Thursday, August 30, 2012

Optimus part Twenty Five

The last of today's batch of archiving my ongoing story. Still not sure what the blue balls is up with Blogger and not allowing paragraphs even though they're visible as such in the message composer, but whatevs. There's an actual readable version on TFW2005 if anyone reading this really wants to see this story parsed properly. -------------------------------------------------------- Gravel spat out from under the eight massive tires that moved Soundwave’s vehicle mode up the road leading to the secure military facility. On top the case he was given by Megatron jostled slightly with the bumpy road. The base was located on a plateau overlooking a city, and was right where the optimum broadcast coordinates were. As Soundwave approached the base, a checkpoint led to the base. Soundwave spied at least one human manning the station. Unconcerned with their customs or regulations, Soundwave ignored the attempts by the human to stop him, instead ramming through the gate and into the courtyard. The soldiers were reacting quickly. Before they completely surrounded him, Soundwave transformed, an action which was not met with as much surprise as Soundwave anticipated. He let the case slide off to his side and drop to the ground. This decided lack of shock intrigued Soundwave, however, he was on a time limit. The humans closed in around him, and such musings were best left for other times. “Don’t shoot.” Soundwave held up his hands. “I mean you no harm!” The soldiers exchanged curious looks. Some were unfazed. Some, however, murmured amongst themselves. “I come in peace. In fact,” Soundwave continued. “as a show of good faith, I’m giving you all the rest of the day off.” Before the humans could even process the data Soundwave emitted a burst of high-frequency sonic waves. Said frequency was designed to specifically induced sleep in mammals, and the humans all dropped into unconsciousness. Satisfied they’d be out for at least twelve hours, Soundwave picked up the case a strolled unimpeded to the specific area to which he was to activate the mysterious transmitting device. Soundwave had estimated it was a transmitter, at least. This was an opportune area to broadcast, and if it was merely a bomb this was an unusual target. Soundwave found the exact spot and set the case down next to a fuel truck. Soundwave recalled the movies Starscream watched, where said trucks were very volatile when important things were next to them, and carefully picked up the truck and moved it away. “Now,” Soundwave knelt down to open the case. “Let’s see how I’m supposed to change… the…” Soundwave stared at the contents of the box. “What the hell is all this?” Inside was a bizarre contraption resembling, as best Soundwave could figure, Megatron’s own face. Diodes blinked and motors spun on the distorted monument to Megatron’s vanity. Next to it was a small luminescent data card with writing on it. Soundwave picked up the card and read the text aloud. “Dear Soundwave, you have the honour of being the volunteer for my new Transwarp rift generator.” Soundwave read in his best Megatron impression. “As you can see the brilliant, and if I may say so, quite attractive device in front of you is already beginning a power-up cycle activated upon your opening the case…” Soundwave saw the device was doing just that. Against a sinking feeling he had, Soundwave continued to read. “You may be wondering why I did not tell you this outright, and that is a very valid question. You see, the device requires massive power to create a trans-temporal gateway, and we don’t have any batteries that big, so I designed it to siphon spark energy from the nearest Cybertronian. Don’t worry, it should only hurt a little… then a lot. Ex-Oh-Ex-Oh, Megatron.” Soundwave dropped his arm. “He actually, said Ex-Oh-Ex-Oh… also what-” Soundwave felt a stabbing in his chest as a needle-like device implanted itself into his spark chamber, violently draining energy and feeding it into the machine. Soundwave shook violently as the life was literally sucked out of him and stored in the small case. When just enough power was gathered, Soundwave was released. He fell backwards, unconscious, as the device started to shake and glow. It exploded in a flash of blue light as it discharged it’s processed energy skyward. In the blink of an eye the energy pulse made it into Earth’s highest orbit, and almost unnaturally fast, a black, warped hole appeared. Virtually unnoticeable against the black of space, the temporal warp’s only sign of existence was a circular ripple, indicative of it’s warping of the fabric of space itself. All across this side of the world the warp appeared, looming, dangerous. What no one could possibly see, however, were the small , practically invisible specks that popped through. Deep within the dark, hidden chamber of the Decepticon base, the darkness was broken by two red slits as Megatron smiled, sensing his device’s activation. Next to the scorch mark where the device used to be, Soundwave lay with a thumb-sized hole in his chest. He groggily rose, his colours faded and his blue eye-protecting visor was lit at only half intensity. He looked up at the anomaly in the sky and the black circle in front of him. Then thought of Megatron. “Jerk.” ------ Optimus carried logs in his arms, careful not to drop them, to the pile he’d created in a clearing. Optimus didn’t know much about survival, but he knew how to make fire, and he figured he could use a smoke signal to gather his comrades. He dumped the logs into the pile he’d created inside a dug out trench to avoid the flames spreading. He picked up two rocks he deemed suitable and started knocking them together to create sparks. His first attempt caused one of the rocks to bounce right out of his hand. He cursed, then tried again. Once more the rock went airborne. He cursed again. Another attempt yielded the same results. Frustrated, Optimus started furiously banging the rocks together, hitting his hands. Sparks leaped off his metal knuckles at impact and began a flame. “Or that works.” Optimus cupped his hands around the small flame. He blew as gently as the filter pumps in his chest could without blowing the flame out. Eventually the fire spread and the entire pile was alight. Optimus watched with satisfaction as the fire produced a nice plume of smoke that climbed up through the tree branches. He gazed at the fire, watching the orange waves wash over the blackened logs. Optimus felt his eyes close, then snapped to. He remembered the last time he had any sort of energy, and felt the capacitors in his gut groan. He’d murder an energy conductor if he had one, but alas as he felt in his back compartment he found only a twig, no doubt lodged during his fall, and a funny-shaped rock he and Ironhide found outside their new base. He held the rock, really a pebble, and recalled their last debate on it’s resemblance to persons living or dead. Optimus’ gaze slowly drifted past the rock and back to the flame. He sighed deeply as he became lost in the inverted stream. His eyes closed as he asked himself. “Why?” He heard. “Why?” He said, but not with his voice. “Why would you do something so stupid?” Orion said. “Because I couldn’t stand the thought of you in here alone.” Optimus said from the other side of the energy barrier separating him and his friend inside the correctional facility. They were in a small room, divided by an energy barrier. Orion sat, hands bound on one side. A guard cloaked in shadow behind him. “Besides, I didn’t hurt anyone. Just knocked off a few pubs. Just enough to get arrested and hopefully get tossed in here, but apparently that‘s not good enough. Or bad enough….” “Optimus, man.” Orion shook his head, smiling. “You can’t-” “I mean, you’re like a dad to me, you know? I can’t just let you rot.” “Optimus-” “And it’s not right! You didn’t do anything wrong! Those big shots, those fatcabs up top don’t know what it’s like for us, the things we have to do to survive-” “OPTIMUS.” Orion Pax shouted. The guard behind him took a step forward, but Orion nodded him back. “Kiddo, you need to listen to me. You can’t undo what’s done, and you can’t go getting yourself arrested to get in here. Prison’s not the kind of place for you.” “What am I supposed to do, just forget about you?” Optimus crossed his arms. “Yes.” Orion said. Optimus dropped his arms. “I don’t want you making the same mistakes I did, kid. You need to move-” “No.” Optimus said. “Don’t say that. I won’t.” “You have to.” Orion smiled that smile. The kind of smile that meant the world to whoever saw it. “Listen, I. I don’t have much time.” “What are you saying?” “I…” Orion Pax was cut off by the guards hand on his shoulder. Optimus could see now that the guard had a protective facemask on. “Orion…” Optimus asked. “What’s going on?” Orion looked to the guard, his expression sombre. The guard nodded sympathetically. “Don’t waste your life, Optimus. Move on.” The guard took his hand of Orion’s shoulder, nodding towards the door. “I gotta go now.” “Orion? Orion, wait!” Optimus put his hands on the barrier, it shocked him back. He looked at his smouldering palms, then to his friend being led from the room. Optimus slammed his hands on the barrier again, ignoring the pain of the shock, he pushed on the barrier. Smoke came from his hands as he finally gave in and was tossed back. He watched the door close. From the floor he looked up to the ceiling, which was suddenly gone. Instead he saw the looking arrow-shape tower that was the capital building of the Autobot military headquarters. He looked at the fortress that houses all that was the military, until his gaze landed on the red and white face of freedom. Optimus stood up from the ground and looked down at the smouldering pile of ash, a thin trail of smoke being the only sign of the fire that was once there. He looked up to the rays of light the pooled in from the branches above. “I hate this forest.”

