Thursday, August 30, 2012

Optimus part Nineteen

Shockwave slowly walked down the crater towards Optimus and the new robot. He limped slightly. He brandished no weapons, as both his arms were severely injured. Optimus saw that Shockwave had re-attached his severed arm using bits of scrap and wire. “I will not repeat myself again,” Shockwave said. “Give me the pod.” Optimus was still taken aback by Shockwave’s presence, but the new robot did bot possess that handicap. “I think not.” He said. “This idiot has mutilated me with his incompetence.” The dark Optimus strutted in front of the pod, not taking his eyes of Shockwave. “The pod belongs to me.” Before the situation could escalate further, they were joined by Megatron, who literally fell out of the sky between Shockwave and the others. He seemed surprised to see Shockwave more than two Optimus’. “I had a feeling you could have survived.” Megatron said. “But I did not expect to see you like this.” “Your time will come, Megatron.” Shockwave said. “However, until then, step aside. I need that pod.” “I can see that.” Megatron said. “You look like you’re gone ten rounds with Primal Prime.” Megatron smirked, then nonchalantly waltzed over to the pod, running his finger along it. “Wouldn’t it be nice for you to just step into this and come out brand new?” “You have no idea of my intentions you snivelling buffoon.” Shockwave remarked. “I need that pod’s parts to-” “Excuse me,” The clone said. “But that pod is mine! Nobody’s using it for anything.” “I’d listen to him.” Optimus said. “He seems to really like it.” Megatron’s focus shifted to the second Optimus. “And who might you be?” He said. “Some kind of clone?” Megatron compared the two Optimus’. “Not a very good one. You’re too dark, and not nearly as rotund.” “Did you just call me fat?” Optimus said. He turned to the other Optimus. “Did he just call me fat?” “I am Scourge.” The dark clone said, ignoring Optimus. “And you will do wise to remember that.” “Scourge?” Megatron said, he was suddenly much more serious. “The Scourge?” Scourge was about to respond when again the scene was joined, this time by Jetfire and the Autobots, crash-landing somewhere out of view from inside the crater. A moment later and they all ran up. “We got here as soon as we could and-” Road Rage panted, she was silenced by the sight below. After a moment Ironhide put his hand to his head. “We were only two minutes behind you!” He said. “What the hell happened?” “Enough!” Scourge yelled, he pulled a large, red broadsword from his back. Optimus ducked as he drew it. “I don’t know, or care, who any of you are, except…” Scourge pointed to Megatron. “You!” Megatron pointed to himself, confused. “You’ve heard of me, so then you must know of my reputation…” He walked slowly, threateningly, towards Megatron, sword raised. Megatron, prepared to defend himself, was just as surprised as everyone else when Scourge planted his sword in the ground and bowed before him. “I pledge my allegiance to the new Decepticon revolution, lord Megatron.” The Autobots above were more confused than ever. “What is going on here!?” Botanica said. Scourge looked up to his new master. “As a show of my fealty,” Scourge said. “Let me demonstrate my worth by removing this obstacle.” In one move Scourge pulled his sword free and spun on his heel, dropping to one knee. He pushed off the sand up the crater, over the Autobots. He landed facing them and charged. Road Rage was the first to react, ducking between Ironhide’s legs and meeting Scourge head-on. He swung at her with the broad side of his sword, knocking her away. He lined up to stab Ironhide through the chest, but Jetfire parried with his own blade, backhanding Scourge with his other arm. Scourge barely flinched, and responded with a solid punch to Jetfire’s leg, causing the titan to fall. Ironhide swung at Scourge, he blocked with his sword, then swept Ironhide off his feet, forcing his head into the sand with his other hand. Scourge was hit with an electrical blast from Botanica. He was stunned briefly, allowing her to charge in for a takedown. He recovered, and sidestepped, pushing the back of her head into the ground with his left arm. Optimus ramped of the crater’s lip in truck mode, transforming mid-air to tackle his duplicate. Caught unawares Scourge fell, his sword knocked from his hands. Optimus turned him around and delivered a series of punches to his face. “Stop hitting yourself!” Optimus mocked. Scourge socked Optimus square in the gut, and the Autobot fell aside. Before he could retrieve his sword Road Rage leaped onto Scourge’s back, grabbing him by the