put down by a blast from Shockwave. As Megatron turned to thank him, Shockwave fired again, sending his leader flying into a snow drift. Shockwave turned again and fired another shot into Strika as she was about to finish off the damaged Optimus. The area was still as Shockwave remained the only robot standing. Obsidian finally pulled himself free of the snow and ice that covered him. “Impudent, short-sighted fools.” He sneered at Optimus. “Did you really think three Autobots could take on the four of us?” “Three Autobots, Obsidian?” Optimus smirked. Obsidian felt that sinking feeling as he looked up in time to be flattened into the ground by Jetfire. The hulking robot drew his sword and slashed at Shockwave, sending him twirling through the air, sparks a fluids pouring out. Jetfire stomped on Shockwave, thrust his blade into the Decepticon’s back and kicked him away. “I remember when Decepticons used to mean something more than ‘a bunch of rowdy twits who think they run the bloody Universe because they can fire a damned gun!’” Jetfire spat. “The business cards were a lot shorter.” “Aw, yeah!” Optimus stood up, clutching his side. “Never underestimate the angry old people. For they are the true heroes.” He gave Jetfire the thumbs up. Across the battle ground Road Rage helped Ironhide up, his back still smoking from Shockwave’s blast, but otherwise intact. “Oh my…” A voice came from behind them. The Autobots turned to the ship. It’s hatch was wide open, and standing in the doorway was a tall, thin robot. Her colours reflected her ship, her arms were long and oblong, sprouting into two at the elbow. She had no legs, instead her body rested on a stock that ended in a round disk. Her features were soft, her aqua eyes darted back an fourth as she surveyed the area. “Oh, hi…” Optimus said, coming to his senses he stood straight. “Welcome to Earth! My name is Optimus. Sorry about the mess.” Optimus waved away the disabled robots and smoking craters. “And you would be…?” “Botanica.” She said. Her accent popped. “A pleasure to meet you Optimus-” Obsidian leapt out of the snow behind Jetfire and grabbed Botanica by her throat. He held her hostage-style and pointed his gun to her head. “You will stay back, Autobots!” Obsidian said. “Or I will remove your new comrade’s head!” Optimus held his hand to keep the Autobots back. Obsidian began to back into the ship slowly, but Botanica had other plans. Her body twitched as every joint extended and released. She slipped from his grasp, wrapping around Obsidian and reconstituting behind him. She balled all four of her hands into fists and brought them down hard on his head. Two guns flipped out from her waist and she blasted him, point-blank. He flew into the snow, his body sparking as arcs of electricity danced up and down his limbs. “Not even a full minute on this planet and something tries to kill me.” Botanica brushed off her arms. “Not a record breaker ,but close.” She smiled and waved to the Autobots. Optimus was only slightly dumbfounded, Jetfire and Ironhide exchanged surprised looks. Road Rage clapped slowly. Botanica glided just above the ground over to her new comrades. As they exchanged introductions and praise Shockwave pulled himself from the snow and aimed his cannon at them. “Illogical.” He said, then fired at Botanica. She was hit directly and sent flying into the Autobots. Jetfire turned t defend them but was put down, too. “The mission is too valuable to be compromised. I will not let years of planning and waiting to be undone by children.” He looked to Megatron, who only now was coming back to consciousness. “As for you…” the Autobots watched as Shockwave grabbed Megatron by the throat and held him up. “I used to believe your destruction was unnecessary,” Shockwave began. “I used to believe that I could continue the plan without you, but also without killing you. I see now that as long as you live you will continue to jeopardize the will of the Decepticons.” Shockwave raised his cannon to Megatron’s head. “You must be termin-” He stopped. His body trembled, he lost his grip on Megatron. His cannon transformed back into his arm. “No…” He said. “Not now. N-not when I-I’m s-s-so…” He dropped to one knee. The memories and pain came together, violently. “What in the world…” Optimus said as he watched the display. Obsidian pulled himself out of the imprint the made in the ground. “Intriguing…” He