Optimus part Twenty Four

Optimus briskly jogged through the forest. He weaved between trees, leaping over logs and side stepping small ponds. He quickly and nimbly dodged, rolled and slid past obstacles, leap-fogging over a boulder and rolling down a steep hill. He came to a river and jogged right through, the strong current doing little to impede a being his size. After crossing and re-entering the foliage, he made a few more flashy leaps and bounds before slowing to a stop. Optimus, panting as he gave his internal mechanisms a reprieve, surveyed the dense forest containing him. “Yup, I’m lost.” He said. He looked past the canopy, hoping he could see the sun. Unfortunately it was too dense, and only trace light was sending faint spots across his body. He realised he’d have a better view from the river, where the forest split, and was just about to heel-turn when he heard a twig snap. He stopped suddenly, freezing solid. He listened for any out-of-place noises. A dark pillar moved back and forth in front of his face as a leaf drifted down, casting a shadow through the air in front of him. Just as it gently, lazily sunk beneath his nose, from above dropped a mass that attached to his face. Optimus reeled back, flailing and screaming as his attacker grasped his face. Then another, and another, until at lest half a dozen small fiends assaulted the Autobot, who stumbled screaming and convulsing, smashing trees and crushing hollow logs all the way to the river where he fell backwards into the current. The attackers were swept away, only to manage to fight the current long enough to reach the other side. Optimus watched as six furry little monsters retreated to the dry shore. “Stupid possums…” Optimus’ voice cracked as he cursed the creatures from afar. He sat in the river as he rubbed his head, which he had hit lightly when he fell. Behind him he heard a creaking. With a sinking feeling Optimus turned around, just as a tree, weakened by a blow from his theatrics, tipped towards him, hitting the robot square on the head. The blow hurt, hard, as he reeled back from the hit. His vision was fuzzy, but what he saw didn’t look like the forest, but instead was the pale metallic blue of… “Careful now, Ops.” A voice from behind said. Optimus shook his head and the world around him sharpened into his old workplace on Cybertron. He turned, and behind him stood a silver and blue robot who stood, hands on hips, with a humble grin on his face. “I told you to duck when you use the crank.” “Sorry, Orion.” Optimus said. “What can I say? It snuck up on me.” “Because winch cranks are known for their stealth, of course.” Orion offered his hand to Optimus, who took it and was lifted off the ground. “You know, I didn’t sign up for this. Manual labour.” Optimus picked up a rag and wiped his hands. “That’s for metal heads like you.” Orion laughed, patting his friend on the shoulder. “Hoisting signs is the closest you’ve ever gotten to a workout. A little iron-pumping should be good for you. If you ever expect to join the Autobots…” Orion was cut off by Optimus folding his scrawny arms. “Are you gonna help me get this sign up or what?” Optimus motioned to the crank. Orion gently moved Optimus aside and with out hand cranked the winch, reeling in the lien and raising the sign up into place. Pre-applied magnets grabbed the sign, perfectly securing it into position. “Show-off.” Optimus remarked. “If you’ve got it, flaunt it.” Orion grabbed the rag Optimus held and wiped oil from his arm joints, tossing it to optimus, who cringed. Orion laughed. “Alright, I guess you can take it from here, kiddo. Time the important Orion Pax got a move on.” “Going out to see your ‘partners?’” Optimus flippantly remarked. Orion’s cheerful tone faded, but he remained nonetheless warm. “You should be more grateful. My business partners are the reason we even have this shop in the first place, so show a little respect.” Orion said. “I don’t like it, Orion. I heard they’re into some shady stuff. I was talking to Xaaron-” Optimus was cut off. “Don’t listen to that eight-bit, Optimus.” Orion said. “He doesn’t know when to keep quite.” “But-” “But nothing.” Orion’s tone was more harsh. Optimus knew it was time to be quiet. Orion’s stern expression softened. “Now you get in there and get things going. I’ll be back soon to help, don’t worry. You can’t have the grand opening of ‘Double-O’s Pawn and Loan’ without that first ‘O’, can you?” “I thought I was the first ‘O’?” Optimus joked. Orion winked and transformed into his five-wheeler mode before driving off into the street. Optimus turned to the sign, then walked towards the building it was on. He ducked inside and thumbed a switch on the wall before returning to his place outside in time to see the two large stylised ‘O’s flicker on, followed by the remaining store name in simpler, smaller Cybertronian text. “‘Double-O’s’…” Optimus repeated to himself. He stared at the sign as it glowed a warm orange. He felt a calm, soothing sensation as he watched it. But then something changed. The glow became less intense. The comforting sensation was replaced by unrest and gloom. The sign because to dip, the building it was one went from shiny and new to rusty and dilapidated. Optimus watched as his dream died in front of him. He looked to his left. A bulletin stand displayed a news story. “Double-O’s Orion Pax arrested on suspicion of weapon smuggling.” stood out like a needle in the eye. Optimus looked to his right, and there sat Orion Pax and a cell. “I’m sorry kiddo.” Orion said. Optimus looked back to the sign, now cracked and missing one of the ‘O’s. The sign dipped forward slightly before breaking off and crashing to the ground, smoke jutting into the air. As the dust cleared the building had disappeared, and instead he saw the Autobot enlistment offices. A familiar, uncomfortable sight. He sombrely walked towards the offices and was admitted in to see a recruitment officer. The process raced by, from the physical exam to the interview all the way to basic training. It was like a sped up version of his most vivid memories. It kept it’s dizzying pace until Optimus stood in line in a training field with other robot of different sizes and colours. Optimus felt his cheeks waver, his lip tremble. His brow furrowed and he stood straighter than ever before or since. From what this was caused by was not clear. Sadness, fear, anxiousness. He felt a nudge to his right, and he looked to the robot next to him. “Hi,” Said the short black robot who extended his hand. “I’m Ironhide.” Optimus accepted his hand and shook. His eyes opened. He lay on his back in the river, head half-submerged in rushing water. Optimus sat up. His eyes winced, but he blinked the feeling away. He felt the cool rushing water against his legs and realised he was against the elements. He stood up, shaking the mud from his hands. He looked to the forest and jogged into the brush. Right now he needed to focus on finding his friends. ------ “This forest is the scariest thing I’ve ever seen.” Ironhide said. “We’re in Maine. I swear, we are actually in Maine.” He tip-toed through the dark forest. Even though it was day, the thick tree line kept much to the woods dark. “Don’t be such a big fat baby,” Road Rage followed along behind, looking around the forest. “We’re not in Maine.” “Did you just call me fat?” Ironhide looked over his shoulder. “You… think I’m fat?” Road Rage softly patted his back. “Oh no, I didn’t mean…” She shook her head. “You‘re just a utility size!” “Utility? What am I hauling?” Ironhide asked, “Cakes.” Road Rage giggled. Ironhide did a dramatic gesture. They heard a rustling to the north. The two became quiet and ducked down. They heard another bout of noise, the scurrying in fleeing creatures. Ironhide moved his arm in front of Road Rage, who moved into position to pounce on his mark. The rustling continued towards them, but neither robot could see very clearly. They spotted movement. A brief slither here or there. Whatever it was, it moved with a startling grace, fluidity and skill. So it obviously wasn’t Optimus or Jetfire. Ironhide remembered the Decepticons had also been with them prior to the event, and balled his thick hands into fists. “I thought I’d never find you two.” A smooth, accented voice said. “Botanica?” Ironhide said. “Where-?” Two aqua spheres appeared over a tree, and Botanica emerged. Her body contorted and shifted, panels decorated like bark and leaves flipped to show her regular colours beneath. Her arms unfolded from branch facsimiles, her already plant-like stalk transformed out of a shrub, and a large knot split into several tiny fragments and folded away, revealing her soft smiling face. “Happy to see me?” She asked. “More than you know.” Ironhide sighed relief. “How were you… what were you doing?” Road Rage was stunned. “You think I call myself Botanica for my health?” Botanica stretched her arms. “There’s a lot about me you don’t know.” “So cool…” Ironhide commented. “I guess you haven’t found Optimus?” Botanica asked. “Or Jetfire.” Road Rage replied. “What even happened to us?” “I’m not entirely sure, but I think we experienced an explosion of trans-temporal energies not unlike those found in the wake of transwarp ships. I investigated upon awaking and judged our position. Indeed I now believe we…” Botanica practically saw smoke coming out of her company’s head, and opted to spare them a migraine. “We travelled through space. And time.” “We’re on another planet?” Road Rage was aghast. “We’re in another time?” Ironhide added with equal surprise. “No and yes.” Botanica said. “We’re still on Earth. I don’t mean outer space. I matched the stars to our position and relative to my last record of their placement.” “The stars?” Ironhide looked up. “How can you see the stars through the trees?” “How else? I found the biggest tree I could and climbed as high as possible.” Botanica said matter-of-factly. Ironhide and Road Rage looked at each other and blushed for not considering said method of locating their position. Road Rage rubbed her arm. “So now what?” Road Rage asked. “Why are you asking me?” Botanica asked. “With Optimus missing, shouldn’t one of you be in charge? I mean, you were here before me.” “Yeah, we never really had a clear command structure.” Ironhide said. “Just that Optimus was boss, and that worked, you know?” “Besides, you’re smart. You must have a plan, right?” Road Rage said. “Well…” Botanica said. “I do have one. I saw a mountain ridge that overlooked the forest. We should head there, and from that elevation we can better locate our missing fellows. However…” “What?” Road Rage asked. “No doubt the Decepticons have come to the same conclusion.” Botanica said. “And will most likely be heading there.” ------ “Why aren’t we heading to the mountain?” Strika asked Scourge, who led her through the trees. “Would it not prove advantageous to seek high ground so as to observe incoming enemy, and contact our brethren? This plant matter interferes with our communications.” “You’re far too talkative for a soldier of your calibre.” Scourge cut his way through the foliage with his sword. “I apologise.” Strika said. “But I simply wish to know-” “The Autobots would surely expect such a move, and seek to intercept or ambush us.” “But they may not have even survived? We fell from such a height, who’s to say they’re not craters-” Scourge shot Strika a look that cut her off. “Poor choice of words. But regardless…” “Strika, I consider you a competent and respected warrior.” Scourge sliced again, cutting down a thick thorn bush. “Do not sully my opinion of you with such complaints. It is unbecoming for one of Megatron’s finest.” “Consider the issue dropped, then.” Strika bowed her head as she casually pushed aside a hundred-year-oak with a flick of her arm. “But if I may ask but one more question…” “If you must.” Scourge cut again. “How do you know Megatron?” Strika tilted her head. “You’re Scourge. THE Scourge. You’re a legend among Decepticons, predating even Obsidian, though he‘s never mentioned you-” “Obsidian is here?” Scourge shrugged. “Small galaxy. To answer your question, I merely seek the same goals as are esteemed leader, and have heard of his ambition to restore our caste system to Cybertron, and so I sought him out.” Strika accepted that answer for a moment, but then found herself wanting more. “So…” She said. “Now that you’re here, what do you plan to do?” “What do you mean?” Scourge planted his sword and faced her. “I am not a fool. The last one who claimed to seek the same goals as Megatron ended up critically wounding Obsidian and then disappeared. I owe my life to Megatron, and Soundwave and Starscream are just hired help, but what do you-?” “No further questions.” Scourge said. "But know this, Strika: if I sought to usurp Megatron I would have done so immediately. I pledged my blade to our leader, and that is a conviction I cannot fabricate.” “Very well.” Strika said. “But know that I will not ever tolerate a second attempt on our leader’s life.” “Hmmm.” Scourge retrieved his sword and continued cutting a path through the brush.