antennae. Ironhide tackled next, restraining his arms, Optimus grabbed his legs, and Botanica wrapped around them all. Scourge roared with anger and flung the Autobots off, just to be met with Jetfire’s blade. From below Megatron watched, letting out a low whistle. “Remind you of anyone Shock-” Megatron noticed Shockwave climbing into the stasis pod. “Hey!” Shockwave was just closing the door to the pod when Megatron pulled it back open and reached inside. Grabbing Shockwave by the neck, he tried to hoist him out, but Shockwave was already activating the pod. The regenerating systems of the pod activated, and the interior glowed. Megatron could hold on no longer as the glow became too intense, and the energy forced him back. The pod sealed shut, violently rocking a jerking from whatever was happening inside. “No…” Megatron said. “Not today.” He drew his cannon and pointed it at the pod. He fired, and a violent explosion erupted between them. Megatron was sent flying backwards, landing outside the crater. The battle between Scourge and the Autobots ceased. From the crater a brilliant light shown before dissipating. All was quiet as the sound of the wind took over. Megatron, momentarily stunned, sat up, brushing himself off. The sound of footsteps in sand emerged from the crater, slowly growing. Step by step Shockwave rose from the ashes of the destroyed pod, gleaming and glistening in the sunlight. His arms were restored, his body was sharp and angled properly, even his colouring seemed a much more vibrant purple. His single emotionless eye once again burned bright red. It appeared as a planet suspended in the blackness of space. In one hand he held a small block of technology. Megatron, Scourge and the Autobots simply watched as he walked past them all, seemingly uninterested. Once he was clear of them all he merely looked once over his left shoulder, then leaped into the air and transformed, flying off into the blue sky. Nobody said a word, instead the two sides exchanged looks. Optimus’ gaze met with Scourge’s, and the dark counterpart shot him a glare that could cut steel. Megatron turned and walked away, Scourge followed. Ironhide was about to speak up, but was silenced by a cursory gesture from Optimus. Shortly the once battlefield was deserted, and the wind got to work covering all evidence of it’s existence. ------ “I can’t say I’ve seen anything like this before.” Soundwave said, examining Scourge’s internals. He lay on a metal operating table, assembled along with some equipement in one of the many caverns of the Decepticon‘s mountain hideout. “I’ve heard of it of course, but I never truly believed-” “You’re opinion is respected, doctor,” Scourge said. “But could you cut to the chase?” “Oh, I’m not a doctor,” Soundwave said. “I’m a scientist.” “Regardless,” Scourge said. “Can you fix me?” Soundwave tilted his head back while the thought, then turned away to the tools behind him. He typed away on keyboards, picked up flasks with liquids in them, and pushed buttons on equipement. Scourge waited, a while Starscream stared at him from across the room. Scourge looked over from the slab. “What?” “Huh?” Starscream snapped out of it. “Sorry, it’s just… you look just like him.” “And?” Scourge said, frustrated. “Do you turn into a truck like him?” Starscream asked. “Unfortunately.” “Do you feel weird?” “Not that I’ve noticed.” “Is that sword his or yours?” “It’s mine, now leave me alone.” Scourge laid back down. “So are you the same inside too?” Starscream pestered. “Is this going to take much longer?” Scourge directed his comment to Soundwave. “What?” Soundwave said. “Fixing me!” Scourge said, he balled his hands into fists. “When?” “Oh, I can’t fix you.” Soundwave said. “What?” Scourge sat up. “Then what are you doing?” “This?” Soundwave said. “I’m just messing around. I’m still figuring out what half this stuff does. I majored in engineering and anatomy, not alien biology, which is what most of this crap does.” Scourge groaned and hopped off the table. “Is there somebody not stupid I could get to help me?” He said. “I can’t live the rest of my life looking like that idiot Autobot. I was a respected officer!” “At least you’re still an officer. “Starscream remarked. Scourge, fed up, drew his sword and held it to the back of Soundwave’s neck. “Fix. Me. Now.” He said. “Well if you’re going to be like that,” Soundwave’s voice became high pitched. “I could rebuild you physically. You won’t look like you did before, but…” “Whatever.” Scourge said. “Just do your best, or I’ll do my worst.” He pushed his blade off of Soundwave, who rubbed his neck. “One new body, coming