murmured. Shockwave grabbed his head. The scenario played again and again. Each time faster, each time more vivid. Again and again. It was too much. He reached for his chest compartment. Pulled it open. Put his hand inside and… nothing. His medicine was gone. “No…” Shockwave said. He looked to Obsidian, in between memory flashes he saw his face. The Decepticon hovered over. “You… why…?” Shockwave fell onto his back. “Because, Shockwave,” Obsidian said. “There’s only room for one at the top.” He pulled the small case of data cylinders from his arm. Shockwave reached for it in vain. “Not yet.” Obsidian said. He dangled the case on one finger. He tossed it away and turned to Megatron. “First…” Obsidian grabbed the barely awake Megatron. “No!” Shockwave screamed. The memory was moving so fast. Like spokes on a wheel, repeating so fast it was nearly a solid image. The pain was unbearable. He clawed at his own head, as if he could tear the pain out. He began to black out, he felt the end coming. He felt it all. He was there. Again. Everything was as real as the pain he felt. He saw the table, the energon, the window, the robot who shot him in the face. He could almost see their face. See their orange eyes. Their long chin. Dull grey alien face, yellow brow… “Obsidian.” Shockwave said. He stood, turned, and grabbed Obsidian by the arm. He griped so hard he broke it. Obsidian screamed in pain, then Shockwave pulled, tearing the arm from it’s socket. Metal and wires were strewn everywhere. “Now!” Optimus said. The Autobots leaped from the snow drift. All the yelling snapped Megatron out of it. Quickly seeing his adversaries above him, drew his cannon and fired a missile between them. He rolled backwards and out of harm’s way. Shockwave couldn’t care less about anything now. For the first time since his death he was without pain. And he was going to make the most of this. As Obsidian writhed on the ground, clutching his wound, Shockwave felt for the first time truly elated. He grabbed Obsidian by his “tail’ and then by his neck. Holding the injured Decepticon over his head, Shockwave pulled, intent on splitting him apart. But the Autobot attack came. Jetfire sliced Shockwave’s arm. He dropped Obsidian. Shockwave deployed his cannon and fired into Jetfire. As the titan fell back Road Rage leaped over him and onto Shockwave’s arm. Optimus’ tow hook hit Shockwave in the neck, jerking him forward onto his belly. Ironhide leapt onto him, then Optimus, then Jetfire. Dog piled Shockwave let out a roar of pure rage. He pushed them all off, the Autobots went flying into the snow. However, just ahead Botanica stood, cannons deployed and charged, she unleashed a concentrated blast on Shockwave. Electricity overpowered him. As the energy began to melt his armour and fuse his circuits, he could think of only one thing. Killing Obsidian. He extended his cannon, not to fire, but to send the electricity into the damaged warrior. The energy shot out like a stream of fire into Obsidian, frying him. Finally Botanica could keep the blast up no longer and ceased, collapsing. Optimus caught her just before she hit the ground. He looked back. Shockwave stood, red hot, in a pool of water. Obsidian was a meter away, likewise in a puddle of melted ice. The injured Decepticon was still moving, but Shockwave was fused into a statue. As the Autobots regrouped, likewise Megatron and Strika convened on obsidian. “Such a waste.” Megatron lamented. He motioned for Strika to pick him up, and she slung the half-dead husk over her shoulder. “What of him?” She nodded to Shockwave. “Leave him.” Megatron said. “We can‘t do anything for him.” Megatron looked to the Autobots. “As for you.” He said. “I think enough proverbial blood has been shed today.” “Wow,” Optimus said. “Thanks?” “Oh, it is I who should be thanking you…” Megatron and Strika looked at each other and nodded. “ For the ship!” The Decepticons ran into the vessel and before the Autobots could even reach it the craft was off the ground and flying away. “Well, shit.” Botanica said. “All my stuff was in that ship.” The Autobots looked to each other. “So, Botanica,” Optimus said. “You don’t happen to turn into something that flies, do you?” “Sadly no.” She said. “Why?” Optimus nodded to Jetfire, then looked back to her. “Let’s just say you should prepare for a very uncomfortable trip.”

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