Optimus part Twenty Three

Starscream teetered back and forth in his chair, attempting to balance himself on the edge. In his hands he held a small plastic square with a screen on it. He tapped away while he carefully balanced himself, making minor adjustments with his free hand. His test of skill was interrupted by Soundwave waddling out of the hallway leading to Megatron’s chamber, Starscream stuffed the square into his chest compartment. “What’s wrong?” Starscream asked. “Megatron give you a spanking for losing the only smart people on our team?” “No, idiot.” Soundwave said. “He just… has Megatron seemed weird to you lately?” “He’s always been weird. That dude seriously has a problem with personal space.” Starscream said. “Wait, do you mean has he been acting weird for us or for him? Wouldn’t weird for him be normal for us? Err, no…” “He just asked me to change the world…” Soundwave held up a large case with a metallic design on the front. “I have to drive all the way out to the middle of nowhere. And apparently I need to use this thing.” “Oh! If he finally went crazy-crazy I want his big chair. I’ve always wanted that chair.” Starscream nodded to himself. “Why do I even talk to you?” Soundwave walked away. “I could seriously just talk to a tree and get the same amount of useful feedback. In fact, probably more.” “Oh yeah?” Starscream rose from the chair energetically. “Can a tree do this?” Soundwave watched as Starscream held up both hands and, concealing his left thumb with his fingers and wrapping his right index finger around his other thumb, pretended to separate his left thumb, before throwing his hands up and walking backwards to his chair. Soundwave didn’t know what to say to that, so he left. Starscream waited until the sound of Soundwave‘s footsteps had completely faded away, then retrieved the square from his chest. “No, it’s okay.” Starscream said. “I showed him my thumb trick. Blew his mind. He won’t be a problem.” Starscream returned the square to his chest and continued his balancing act. ------ Shockwave paced back and forth in his furbished cave hideaway, arms behind his back, while he waited for the scanning software to download. To his right light pooled in through a falling wall of water, and to his left was a mound of messy equipement, a light and flat area to sleep next to a box of energy rations. He continued pacing. The matter analyser he pilfered from the stasis pod was just what he needed to finish his own subterranean scanner. When his memory block was destroyed, it released not only his emotions, but large portions of his mind that had been blocked away. As the rage and pain subsided, he was no free to take advantage of his incredible intellect. An entire lifetime of forgotten practise, experience and skill returned almost in an instant, unhindered by the thieving hands of age. Mega-, Shockwave’s plan to recover the universe’s single most powerful being in the name of galactic conquest would be complete, as soon as the scanner was finished. While he waited he examined his other equipement he’d salvaged and modified to fit into his person. A beacon locator swiped under cover of night from his former comrade’s hideout, now stripped of it’s casing and power supply and integrated into Shockwave’s left arm panel. A fully calibrated compass and long-range barometer appropriated from those idiot Autobots, who foolishly left it and other such useful items merely tucked into a corner of their impractical little log cabin while they were out performing no doubt stupid activities. It was installed into his right forearm. And a Cybertronian-sensitive IFF radar, which had been an invaluable proximity-warning during the pilfering of the previous gear, installed internally but accessible through a hatch on his chest. This was but a faction of a large amount of stolen goods, but the rest was all about to become unnecessary. Satisfied, Shockwave returned all this to it’s concealed status under his skin, and kept waiting for the software to finish. It was incredibly complex, hand-written quantum algorithms Shockwave had entered during his memory flashback, specifically coded to locate ancient dormant or residual Decepticon energy signals, and it had already been days. An unfortunate side-effect of his restored mental state was a decided impatience. Old Shockwave would have found this to be illogical, but now he didn’t really notice it. He felt almost as two minds melded into one. He was neither his pre-assassination self, nor his emotionless, calculating machine self. He was new, yet different. Familiar, yet alien. He wasn’t at all sure he liked it. He watched the screen as the progress bar inched a bit more to the right, the sound of his tapping foot performing a soundtrack to express anticipation. Finally an alleviating ping signalled it’s completion, and Shockwave unplugged the device from the computer modem next to it and slotted it into a previously created slot at the base of his neck. His eye blinked, then dulled. It returned, “filling” as the device was integrated into his body. Once his eye filled completely, he shook his head before standing straight. He was ready, and not a moment to soon, as the scanner already had a firm lock on a signature. Shockwave turn to the waterfall and jumped, through the glistening curtain and out into a vast canyon above a large river. He transformed in midair before rocketing off over the lush green below.

Optimus part Twenty Two

Optimus’ first reaction to his new surroundings was blinding brightness. Only when it was briefly obscured did he realise he was staring at the sun. He shook his head and tried to grab his bearings. He briefly recognised falling debris before he noticed he was in freefall yet again. Now it was sinking in. Only a moment ago was he in an abandoned underground human facility, and now he, and parts of said facility, were falling rapidly towards the Earth. Optimus spun around in air to see the ground below. He watched as rubble, pipes, and other bits plummeted around him. He noticed some of the other pieces of wreckage were familiar. His friends. Ironhide, Road Rage, Botanica and Jetfire were all visible some distance away. He spied two others. The Decepticons Scourge and Strika. The disorientation was just leaving, replaced by uncontrollable panic at the thought of imminent and inescapable death, as he saw a glimmer far below. On the green of the Earth. Then black. “Optimus…” A voice from the abyss called. “Optimus…” The black faded. Fuzzy white pooled at the corners of Optimus’ vision, a dark mass hovered in the middle. Optimus felt a helpful hand firmly on his shoulder. The air was warm, and Optimus lay on soft grass. The fuzziness faded, sharpened into a clear image. The image of someone familiar. Someone caring. “Time to wake up, buddy.” The voice repeated. As the light faded, Optimus glimpsed a face like his own, but older. A kind smile and confident gaze was all he made out before the darkness came back. Optimus jolted awake. The other was gone. It was dark, and a cold wind rushed over him. He lay face down in mud and tree roots. Slowly Optimus pulled himself from the ground, a familiar sensation. He practically spent more time face down in dirt than he did on his feet these days. He shoot mud and tree bits off, looking upward. A thick canopy of trees blocked the moonlight, leaving the surroundings illuminated with a dot pattern. Optimus looked to his feet halfway sunk in the mud. There was no crater, and the trees above were undamaged. He looked around. Nothing suggested how he got where he was. Optimus was confused only long enough to stop caring and focus on his friends. He now realised they were likewise scattered. And the Decepticons. And the big robot. Optimus briefly lamented his lot in life before beginning his trudge through the forest. ------ “Wakeup!” Road Rage slapped Ironhide again, this time as hard as she could. She clutched her hand and fell back in pain, rolling off the stout Autobot and into the river she had pulled him out of. She swore and hit the water out of frustration. It had been ten minutes since she found Ironhide and dragged all twenty tons of him out of the river. This was, of course, after she’d spent three hours walking through the creepy forest, convinced she was being stalked by bears and Bigfoot. She sat stewing in the stream. Road Rage knew Ironhide was alive because he was snoring, as always. She just couldn’t wake him up. He literally slept like a log. Road Rage stood up and walked back to shore, only to trip on an underwater rock. She screamed and insulted the rock and it‘s non-existent rock parents, picking it up and violently throwing it into the forest, the sound of cracking branches detailing it’s landing. Road Rage stopped and calmed herself, reminding herself that violence was what caused her vehicle mode problems, and that she was a better robot than that. She re-evaluated the situation, figuring if she wasn’t strong enough to wake the sleeping giant, she’d need something that was. Road Rage snapped her fingers, then hopped into the bush. As she emerged she carried the rock, offering a quiet apology. She stood over Ironhide’s head, rock held high. “If this doesn’t wake you…” She said. She flung her arms back, then brought the rock down. That instant Ironhide’s yellow eyes opened and, startled, Road Rage dropped the rock on her own foot. Screaming in pain she tried to hop, but instead fell forwards onto the ground. “What’s going on?” Ironhide asked Road Rage as she rocked back and forth, clutching her foot. “What took you so long!” Road Rage slowed her rock, releasing her dented foot. “Oh, so being knocked-out is my fault now?” Ironhide said. “Never mind,” Road Rage said. Ironhide surveyed his surroundings. “Where are we?” He asked. “Either Narnia or New Zealand.” Road Rage said sarcastically. Ironhide took a moment as his most recent memories returned. “The facility-” Ironhide began. “Yeah, I was hoping you could fill me in.” Road Rage asked. “You don’t remember?” “All I remember is fighting Strika one moment, then a haze, then just… this forest.” “That ‘haze’ was you climbing on that big guy’s face and turning him on.” “I don’t like how you phrased that.” Road Rage cringed slightly. “What I mean is,” Ironhide glared. “You were in some kind of trance and, well, I guess you woke him up somehow. Then he said something weird and… that’s all I remember.” “Eh…” Road Rage said. “Whatever. I think we should focus on finding the others.” “Right,” Ironhide said. “But where do we start.” Road Rage looked up and down the stream next to them. It was all darkness and trees. “I’d say we should look for higher ground, but…” Road Rage shrugged. “I don’t know where higher ground is.” “Ha!” Ironhide said. “Time’s like these it pays to be heavy duty.” Ironhide beat his chest for emphasis, then dropped down into his four-by-four mode. Running lights winked on and a path into the darkness was revealed. He started into the woods, his massive tires and thick hide crushing or moving weak branches and plants out of the way. Road Rage followed on foot, the rough terrain forbidding her from using her vehicle mode. They disappeared into the trees. ------ Soundwave briskly strode down the hall to Megatron’s private quarters. The quickness of his pace was not out of anticipation, no. He was quite the opposite. The last thing he waned to do was tell Megatron the news. He’d spent a good twenty minutes preparing himself for the encounter before deciding that it’d be best to get it over with. He made it to the door, which he was surprised to find did open upon his approach. Soundwave was about to knock when he heard voices from behind the door. Rather, he discerned, just Megatron’s. He could tell it was one half of a conversation. “We have it, yes.” Soundwave heard him say. There was a break before Megatron continued. “Now, and do not let personal matters interfere. I expect you to-” Soundwave couldn’t make out the rest. He heard Megatron end the conversation. The door beeped and unlocked, opening automatically. Soundwave glimpsed Megatron rising from the floor in his throne. Quickly Soundwave backed up, then did his best to look like he’d just walked up now. Megatron spotted Soundwave’s approach and waved him in. “Greetings, my lord,” Soundwave said. “I have… unfortunate news. I’ve been unable to locate Scourge and Strika’s signal and-” “Yes yes, very good,” Megatron cut Soundwave off. “I have something much more important for you to do.” Megatron hopped down from his throne and walked up to Soundwave, who nervously straightened himself as Megatron grabbed his shoulders and leaned in. “I need you… to change the world!”