up…” He squeaked. ------ “I’m so tired of this!” Optimus said, frustrated. “All we ever do is get beat up or robbed! And now there’s an evil me running around with a damn broadsword, and Shockwave, literally the hardest son of a glitch this side of hard, is back, brand new and probably still mad as all hell.” “What’s it matter to you?” Botanica said. “I’m the one he wants to kill. You don’t see me crying.” “I just feel like…” Optimus sighed. “Like we’re going to be at this forever.” He looked back to his fellow Autobots, they sat in front of their log mill. Jetfire stood across the stream, looking off into the distance. “Then let’s do something!” Ironhide said. If you’re that worried why don’t we attack or something?” “With what?” Road Rage said. “Did we suddenly become really awesome between now and the Sahara and I just missed it?” “We couldn’t even handle that new guy alone…” Optimus said. “You know what’d be awesome…” Ironhide said. “If we had a SPACE SHIP to fight them with. Remind me again why we didn’t use it to go after the pod?” “I told you,” Botanica said, frustration attacking her as well. “They stripped the engines, it can only fly with manoeuvring thrusters. There’s no way it could go that fast. I’d fix them, but we don’t have any parts!” Botanica crossed her arms and pouted. “I hope those idiots burn themselves on my quantum heaters.” “You know what might have parts?” Road Rage said. “I hate myself for saying this, but that underground lab place that’s underground!” “Hey,” Optimus said. “That’s not a bad idea. In fact-” “That’s smart as crap!” Ironhide said. “Why didn’t we think us this before?” “Because you’re all stupid.” Jetfire said before going back to idly staring off into space. The Autobots were about to contest that notion, but one by own agreed that was kinda dumb. “Whatever,” Optimus said. “We know now, so let’s hop to it.” He rubbed his hands together. “It’s time we cleaned out the basement.” Everyone rolled their eyes. Botanica and Road Rage entered the mill. They carefully revealed the secret entrance and stared into the black. “I really don’t want to go down there again.” Road Rage said. “It’s dark and really, really big. And what if there’s possums down there?” Optimus ran up to her and covered Road Rage’s mouth, shushing her. “Don’t say that ‘P’ word!” He said. Optimus leaned in uncomfortably close. “That’s what summons them.” He whispered, handing her his tow cable. Botanica rolled her eyes. “Possums, possums, possums. See?” She said. Optimus covered his ears. She again rolled her eyes. “ Let’s go.” Road Rage tied Optimus’ towing line around her waist and repelled down the hole, Botanica slithering down after. “That’s so creepy.” Optimus said. “I think it’s cool.” Ironhide said. “I wish I could do that.” Ironhide wriggled and waved his arms. As Road Rage hit the bottom she turned on her lights and untied the line. Botanica plopped next to her, and the two began their adventure into the darkness. The ceiling meant Botanica had to crouch, but Road Rage was free to scout around unimpeded. Door the long concrete corridor they went, through the jammed open bulkhead and into the laboratories. They passed tiny desks, tables with spread out papers. No computers, no real expensive equipement. No large machines. Nothing useful. “Y’know,” Road Rage said. “If this ceiling was a little higher this space would be great for our dodge ball matches.” Botanica ignored the comment, instead focusing on a large hatch at the far side of the room. It was very wide and decorated with liens of black and yellow stripes. “Have you seen this?” Botanica said. Road Rage caught up and looked at it. “I don’t remember this…” She said. “Then again I don’t know what this is.” “I think it’s a door.” Botanica said. “It’s pretty wide, so I bet it’s used for vehicle transport.” She felt for a seam, her sensitive fingertips analysed every crease and imperfection as she dragged them across. “Here.” Botanica slipped the finger tips of all four of her arms into the seam and pulled. The door creaked, but eventually popped open slightly. Road Rage grabbed one side and Botanica took the other, and together they pulled. The door let out a hiss as outside air rushed from the surface all the way through the labs to this one spot. The two got it open enough, and were stunned by what awaited them. Road Rage covered her mouth, Botanica glared. Skeletons. Dozens of human skeletons alongside wrecked vehicles littered the long, wide interior roadway. Some were propped up against the door, some just laying on the ground. A crashed jeep lay overturned not far from the door, other