Thursday, May 3, 2012

Optimus part Seventeen.

Starscream sat in the room, mulling over his options. He had been assigned the task of organizing and activating all the stolen equipement the Decepticons had gained from the Autobot ship, and one of which was a backup transmitter he had managed to get working. On the one hand, the transmitter was reading an incoming vessel which, as the monitors he’d hooked up showed, was responding to a beacon from the ship itself. This meant that’d he’d have to do work that involved walking or flying for a long time and lifting heavy stuff. Spoiled by the simple task of merely looking at things and pushing buttons, Starscream was not enthused by the prospect of manual labour. On the other hand, he was really proud about managing to hook up the backup transmitter, and wanted to show someone. He sat on the box of rations, having broken into the prepared meals and consuming the included desserts, weighing his options. His decision was made for him, however, when Soundwave walked in holding a folded up chessboard. “Do you know where Megatron puts his oversized games when he‘s done-?” Soundwave looked up at Starscream, his back to Soundwave. “What’s that?” “Nothing.” Starscream said as he turned on the box, leaning to block Soundwave’s view of the monitor. “No, it’s something.” Soundwave leaned to look past him, Starscream mirroring his movements. “If it was something, I’d-” Starscream began, but Soundwave cut him off. “It’s a beacon received by the secondary transmitter you hooked up that was broadcast by the Autobot ship and is now being relayed back to the receiver built into the transmitter to signal and incoming vessel…” Soundwave looked down to the crate Starscream sat upon. “…And you ate all the desserts.” “Please don’t tell1” Starscream clasped his hands together. “ It’s so far away, and I’m the only one who can fly! He’s gonna take me and I’m gonna have to carry it back and that’s gonna be hard and… please don’t tell.” “I have to.” Soundwave said. “It’s my job.” “Soundwave, I’m sorry,” Starscream leaned back on his box of rations. “But I can’t let you leave this room.” Soundwave looked at the door, then back to Starscream. “You can’t catch me.” He said. “Don’t do it.” Starscream warned him. Soundwave took a step back, Starscream made an apprehensive noise. A few moments passed. Soundwave heel-turned and made a break for the door. Starscream chased after him. Soundwave rolled through the store room door into vehicle mode. Starscream tried to transform but couldn’t fit in the hallway, so he ran after him. Soundwave careened around a corner, Starscream in hot pursuit, slipping slightly before sprinting after the little tank. Starscream was gaining on Soundwave, and hands outstretched, prepared to grab him. Soundwave thought fast and flipped the large cannon he toted upward then slammed on the brakes. Starscream smashed into him, knocking his head on the gun and falling backwards. Soundwave sped off, leaving Starscream in his dust. Starscream finally came to, and ran after Soundwave, eventually coming upon him, Strika and Megatron in conference. “Ah, Starscream,” Megatron said. “Just the goon I was looking for. Soundwave has dutifully informed me of your locating the incoming vessel called forth by the Autobot beacon. Well done.” “Thanks?” Starscream said. “And now that Soundwave has calculated it’s landing coordinates, you and I now thrust off the greet the new arrival, be he a fellow Decepticon to be welcomed or an Autobot to be vanquished! Come along, now.” Megatron walked towards the exit. Starscream held his protest, knowing it to be futile. Despite not having a mouth, Soundwave still managed to portray an expression akin to a self-satisfied smirk as Starscream begrudgingly shambled after Megatron. ------ Now listen up, gang, ‘cuz I’m only going to say this once:” Optimus stood drill sergeant style in front of the other Autobots and Jetfire, all lined up and at attention. “This mission, should you choose to accept it-” “We have a choice?” Road Rage said with false astonishment. “No you don’t,” Optimus said before continuing. “Is of the up most importance. This incoming vessel could contain a wayward kindred soul in need of acceptance and safe haven from the enemy.” “What if it’s a Decepticon?” Ironhide asked. “Then that would suck. A lot.” Optimus said. “But they don’t call me Optimus for nothing. I’m a glass half-full kinda guy.” “No your not.” Road Rage said. “Ironhide told me they named you ‘Optimus’ as a joke because you were such a party pooper.” “And did I ever tell you how he got the nickname ‘tender fender?’” Ironhide added. “Hey!” Optimus said. He leaned in and sneered. “Nobody cares! Now, be quiet, this is supposed to be a motivational speech.” “I’m motivated to take a nap.” Jetfire said. Ironhide gave him a high five. “Like I was saying…” Optimus straighten himself. “This mission will put you to your limits, test the bonds forged in the fire of battle-” “Can I get a summary of this?” Botanica said. “I thought we were on a time limit?” “Fine!” Optimus tossed his head back and groaned. “We’re all going to stuff ourselves into Jetfire and fly there.” “Sheesh, is that all?” Ironhide said. “We knew that! That’s all we ever do when we need to go someplace.” “And quite frankly I’m a little tired of being the short bus these days.” Jetfire said. “You just want me for my body.” Jetfire moved his hand up and down showcasing his sagging, rusted hide. “Next you know he’ll be patting me like a dog or something. I’m a robot being dammit! I have rights!” “ALRIGHT I GET IT!” Optimus snapped. He rubbed his face, realising his friends had just provoked the reaction they wanted from him. He clutched the bridge of his nose. “Let’s just go already.”

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