Optimus part Twenty One

The Autobots were not sure what to make of this discovery. They all remained on the overlook, staring at the titan below. The behemoth was larger, upon first inspection, than even Jetfire. “Exactly what,” Optimus slowly raised his hands, than quickly extended them downwards. “The artic hell IS that thing?” “Is it Primus?” Road Rage asked. “Don’t be stupid.” Ironhide said. “It’s obviously the Chaos Bringer, Unicron.” “You’re both wrong and need to be quiet,” Botanica said. “Optimus, I need to tell you something.” Optimus and Botanica moved back into the tunnel to carry out their conversation in private. Road Rage looked to Jetfire. She realised he was completely still, eyes fixed on the giant. “Hey Jetfire, you okay?” She asked. Ironhide also noticed he was acting bizarre. He placed a hand on Jetfire’s arm to get his attention, and realised the elderly robot was shaking. Jetfire stepped forward towards the ledge. “Hey, hey!” Ironhide tried to hold him back, but Jetfire merely kept walking, right off the edge. The old man fell fifty feet to the ground below, tripping and falling on his face. Road Rage and Ironhide winced. Optimus ran up from behind, followed shortly by Botanica. “What the hell?” He said. “I literally turn my back for two seconds!” “He just walked right off!” Road Rage tried to explain, but they were distracted by the sound of Jetfire rambling to himself. Optimus grabbed his tow hook and hooked it over the concrete edge, rappelling down. Ironhide and Road Rage grabbed the line and slid down after, Botanica following. Jetfire was already up, trudging towards the giant robot. It was even bigger up close, as Optimus quickly found out as he placed himself between Jetfire and it. “Jetfire! What are you-” Optimus asked. Jetfire kept rambling. “I did it… I found you… they didn’t want me to do this…” Jetfire murmured as he walked slowly. Optimus tried to hold him back physically, but was merely pushed along to concrete floor, sparks kicking up from his feet. “They didn’t tell me. They didn’t tell me anything! They didn’t…” Jetfire continued. He stopped about five feet from the giant, Optimus turned to look at it up close. It was massive. Thick, angular legs firmly planted it on wide, two-toed feet. It’s torso was squat with a rounded chest decorated with some sort of interlocking canopy design loosely resembling an animal face. It’s shoulders were wide with large pads, it’s forearms were cylindrical and ended in large claws wrapped around balled fists. The head was small, the face drenched in shadow, but Optimus could see it had a large swept fin and forehead chevron on it‘s skull. What he assumed to be part of the apparatus holding the behemoth was actually a large pair of delta-shaped wings. Optimus had no idea what this robot was, but he knew they shouldn’t be messing with it. Jetfire had stopped, and was acting strangely lucid. “You…” He said. Jetfire stared into it’s shadowed face. A flood of memories came back. He remembered back to Cybertron. To the first, and last, global civil war. The world blurred into what looked like a balcony of a large tower. He no longer stood before the titanic mechanoid, but instead before another large robot. This one was thick. It’s arms alone were twice as wide as it’s head. It was dull red and dark sand blue. It’s green eyes squinted. “You understand what I’m asking of you?” Primal Prime said. Jetfire knew him well. “Completely.” Jetfire responded. “My life is yours to spend. I owe you that much for sparing my life.” Primal Prime nodded his head on his incredibly thick neck. He raised a massive blue hand and placed it on Jetfire’s shoulder. It literally felt like the weight of the world. “I know you are not like Obsidian and his ilk. And know I do not ask this of you lightly.” Primal Prime leaned on the edge of the balcony. “You need only tell me of where I shall find this mighty warrior.” Jetfire stood perfectly still in respect. Primal Prime’s face was like solid stone as he looked to Jetfire. He held out his hand and a mini holographic star map emitted from his palm. “You shall journey to this system and seek out the blue planet six macro units from the star at it’s core. He will be there. He will be waiting.” “I shall retrieve him.” Jetfire bowed. “And if you cannot, you must make sure he never again threatens our people.” Primal Prime closed his fist, the map disappeared. “I want you to know you were not my first choice. I do not wish for you to consider this mission an honour. It could very well be you demise.” “I understand,” Jetfire said. He stood straighter than ever. He made certain to hide his emotions, but obviously not well enough. Primal Prime reacted to his posture change and extended a massive hand to Jetfire. Jetfire accepted it and they shook. As he watched his hand bob up and down he was phased back into reality, the imagery of the two joined hands replaced by the incessant snapping of Optimus’ fingers. “Thought we lost you for a second, buddy.” Optimus said. “What got into you?” “This!” Jetfire’s expression shifted to a mad gaze. “This is why I’m here! Why we’re all here!” He looked at the robot again. “We have to get it out of here. We need to-” Jetfire was cut of by his head spontaneously combusting. Optimus reeled back as flames engulfed the elderly robot, who frantically tried to pat the flames down. Botanica acted fast and deployed a nozzle from her wrist that dispensed a foam, quelling the blaze. Optimus turned back to where they had entered. A sleek jet-black truck sat perched above, a large artillery cannon, still smoking, sat on it’s bed. The Autobots heard a cry from overhead and Strika fell into their midst, knocking all but Jetfire and Ironhide aside. Ironhide tackled the Decepticon and drove her into a small nearby structure. The black truck shuddered, it’s cannon telescoped into itself, the cab jolted and lifted off it’s frame, splitting. The entire vehicle briefly resembled a jigsaw puzzle before elegantly and forcefully reforming into Scourge. The dark warrior unsheathed a massive transparent ruby broadsword and leapt down to face Optimus. “Nice pink knife.” Optimus scoffed. “Impudent whelp,” Scourge chuckled as if witnessing a child’s antics. “This is the Sword of Fury. Forged of rare, nigh-indestructible crystals from-” “Sorry man, I was just being a jerk. I actually don’t care.” Concrete ripped as Optimus sprinted towards Scourge. Scourge swung his blade, but Optimus dived. The blade scraped against his back as it narrowly avoided cutting Optimus down the center. Optimus rolled to his feet, but Scourge had already followed through and hit optimus with the flat side of his sword. Optimus grabbed his face as he tried to stop his head from shaking like a cymbal. Scourge struck Optimus’ knee with his left arm, the spikes along his gauntlet shredding the armour plates of his calve. Optimus, still dazed from the sword hit, didn’t register the pain in time to stop him from grabbing Scourge by the shoulders and slamming their foreheads together. They both reeled back in pain. Optimus clutched his head and he writhed on his back, realising the stupidity of head butting right after receiving such a painful blow to the skull. Scourge shook his vision clear and, no longer amused, swung with the intent to dismember. Optimus barely dodged the swipes meant for his limbs as Scourge’s blade merely made short work on the concrete beneath him. “Does your cowardice know no end?” Scourge stomped his foot on optimus’ chest to stop him from moving. “Face the void with some shred of dignity?” Scourge prepared to deal the final blow. As the tip hovered over Optimus’ face, he saw his expression mirrored in the edge. Optimus grabbed Scourge’s pinning leg with his left hand, and with his right grabbed the sword. He quickly pushed Scourge off before he could react and scampered away. Optimus clutched his hand. A deep gash from touching the sword revealed the inner workings of his hand through his palm. Optimus converted to truck mode and drove to one of the ramps that led back up the room. Scourge sheathed his weapon and followed suit, his tires squealing as he pursued his quarry. Below Ironhide and Road Rage wrestled with Strika. She was incredibly strong, and as Ironhide locked grips with her in a deadly game of mercy, Road Rage held onto her back, trying to distract the giant. Strika pushed Ironhide away long enough to leap backwards, crushing Road rage against the wall. She tumbled off as Ironhide recovered and charged. His bravado was met with a plasma-enhanced disk cast from Strika’s palm. Road Rage picked herself up in time to see Botanica helping Jetfire. The elderly robot groan as he lazily tossed on the ground, still stunned from Scourge’s incendiary attack. Road Rage’s gaze then shifted towards the giant robot the two parties fought over. She stared at it’s darkened face and felt what could only be described as a massive weight off her shoulders. She felt care free, yet compelled to get closer. Trancelike, she slowly walked towards the titan. As the sound of battle raged behind her Road Rage, upon reaching it, began to climb the robot. This was witnessed by Optimus, who stopped at the mouth of the tunnel overlooking the room below. He transformed and turned, Scourge stood behind him, sword already drawn. “You have nowhere left to run, Optimus.” Scourge said. “If you submit your life quietly I may spare future generations the tale of your cowardice.” “You know, Scourge,” Optimus pointed to him. “I’m starting to think you don’t like me. Was it the pink sword remark?” “Your incompetence is more than enough fuel for my ire. Not helped is the similar stupidity among my own who refer to me as a mere imitation of you.” “Ha! That’s rich. Let me guess, it was the dude with four eyes? He’s a dumb-” Optimus was struck by a backhand swipe from Scourge. “Silence! Your very voice is an insult to me.” Scourge kicked Optimus over. He held the tip of his blade to Optimus’ throat. “Perhaps it’s time I rendered this a non-issue.” Optimus stared at the blade once more, but a reflection in the sword reminded Optimus of Road Rage’s bizarre behaviour below. He turned his head to see she gripped the chevron on the robot’s forehead and hung in front of it’s face. This act caught the attention of not only Scourge as well, but the others below. Jetfire, finally recovered from his injury, stood up as fast as he could. “No!” Jetfire screamed. “Don’t!” His words were not heard by Road Rage. Still entranced, she touched the reflective jewel that sat in the middle of the robots forehead. A dull thud reverberated throughout the cavernous room. Everything was still and quiet. Road Rage’s grip gave out and she fell to the ground below, Botanica sliding in to catch her. An instant later the robot’s eyes flickered briefly before warming to a burning red-orange. It’s face was illuminated, revealing a mouth guard in the shape of a stylised maw. Silence filled the air for a moment before a monotone voice like distant thunder rumbled out of the giant mechanoid. “System restart successful. Survey scan complete. Eons of unrest, cannot sway my devotion, for time is patient.” “What?” Optimus asked from across the room. “I, however, am not.” The robot said. Forks of lightning shot out of it’s body, arching to the far walls. Everyone was immobilised. Optimus and Scourge were knocked off the overlook. The room was bathed in a blue tint as a swirl of energy collected around the robot, and within an instant, it, the Transformers, and the entire chamber they were in, disappeared.

