Thursday, August 30, 2012

Optimus part Twenty Two

Optimus’ first reaction to his new surroundings was blinding brightness. Only when it was briefly obscured did he realise he was staring at the sun. He shook his head and tried to grab his bearings. He briefly recognised falling debris before he noticed he was in freefall yet again. Now it was sinking in. Only a moment ago was he in an abandoned underground human facility, and now he, and parts of said facility, were falling rapidly towards the Earth. Optimus spun around in air to see the ground below. He watched as rubble, pipes, and other bits plummeted around him. He noticed some of the other pieces of wreckage were familiar. His friends. Ironhide, Road Rage, Botanica and Jetfire were all visible some distance away. He spied two others. The Decepticons Scourge and Strika. The disorientation was just leaving, replaced by uncontrollable panic at the thought of imminent and inescapable death, as he saw a glimmer far below. On the green of the Earth. Then black. “Optimus…” A voice from the abyss called. “Optimus…” The black faded. Fuzzy white pooled at the corners of Optimus’ vision, a dark mass hovered in the middle. Optimus felt a helpful hand firmly on his shoulder. The air was warm, and Optimus lay on soft grass. The fuzziness faded, sharpened into a clear image. The image of someone familiar. Someone caring. “Time to wake up, buddy.” The voice repeated. As the light faded, Optimus glimpsed a face like his own, but older. A kind smile and confident gaze was all he made out before the darkness came back. Optimus jolted awake. The other was gone. It was dark, and a cold wind rushed over him. He lay face down in mud and tree roots. Slowly Optimus pulled himself from the ground, a familiar sensation. He practically spent more time face down in dirt than he did on his feet these days. He shoot mud and tree bits off, looking upward. A thick canopy of trees blocked the moonlight, leaving the surroundings illuminated with a dot pattern. Optimus looked to his feet halfway sunk in the mud. There was no crater, and the trees above were undamaged. He looked around. Nothing suggested how he got where he was. Optimus was confused only long enough to stop caring and focus on his friends. He now realised they were likewise scattered. And the Decepticons. And the big robot. Optimus briefly lamented his lot in life before beginning his trudge through the forest. ------ “Wakeup!” Road Rage slapped Ironhide again, this time as hard as she could. She clutched her hand and fell back in pain, rolling off the stout Autobot and into the river she had pulled him out of. She swore and hit the water out of frustration. It had been ten minutes since she found Ironhide and dragged all twenty tons of him out of the river. This was, of course, after she’d spent three hours walking through the creepy forest, convinced she was being stalked by bears and Bigfoot. She sat stewing in the stream. Road Rage knew Ironhide was alive because he was snoring, as always. She just couldn’t wake him up. He literally slept like a log. Road Rage stood up and walked back to shore, only to trip on an underwater rock. She screamed and insulted the rock and it‘s non-existent rock parents, picking it up and violently throwing it into the forest, the sound of cracking branches detailing it’s landing. Road Rage stopped and calmed herself, reminding herself that violence was what caused her vehicle mode problems, and that she was a better robot than that. She re-evaluated the situation, figuring if she wasn’t strong enough to wake the sleeping giant, she’d need something that was. Road Rage snapped her fingers, then hopped into the bush. As she emerged she carried the rock, offering a quiet apology. She stood over Ironhide’s head, rock held high. “If this doesn’t wake you…” She said. She flung her arms back, then brought the rock down. That instant Ironhide’s yellow eyes opened and, startled, Road Rage dropped the rock on her own foot. Screaming in pain she tried to hop, but instead fell forwards onto the ground. “What’s going on?” Ironhide asked Road Rage as she rocked back and forth, clutching her foot. “What took you so long!” Road Rage slowed her rock, releasing her dented foot. “Oh, so being knocked-out is my fault now?” Ironhide said. “Never mind,” Road Rage said. Ironhide surveyed his surroundings. “Where are we?” He asked. “Either Narnia or New Zealand.” Road Rage said sarcastically. Ironhide took a moment as his most recent memories returned. “The facility-” Ironhide began. “Yeah, I was hoping you could fill me in.” Road Rage asked. “You don’t remember?” “All I remember is fighting Strika one moment, then a haze, then just… this forest.” “That ‘haze’ was you climbing on that big guy’s face and turning him on.” “I don’t like how you phrased that.” Road Rage cringed slightly. “What I mean is,” Ironhide glared. “You were in some kind of trance and, well, I guess you woke him up somehow. Then he said something weird and… that’s all I remember.” “Eh…” Road Rage said. “Whatever. I think we should focus on finding the others.” “Right,” Ironhide said. “But where do we start.” Road Rage looked up and down the stream next to them. It was all darkness and trees. “I’d say we should look for higher ground, but…” Road Rage shrugged. “I don’t know where higher ground is.” “Ha!” Ironhide said. “Time’s like these it pays to be heavy duty.” Ironhide beat his chest for emphasis, then dropped down into his four-by-four mode. Running lights winked on and a path into the darkness was revealed. He started into the woods, his massive tires and thick hide crushing or moving weak branches and plants out of the way. Road Rage followed on foot, the rough terrain forbidding her from using her vehicle mode. They disappeared into the trees. ------ Soundwave briskly strode down the hall to Megatron’s private quarters. The quickness of his pace was not out of anticipation, no. He was quite the opposite. The last thing he waned to do was tell Megatron the news. He’d spent a good twenty minutes preparing himself for the encounter before deciding that it’d be best to get it over with. He made it to the door, which he was surprised to find did open upon his approach. Soundwave was about to knock when he heard voices from behind the door. Rather, he discerned, just Megatron’s. He could tell it was one half of a conversation. “We have it, yes.” Soundwave heard him say. There was a break before Megatron continued. “Now, and do not let personal matters interfere. I expect you to-” Soundwave couldn’t make out the rest. He heard Megatron end the conversation. The door beeped and unlocked, opening automatically. Soundwave glimpsed Megatron rising from the floor in his throne. Quickly Soundwave backed up, then did his best to look like he’d just walked up now. Megatron spotted Soundwave’s approach and waved him in. “Greetings, my lord,” Soundwave said. “I have… unfortunate news. I’ve been unable to locate Scourge and Strika’s signal and-” “Yes yes, very good,” Megatron cut Soundwave off. “I have something much more important for you to do.” Megatron hopped down from his throne and walked up to Soundwave, who nervously straightened himself as Megatron grabbed his shoulders and leaned in. “I need you… to change the world!”

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