vehicles were abandoned or crashed into the walls. “What is this place?” Road Rage asked. “I’m not sure.” She said. She transformed to her hybrid car mode and drove down the tunnel, carefully avoiding the remains of humans and transports. Road Rage followed on foot. They continued down the tunnel as it curved then forked. Another jammed bulkhead separated their section from another, and they drove ahead. Lit only by their headlights, they made it into another room. Transforming, they attempted to light the room with their high beams, to little success. “Too big.” Botanica said. “Look for a fuse box or something.” They turned back to the wall they entered from and searched. Botanica came across a small box with a tiny painted electrical warning. She opened it, and with the lightest of jolts from her hip cannons was able to spark it back to life. Overhead lights crackled on. The room was positively cavernous, rivalling even the Decepticon’s mountain interior. Unlike the section near the surface, plenty of abandoned equipement remained. The bulk of it’s massiveness descended downward via a series of ramps. They tow made their way down. They passed yet another petrified skeleton, still propped against a railing. “What could have happened here?” Road Rage asked. “It looks like they were all running away.” “Something devastating enough to kill humans,” Botanica said. “But leaves the facility almost untouched?” “Maybe it’s that?” Road rage pointed to a giant-sized version of the bulkhead’s they’d encountered, only this one was melted clean through to the ground. “We’re not going in there, are we?” “No.” Botanica said. “Not alone. Whatever caused this has been trapped down here. I’m not taking any chances it’s something we can’t handle.” Botanica and Road Rage quickly transformed and sped off, the screech of their tires echoing in the vast interior. ------ Starscream waited outside Shockwave’s old lab. He literally had nothing better to do but wait. Inside Soundwave was helping Scourge rebuild himself. Starscream had offered his help, but after the fourth time of dropping the replacement parts on Scourge’s foot he was forcefully ejected from the lab. And so he waited. He took the moment to reflect. Reflect on how his purpose in life, how he’d gotten here, and the great question of why? And if Megatron would let him play with the driller if he asked, or would he have to do something? Starscream’s four eyes began to sag as he began to nod off from boredom. His leisure was interrupted by the door opening. Standing in the threshold was a tall, bulky robot. His shoulders were broad and angular. His wrists were adorned with swept back spikes. He was clad nearly entirely in black with few teal highlights along is body. Two red eyes were all that were exposed behind a mouth-covering angled faceplate. The ears on his head now swept back, pointed and angled like the rest of him. He only barely resembled Optimus anymore. “Wow.” Starscream said. “Not-Optimus cleans up pretty good.” Scourge didn’t laugh, instead he forcefully pushed past Starscream as he walked down the corridor. He exited the bunker into the cavern where Megatron and Strika conversed. “…And now he has the capacity to locate it all by himself, and he-” Megatron stopped at the sight of Scourge. “My my, aren’t you dapper.” Scourge bowed. “Thank you, my lord.” He said. “I do not wish to interrupt, however I wanted to inform you that I am ready and eager to bring the fight to the enemy.” “Very well.” Megatron said. “Have fun.” Scourge looked confused. “I’m sorry, my lord?” Scourge said. “You will… not accompany me?” Megatron turned to Scourge, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Your reputation speaks for you, my friend.” Megatron said. “Scourge the tracker. I’d only slow you down. However you are not to go alone. You may choose any of my troops to accompany you.” Megatron nodded as he walked past Scourge and into the bunker. Scourge looked back over his shoulder to Starscream and Soundwave who waved. He winced, then looked to Strika. “Are you an idiot, too?” He said dryly. “No.” Strika said. Scourge nodded his head towards the exit tunnel, and the two transformed and left. Starscream and Soundwave remained by the bunker door. “He just called us idiots!” Starscream said. “Yeah,” Soundwave replied. “Why didn’t you say something if you‘re so offended?” “Because I like my head right where it is.” Starscream said. “It give me security.” “Shut up.” Soundwave went back into the bunker. Starscream waited a moment. “You didn’t say anything either, you know…”

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