Optimus part Twenty

Optimus, Botanica, Ironhide, Road Rage and Jetfire dug inside the massive hole they’d created in the middle of the woods. Using their hands and makeshift shovels they made their way through the soil and dirt to the underground facility. Botanica had roughly estimated that this point was above the massive chamber they had restored power to, and was the only section they’d explored that could possibly hold Optimus and Jetfire. “Ugh, I’m so sick of digging.” Optimus said. “I’m a military officer, not a miner.” “Military officer?” Botanica said. “That’s an oddly vague generalization. What’s your rank?” “Does it matter? I mean here?” Optimus said. “On this planet?” “It’s just weird that you’d refer to yourself so vaguely.” She said. “Back in my day-” Jetfire began. “’Back in my day?’ Seriously?” Ironhide said. “We know you’re old, Jetfire, you don’t need to resort to clichés.” “No kidding,” Optimus added. “That’s like if Botanica said ‘according to my calculations’ or Ironhide said ‘I’m hungry.’” “Wait, you think I’m the nerdy scientist?” Botanica said. “You think I’m fat?” Ironhide stopped digging. “Well, not nerdy or anything, but you are kind of square, what I meant-” Optimus was cut off. “Square?’ Botanica threw down her shovel. “Hey now,” Road Rage said. “Let’s not go throwing around geometry…” “I was going to tell a story, I thought you kids liked that stuff.” Jetfire said. “Kids?” Optimus stood up. “I’m a hundred and seventy years old, rust bucket, I’m no kid. I’m a military officer!” “Again with the vagueness of rank…” Botanica said. “You think I’m fat?” Ironhide yelled. “You’re just big chassis'd.” Road Rage said to Ironhide. “Don’t get snippy with me, Protoform!” Jetfire slammed his cane down. “If it were for bots like me you wouldn’t even be here!” “If it weren’t for bots like you I’d-” Optimus heard a cracking at his feet. He looked down to se fractures in the ground where Jetfire had slammed his cane. “Uh oh…” The ground gave way. Decades-old concrete and rusted pipes and supports gave way under the immense weight. The Autobots fell through the facilities’ ceiling, into the large, cavernous room below. They all collected in a pile of debris, dust created ghostly pillars of light from above. Optimus got to one knee and shook his head. He was taken aback by the shear size of the room. Massive pipes, fenced-off machines and several ramps worked their way around the area. It was like an indoor city. As the other Autobots recovered they too were amazed by the size. “Why would humans need such a huge place?” Road Rage asked. “Because they were building something big.” Ironhide answered. “Or holding something…” Jetfire murmured. “What?” Optimus said. “Nothing.” Jetfire turned away. Optimus frowned. “I’m pretty impressed,” Botanica said. “My estimations aren’t usually so precise.” “Yay?” Ironhide said, unsure how to take that statement. Botanica hovered over to the compromised door they sought to investigate before. Road Rage skipped after her with optimus jogging along. Ironhide stopped a moment when he noticed Jetfire still remained behind. “You coming?” “Huh?” Jetfire said. “Right behind you.” Ironhide gave Jetfire an unsure look. “I’m fine. Really.” Ironhide shrugged and waddled off. Jetfire lumbering behind. They caught up to the others by the giant bulkhead. Botanica was examining the damage. “We might have a problem.” She said. “Look here. This kind of melting on this type of metal is consistent with a nuclear reaction.” “That’s awesome!” Ironhide said. “You can tell all that just by looking at it?” “Wait…” Optimus said. “Does that mean this place is irradiated!?” Botanica flipped out a device from her wrist. It clicked slightly than glowed green. “Nope.” She said. “So what’s the problem?” Jetfire asked. “Well, that means any parts we find past this point are probably melted garbage and unusable.” She said. “Well I still want to explore.” Ironhide said. “This place is cool.” “Also we should probably know what causes a nuclear reaction that leaves a facility largely untouched but causes it to lockdown so suddenly it traps people inside.” Optimus added. “That’s good, too.” Ironhide entered first with Optimus right behind. Road Rage and Botanica followed, and Jetfire brought up the rear. He turned back, looking through the door. Something irked him, but he pushed the feeling aside and moved on. This tunnel was fairly large. The ground below indicated it served as transport for heavy vehicles, and a track along the side led to a large crane built into the floor. It curved very slightly. The Autobots walked with a brisk pace. Even by their standards the tunnel was long. Road Rage moved to the front. “I think I see light up ahead.” She said. Optimus held up a hand and the group stopped. Indeed their was a faint emanating glow about a mile down. “I’ll scout it out.” Ironhide rolled into vehicle mode. Optimus was about to advise he wait, but Ironhide was already too far ahead. The rest jogged after him. They made the wide turn of the tunnel, only to stop when they saw Ironhide standing at the edge of the path. Optimus jaunted up to him. Ironhide stared out over the edge of a drop. “You can’t run off like that, ‘hide, you gotta-” Optimus was stopped by Ironhide who, without removing his gaze, raised his left arm to turn Optimus’ head. Optimus felt his jaw drop. They were at yet another cavernous portion, but it’s not the room that was itself amazing. Standing in the center of the area, propped up by colossal machines and bound by enormous chains was a gargantuan robot. ------ Obsidian sat on the table, his lower body hung from the table. Starscream sat on a stool, spinning around slowly with his feet. Soundwave looked at all Obsidian’s joints and seams, double checking. He lifted up Obsidian‘s lower body and looked underneath. “I lost an arm, for God’s sake,” Obsidian groaned. “Why are you examining my legs?” Starscream stopped spinning. “Those are legs?” Starscream said, flabbergasted. “I thought you were like a mermaid or something.” “Why are you even here?” Obsidian asked. Starscream spun again. “It’s just what I do. I watch people do stuff. I used to work surveillance, but I got kicked out for voyagism.” “You mean voyeurism?” Obsidian looked disgusted. “What? No!” Starscream hopped off the stool. “I kept leaving my post.” Obsidian was going to say something, but decided against it. “Can I leave now?” Obsidian said. “You could leave five minutes ago. You’re all done.” Soundwave said. “Then why were you-?” Obsidian shook his head. “Where’s Strika? I need to ask her something.” “She left with the new guy about an hour ago.” Starscream said. “New guy?” Obsidian hovered off the table. “What new guy?” “The bloke who looks like the Optimus Autobot.” Starscream scratched his chin. “Scorch, is it?” Obsidian became very serious. “Scourge?” Obsidian tried to hide his panic. “Yeah. I just call him not-Optimus in my head-” Obsidian pushed past Starscream as he hovered down the hallway. He barged into Megatron’s chamber as the tyrant slouched in his chair. “Why is Scourge here, and what is this about Optimus?” Obsidian demanded. “I see your nerve recovered along with your body.” Megatron said. “What makes you think you can just demand answers from me?” “I must know.” Obsidian said, changing his tone to be much less demanding. “What is he doing here?” “Very well,” Megatron sighed. “If you positively must know he and Strika are tracking down the Autobot’s hideout. The Autobots have made a new addition to their ranks, I’m not sure you’d recall considering you were in two pieces at the time.” Obsidian thought long and hard at this, then, recalling Megatron’s recent reassertion of dominance, humbly bowed and left. Megatron smiled, pleased with the submissiveness. He waited for the door to close before locking it via the small control panel on his chair’s armrest. He then thumbed a hidden switch beneath it. With a slight shudder his chair began to descend into the floor, and after lowering completely the hole was covered by and invisible hatch.

Optimus part Nineteen

Shockwave slowly walked down the crater towards Optimus and the new robot. He limped slightly. He brandished no weapons, as both his arms were severely injured. Optimus saw that Shockwave had re-attached his severed arm using bits of scrap and wire. “I will not repeat myself again,” Shockwave said. “Give me the pod.” Optimus was still taken aback by Shockwave’s presence, but the new robot did bot possess that handicap. “I think not.” He said. “This idiot has mutilated me with his incompetence.” The dark Optimus strutted in front of the pod, not taking his eyes of Shockwave. “The pod belongs to me.” Before the situation could escalate further, they were joined by Megatron, who literally fell out of the sky between Shockwave and the others. He seemed surprised to see Shockwave more than two Optimus’. “I had a feeling you could have survived.” Megatron said. “But I did not expect to see you like this.” “Your time will come, Megatron.” Shockwave said. “However, until then, step aside. I need that pod.” “I can see that.” Megatron said. “You look like you’re gone ten rounds with Primal Prime.” Megatron smirked, then nonchalantly waltzed over to the pod, running his finger along it. “Wouldn’t it be nice for you to just step into this and come out brand new?” “You have no idea of my intentions you snivelling buffoon.” Shockwave remarked. “I need that pod’s parts to-” “Excuse me,” The clone said. “But that pod is mine! Nobody’s using it for anything.” “I’d listen to him.” Optimus said. “He seems to really like it.” Megatron’s focus shifted to the second Optimus. “And who might you be?” He said. “Some kind of clone?” Megatron compared the two Optimus’. “Not a very good one. You’re too dark, and not nearly as rotund.” “Did you just call me fat?” Optimus said. He turned to the other Optimus. “Did he just call me fat?” “I am Scourge.” The dark clone said, ignoring Optimus. “And you will do wise to remember that.” “Scourge?” Megatron said, he was suddenly much more serious. “The Scourge?” Scourge was about to respond when again the scene was joined, this time by Jetfire and the Autobots, crash-landing somewhere out of view from inside the crater. A moment later and they all ran up. “We got here as soon as we could and-” Road Rage panted, she was silenced by the sight below. After a moment Ironhide put his hand to his head. “We were only two minutes behind you!” He said. “What the hell happened?” “Enough!” Scourge yelled, he pulled a large, red broadsword from his back. Optimus ducked as he drew it. “I don’t know, or care, who any of you are, except…” Scourge pointed to Megatron. “You!” Megatron pointed to himself, confused. “You’ve heard of me, so then you must know of my reputation…” He walked slowly, threateningly, towards Megatron, sword raised. Megatron, prepared to defend himself, was just as surprised as everyone else when Scourge planted his sword in the ground and bowed before him. “I pledge my allegiance to the new Decepticon revolution, lord Megatron.” The Autobots above were more confused than ever. “What is going on here!?” Botanica said. Scourge looked up to his new master. “As a show of my fealty,” Scourge said. “Let me demonstrate my worth by removing this obstacle.” In one move Scourge pulled his sword free and spun on his heel, dropping to one knee. He pushed off the sand up the crater, over the Autobots. He landed facing them and charged. Road Rage was the first to react, ducking between Ironhide’s legs and meeting Scourge head-on. He swung at her with the broad side of his sword, knocking her away. He lined up to stab Ironhide through the chest, but Jetfire parried with his own blade, backhanding Scourge with his other arm. Scourge barely flinched, and responded with a solid punch to Jetfire’s leg, causing the titan to fall. Ironhide swung at Scourge, he blocked with his sword, then swept Ironhide off his feet, forcing his head into the sand with his other hand. Scourge was hit with an electrical blast from Botanica. He was stunned briefly, allowing her to charge in for a takedown. He recovered, and sidestepped, pushing the back of her head into the ground with his left arm. Optimus ramped of the crater’s lip in truck mode, transforming mid-air to tackle his duplicate. Caught unawares Scourge fell, his sword knocked from his hands. Optimus turned him around and delivered a series of punches to his face. “Stop hitting yourself!” Optimus mocked. Scourge socked Optimus square in the gut, and the Autobot fell aside. Before he could retrieve his sword Road Rage leaped onto Scourge’s back, grabbing him by the antennae. Ironhide tackled next, restraining his arms, Optimus grabbed his legs, and Botanica wrapped around them all. Scourge roared with anger and flung the Autobots off, just to be met with Jetfire’s blade. From below Megatron watched, letting out a low whistle. “Remind you of anyone Shock-” Megatron noticed Shockwave climbing into the stasis pod. “Hey!” Shockwave was just closing the door to the pod when Megatron pulled it back open and reached inside. Grabbing Shockwave by the neck, he tried to hoist him out, but Shockwave was already activating the pod. The regenerating systems of the pod activated, and the interior glowed. Megatron could hold on no longer as the glow became too intense, and the energy forced him back. The pod sealed shut, violently rocking a jerking from whatever was happening inside. “No…” Megatron said. “Not today.” He drew his cannon and pointed it at the pod. He fired, and a violent explosion erupted between them. Megatron was sent flying backwards, landing outside the crater. The battle between Scourge and the Autobots ceased. From the crater a brilliant light shown before dissipating. All was quiet as the sound of the wind took over. Megatron, momentarily stunned, sat up, brushing himself off. The sound of footsteps in sand emerged from the crater, slowly growing. Step by step Shockwave rose from the ashes of the destroyed pod, gleaming and glistening in the sunlight. His arms were restored, his body was sharp and angled properly, even his colouring seemed a much more vibrant purple. His single emotionless eye once again burned bright red. It appeared as a planet suspended in the blackness of space. In one hand he held a small block of technology. Megatron, Scourge and the Autobots simply watched as he walked past them all, seemingly uninterested. Once he was clear of them all he merely looked once over his left shoulder, then leaped into the air and transformed, flying off into the blue sky. Nobody said a word, instead the two sides exchanged looks. Optimus’ gaze met with Scourge’s, and the dark counterpart shot him a glare that could cut steel. Megatron turned and walked away, Scourge followed. Ironhide was about to speak up, but was silenced by a cursory gesture from Optimus. Shortly the once battlefield was deserted, and the wind got to work covering all evidence of it’s existence. ------ “I can’t say I’ve seen anything like this before.” Soundwave said, examining Scourge’s internals. He lay on a metal operating table, assembled along with some equipement in one of the many caverns of the Decepticon‘s mountain hideout. “I’ve heard of it of course, but I never truly believed-” “You’re opinion is respected, doctor,” Scourge said. “But could you cut to the chase?” “Oh, I’m not a doctor,” Soundwave said. “I’m a scientist.” “Regardless,” Scourge said. “Can you fix me?” Soundwave tilted his head back while the thought, then turned away to the tools behind him. He typed away on keyboards, picked up flasks with liquids in them, and pushed buttons on equipement. Scourge waited, a while Starscream stared at him from across the room. Scourge looked over from the slab. “What?” “Huh?” Starscream snapped out of it. “Sorry, it’s just… you look just like him.” “And?” Scourge said, frustrated. “Do you turn into a truck like him?” Starscream asked. “Unfortunately.” “Do you feel weird?” “Not that I’ve noticed.” “Is that sword his or yours?” “It’s mine, now leave me alone.” Scourge laid back down. “So are you the same inside too?” Starscream pestered. “Is this going to take much longer?” Scourge directed his comment to Soundwave. “What?” Soundwave said. “Fixing me!” Scourge said, he balled his hands into fists. “When?” “Oh, I can’t fix you.” Soundwave said. “What?” Scourge sat up. “Then what are you doing?” “This?” Soundwave said. “I’m just messing around. I’m still figuring out what half this stuff does. I majored in engineering and anatomy, not alien biology, which is what most of this crap does.” Scourge groaned and hopped off the table. “Is there somebody not stupid I could get to help me?” He said. “I can’t live the rest of my life looking like that idiot Autobot. I was a respected officer!” “At least you’re still an officer. “Starscream remarked. Scourge, fed up, drew his sword and held it to the back of Soundwave’s neck. “Fix. Me. Now.” He said. “Well if you’re going to be like that,” Soundwave’s voice became high pitched. “I could rebuild you physically. You won’t look like you did before, but…” “Whatever.” Scourge said. “Just do your best, or I’ll do my worst.” He pushed his blade off of Soundwave, who rubbed his neck. “One new body, coming up…” He squeaked. ------ “I’m so tired of this!” Optimus said, frustrated. “All we ever do is get beat up or robbed! And now there’s an evil me running around with a damn broadsword, and Shockwave, literally the hardest son of a glitch this side of hard, is back, brand new and probably still mad as all hell.” “What’s it matter to you?” Botanica said. “I’m the one he wants to kill. You don’t see me crying.” “I just feel like…” Optimus sighed. “Like we’re going to be at this forever.” He looked back to his fellow Autobots, they sat in front of their log mill. Jetfire stood across the stream, looking off into the distance. “Then let’s do something!” Ironhide said. If you’re that worried why don’t we attack or something?” “With what?” Road Rage said. “Did we suddenly become really awesome between now and the Sahara and I just missed it?” “We couldn’t even handle that new guy alone…” Optimus said. “You know what’d be awesome…” Ironhide said. “If we had a SPACE SHIP to fight them with. Remind me again why we didn’t use it to go after the pod?” “I told you,” Botanica said, frustration attacking her as well. “They stripped the engines, it can only fly with manoeuvring thrusters. There’s no way it could go that fast. I’d fix them, but we don’t have any parts!” Botanica crossed her arms and pouted. “I hope those idiots burn themselves on my quantum heaters.” “You know what might have parts?” Road Rage said. “I hate myself for saying this, but that underground lab place that’s underground!” “Hey,” Optimus said. “That’s not a bad idea. In fact-” “That’s smart as crap!” Ironhide said. “Why didn’t we think us this before?” “Because you’re all stupid.” Jetfire said before going back to idly staring off into space. The Autobots were about to contest that notion, but one by own agreed that was kinda dumb. “Whatever,” Optimus said. “We know now, so let’s hop to it.” He rubbed his hands together. “It’s time we cleaned out the basement.” Everyone rolled their eyes. Botanica and Road Rage entered the mill. They carefully revealed the secret entrance and stared into the black. “I really don’t want to go down there again.” Road Rage said. “It’s dark and really, really big. And what if there’s possums down there?” Optimus ran up to her and covered Road Rage’s mouth, shushing her. “Don’t say that ‘P’ word!” He said. Optimus leaned in uncomfortably close. “That’s what summons them.” He whispered, handing her his tow cable. Botanica rolled her eyes. “Possums, possums, possums. See?” She said. Optimus covered his ears. She again rolled her eyes. “ Let’s go.” Road Rage tied Optimus’ towing line around her waist and repelled down the hole, Botanica slithering down after. “That’s so creepy.” Optimus said. “I think it’s cool.” Ironhide said. “I wish I could do that.” Ironhide wriggled and waved his arms. As Road Rage hit the bottom she turned on her lights and untied the line. Botanica plopped next to her, and the two began their adventure into the darkness. The ceiling meant Botanica had to crouch, but Road Rage was free to scout around unimpeded. Door the long concrete corridor they went, through the jammed open bulkhead and into the laboratories. They passed tiny desks, tables with spread out papers. No computers, no real expensive equipement. No large machines. Nothing useful. “Y’know,” Road Rage said. “If this ceiling was a little higher this space would be great for our dodge ball matches.” Botanica ignored the comment, instead focusing on a large hatch at the far side of the room. It was very wide and decorated with liens of black and yellow stripes. “Have you seen this?” Botanica said. Road Rage caught up and looked at it. “I don’t remember this…” She said. “Then again I don’t know what this is.” “I think it’s a door.” Botanica said. “It’s pretty wide, so I bet it’s used for vehicle transport.” She felt for a seam, her sensitive fingertips analysed every crease and imperfection as she dragged them across. “Here.” Botanica slipped the finger tips of all four of her arms into the seam and pulled. The door creaked, but eventually popped open slightly. Road Rage grabbed one side and Botanica took the other, and together they pulled. The door let out a hiss as outside air rushed from the surface all the way through the labs to this one spot. The two got it open enough, and were stunned by what awaited them. Road Rage covered her mouth, Botanica glared. Skeletons. Dozens of human skeletons alongside wrecked vehicles littered the long, wide interior roadway. Some were propped up against the door, some just laying on the ground. A crashed jeep lay overturned not far from the door, other vehicles were abandoned or crashed into the walls. “What is this place?” Road Rage asked. “I’m not sure.” She said. She transformed to her hybrid car mode and drove down the tunnel, carefully avoiding the remains of humans and transports. Road Rage followed on foot. They continued down the tunnel as it curved then forked. Another jammed bulkhead separated their section from another, and they drove ahead. Lit only by their headlights, they made it into another room. Transforming, they attempted to light the room with their high beams, to little success. “Too big.” Botanica said. “Look for a fuse box or something.” They turned back to the wall they entered from and searched. Botanica came across a small box with a tiny painted electrical warning. She opened it, and with the lightest of jolts from her hip cannons was able to spark it back to life. Overhead lights crackled on. The room was positively cavernous, rivalling even the Decepticon’s mountain interior. Unlike the section near the surface, plenty of abandoned equipement remained. The bulk of it’s massiveness descended downward via a series of ramps. They tow made their way down. They passed yet another petrified skeleton, still propped against a railing. “What could have happened here?” Road Rage asked. “It looks like they were all running away.” “Something devastating enough to kill humans,” Botanica said. “But leaves the facility almost untouched?” “Maybe it’s that?” Road rage pointed to a giant-sized version of the bulkhead’s they’d encountered, only this one was melted clean through to the ground. “We’re not going in there, are we?” “No.” Botanica said. “Not alone. Whatever caused this has been trapped down here. I’m not taking any chances it’s something we can’t handle.” Botanica and Road Rage quickly transformed and sped off, the screech of their tires echoing in the vast interior. ------ Starscream waited outside Shockwave’s old lab. He literally had nothing better to do but wait. Inside Soundwave was helping Scourge rebuild himself. Starscream had offered his help, but after the fourth time of dropping the replacement parts on Scourge’s foot he was forcefully ejected from the lab. And so he waited. He took the moment to reflect. Reflect on how his purpose in life, how he’d gotten here, and the great question of why? And if Megatron would let him play with the driller if he asked, or would he have to do something? Starscream’s four eyes began to sag as he began to nod off from boredom. His leisure was interrupted by the door opening. Standing in the threshold was a tall, bulky robot. His shoulders were broad and angular. His wrists were adorned with swept back spikes. He was clad nearly entirely in black with few teal highlights along is body. Two red eyes were all that were exposed behind a mouth-covering angled faceplate. The ears on his head now swept back, pointed and angled like the rest of him. He only barely resembled Optimus anymore. “Wow.” Starscream said. “Not-Optimus cleans up pretty good.” Scourge didn’t laugh, instead he forcefully pushed past Starscream as he walked down the corridor. He exited the bunker into the cavern where Megatron and Strika conversed. “…And now he has the capacity to locate it all by himself, and he-” Megatron stopped at the sight of Scourge. “My my, aren’t you dapper.” Scourge bowed. “Thank you, my lord.” He said. “I do not wish to interrupt, however I wanted to inform you that I am ready and eager to bring the fight to the enemy.” “Very well.” Megatron said. “Have fun.” Scourge looked confused. “I’m sorry, my lord?” Scourge said. “You will… not accompany me?” Megatron turned to Scourge, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Your reputation speaks for you, my friend.” Megatron said. “Scourge the tracker. I’d only slow you down. However you are not to go alone. You may choose any of my troops to accompany you.” Megatron nodded as he walked past Scourge and into the bunker. Scourge looked back over his shoulder to Starscream and Soundwave who waved. He winced, then looked to Strika. “Are you an idiot, too?” He said dryly. “No.” Strika said. Scourge nodded his head towards the exit tunnel, and the two transformed and left. Starscream and Soundwave remained by the bunker door. “He just called us idiots!” Starscream said. “Yeah,” Soundwave replied. “Why didn’t you say something if you‘re so offended?” “Because I like my head right where it is.” Starscream said. “It give me security.” “Shut up.” Soundwave went back into the bunker. Starscream waited a moment. “You didn’t say anything either, you know…”

Optimus part Eighteen

The skies were clear, save a few lingering cumulous on the horizon. The few puffs of white failed to distract from the vast canvas of blue, interrupted only by the warm, shining sun. To those who could appreciate it, to take the time to sit back and bask in it’s simplicity and awe, it was nirvana. The Autobots, crammed haphazardly into the rocking space shuttle that was Jetfire, were not of this mind set today. “Stop squirming!” Optimus shouted. “You’re giving me an itch I can’t reach!” “Stop pushing!” Ironhide shouted back, the hefty robot was being shoved against the interior. “I don’t know you people well enough to be in such proximity!” Botanica yelled, trying to stay above the pile. “And who’s hand was that!?” “Stop yelling!” Road Rage screamed from the bottom. “I can’t breathe down here!” “You don’t breathe period!” Optimus quipped. “I can’t do whatever the cleverly worded counterpart to breathing is down here!” She elbowed her way up top, Optimus yelping as she hit a sensitive spot. “Oh…” Ironhide said, bracing himself as Jetfire banked right. “I don’t feel so well…” Optimus scrambled away, squishing Road Rage’s head into floor. He backed into Botanica, pinning her hand. “Ouch!” She said. “One sad, fat bot!” She shoulder checked Optimus, him squishing into Ironhide. “Alright!” Optimus screamed. “Just… everyone just stop moving.” They all complied. They could hear the wind rushing by outside. “We just need to calm down and just... relax. Relax.” Optimus wriggled his hands up to his hand and made slow fanning motions. “Find your still point…” “You’re crushing my still point!” Road Rage said. “Wait a moment…” Botanica said. “Does anyone else hear that?” The Autobots were motionless as they listened. From outside they heard a low droning buzz. Like aircraft jets. “Jetfire!” Optimus asked. There was no response. “Jetfire!” Optimus repeated, from inside the shuttle bay Jetfire responded in their electronic language. “Sorry,” He said. “I usually just tune you out so I don’t go mad listening to your crying.” “Later old man, are we being followed?” Optimus wasted no time. Jetfire waited a moment. “Oh…” He said. “I think so. Which is the grey jet and which is the black one?” Jetfire asked. “Not good.” Optimus said. “Do you have weapons?” “I have a sword, you know that!” Jetfire said. “No, I mean ranged weapons. Guns or-” Optimus was cut off by a violent rocking as the air detonated outside. Pinging rattled the right wing as bullets hit. “I can’t take much more of that!” Jetfire groaned. “Evasive manoeuvres!“ Optimus said. “Evasive?” Jetfire said. “I’m a space shuttle! I don’t get much more evasive than just flying really fast!” “Then we need to fight back.” Optimus said. He looked down to Road Rage. She nodded. Optimus looked to Ironhide. He gave a thumbs up. Then Botanica, who likewise signed approval. Optimus addressed Jetfire. “Open the hatch.” He said. The overhead doors swung open. Botanica and Optimus held on to avoid being sucked out. Ironhide gripped the interior with his toes. “Up you go.” He addressed Road Rage. She climbed up onto his shoulders. She was outside now, and could see the incoming attackers. Two spots behind them. Megatron and Starscream as she’d come to recognise them. “Let’s go, then.” She said. Road rage transformed in Ironhide’s arms as he gripped her undercarriage tight. Buffeted by the wind she assumed her vehicle mode, panels and parts shifted to reveal a powerful arsenal. As Jetfire kept steady she took aim. “Get some cog-suckers!” She screamed and unloaded a mad volley of rockets and machine gun fire. Megatron and Starscream banked to avoid incoming fire, letting loose with missiles and gun fire of their own. Jetfire turned, but the Decepticons pursued. Road Rage fired like a madwoman. Starscream nose-dived, Megatron pitched skyward. “Hang on to something!” Jetfire said. He banked into a slow roll. Botanica gripped the door now, Optimus held onto the interior and Ironhide, helping to keep him inside as Road Rage continued assaulting their pursuers. Road Rage deployed a large rocket on her back, armed it, and fired at Starscream. It spit apart into several mini-missiles which scattered towards him. He banked and rolled, deploying flares to shake them. Megatron levelled himself to Jetfire and fired his machine gun into the Ex-Decepticon’s underside. Jetfire wobbled and buckled. “I’ll handle this!” Botanica yelled over the harsh winds and gunfire. She crawled along the shuttle’s hull with her four arms, flipping over and magnetising her stand to his underside. She steadied herself, more bullets narrowly avoided her face. She flipped her hip mounted guns around, charging them. With a warlike cry she unleashed a massive fork of lightning at the Decepticon leader. Megatron banked left and tumbled to avoid the beam. She traced the sky, trying to hit him, but he rolled and braked to fast. Below Road Rage still fended of Starscream, who barely avoided her volleys. He transformed, activating an array of jet boosters in his back and shoulders. Road Rage cursed and yelled. Through the assault of bullets and profanity Starscream was hit again and again, until finally he retreated. Jetfire rolled back upright, Botanica crawling back in. Optimus helped her in. “I didn’t get him.” She said to Optimus, who looked over his shoulder to see the Decepticon leader barring down on them. His silver-blue metal gleaned, unscathed. Road Rage attempted an attack, but her weapons clicked empty. “I’m out!” She said, reverting back to robot mode. As she got in she pointed past Optimus. In the distance a smoke trial headed downward. They were out of time. From behind them Megatron fired again, the Autobots screaming and ducking. Optimus stood, staring down Megatron, he reached behind his back and drew his towing hook. He stood up and swung it over his head like a lasso. “What are you doing?” Botanica yelled to him. “The most awesome thing I’ve ever done!” Optimus tossed his hook straight at Megatron. It missed completely. “Or not.” More gunfire. Ironhide leaped in front of Optimus, taking all the hits. “Second time’s a charm!” He said, bullets pinging of his tough exterior. Optimus nodded and lined up for another go. Ironhide ducked as Optimus let swing his hook. Megatron tried to pull up, but it was a direct hit to his intake. “Yes!” Optimus pumped his fist. Megatron recovered and pulled away. “Oh wait…” He was yanked out of Jetfire and pulled through the air. He held onto his cable for dear life as Megatron corkscrewed downward, Optimus going along for the ride. As they approached the Earth below Optimus pulled himself in. He just got within reach of Megatron’s tailfin when the Decepticon pulled back up, increasing speed to maximum. Optimus felt his grip sliding down the cable. The air buffeted him hard. He again tried to reel himself closer. Megatron pitched into a cloud. Through the haze Optimus could barely make out Megatron’s thrusters. As they exited the cloud Megatron shook, the hook loosened it’s grip. Optimus felt the shaking and scurried even faster. He managed to grab Megatron’s tailfin. “Gotcha!” Optimus said. As he did, Megatron made a hard left, and Optimus was sent flying, his hook dislodged, through the air. Optimus screamed as he careened through the skies in a wide arch. The other Autobots watched helplessly as their leader sped off ahead, launched by Megatron’s immense momentum. As he tumbled Optimus spied the ship’s smoke trail as it connected with the Earth in a cloud of dust. Optimus saw now they were above a desert. “Oh good.” optimus said. ‘I’ll land on nice, soft-” Optimus hit the ground in an explosion of sand and dust. He dug a trench a mile long as he skidded to a stop. As soon as it had happened the dust began to settle as Optimus lay buried underneath the desert. He shifted and scrambled to try and dig himself out. Once he did he looked above for his friends or Megatron, but saw no one. Was he really so far ahead? He shook the sand out of him. He wasn’t as hurt as the horrific experience he just endured would lead him to believe. He supposed the sand really did break his fall. “Take that, physics!” He said. He remembered why he was hear, however, and looked off into the distance. Across the sea of sand and rippling waves of heat he was a plume of smoke. The ship. He transformed and wasted no time. He noted his tow hook hung a little lower now. Driving as fast as he could he navigated the dry land. After a brief trip he slowed as he approached the impact crater. It wasn’t that big, and for a moment Optimus thought it might just be a satellite or regular old meteor. He remained in vehicle mode and cautiously drove into the crater. He encroached on the point of impact and saw why it was so small. It was a stasis pod, not unlike the one they had in Botanica’s ship. This, however, was far more sophisticated. It had been discharged from a ship, no doubt, and was drifting with minimal onboard guidance until it’s systems were drawn to Earth. But Optimus made no further assumptions. Who was inside was important. He slowly rolled up to it. A spark gave him pause. It was damaged. Before he could react a beam hit him, covering his body. He transformed while the beam was on him, moving back as it completed. Optimus wasn’t sure, but he thought he’d just been… “Scan-an-ning and r-r-r-r-replication compl-plete,” A mechanical voice came from the pod. It skipped and repeated, obviously damaged. Optimus could do no more but watch as the pod hissed open. Optimus waited a moment after the hatch had opened completely then cautiously stepped forward. His approached was delayed again, however, when a hand rose out. A familiar hand. “Hello?” Optimus looked inside. A body arose from the pod. But not just anybody. His body. Optimus had come face to face with himself. Optimus stared into his duplicate’s eyes. He was an exact copy, only his colours were changed, darker, notably his eyes now glowed red. Optimus was more than a little shocked, but felt he had to say something. “Who are you?” The doppelganger looked himself over. His face looked appalled. “My body?” The robot said. “What have-?” He noticed optimus, and compared himself. “What have you done?” “I think your pod is busted, it thought I was a-” Optimus was cut of by a hand wrapped around his throught. The dark copy glowered as he choked the life out of Optimus. With little effort the duplicate was able to push Optimus back with one hand. He hopped out of the pod and loomed over Optimus. “For the indignity you’ve subjected me to, you derve nothing less than death at my Sword of-" the robot said, reaching behind his back. Optimus covered his head. They were interrupted by the sound of jet thrusters. Optimus assumed it was Megatron because of the single set of footsteps, but what he saw approach was worse. The dark robot looked over. “And what do you want?” At the edge of the crater a purple and black robot stood, one arm to his side, the other bent at an awkward angle. “I want only one thing:” Shockwave said. “The pod.”